Back in the saddle
This flu bug still has me off my feet, but I’ve decided to get back to work anyway. As I see it, it’s the smart thing to do because a) I’d be pushing my luck if I imposed on my great guest-posters even more; and b) I’ve been bored out of my skull.
I want to extend my sincere thanks to Steve M. from No More Mister Nice Blog, Ron Chusid from Liberal Values, and dnA from Too Sense, each of whom did a terrific job in my absence. They all came through for me on short notice, and despite some unexpected technical troubles yesterday, kept the site running strong. They all have great content on a daily basis on their own blogs, so be sure to check ’em out.
I may not be able to keep up my usual posting pace today, but I’m going to give it a shot. And now, back to the news….
John Sorenson
says:Welcome back Steve, you were missed.
says:Good to have you back CB. Of course, it’s not the same around here without ya.
Hope you’re feeling better soon!
says:Welcome back and take it easy. Remember, lots of fluids and if I could attach some chicken noodle soup I would. Great to have you back and Mucho Gracias! to your guest posters…
says:Welcome back Steve!
says:It’s great to have you back!
says:I take this stuff when I get the flu, and it speeds up the recovery:
Other than that, lots and lots of liquids.
Tom Bisson
says:The flu is definitely widespread right now. Glad you’re better.
I must tell you, I have tried to read other blog sites but yours is the best. The layout is uncluttered and the writing is informed without being imflammatory. You do a good job of feeding your readers without giving them red meat.
says:Glad you are on the mend.
By the way, is Mike Gravel still running?
says:Welcome back CB. I hope Mrs. CB is also doing well and if she has not had the flu, remains untouched by it. Get your rest, though, and as TR says, lots of liquids.
says:Good to hear that you are recovering.
Hey, how about those elections in Pakistan, eh?
says:Sure am glad you’re back. Best blog going! Hope you’re feeling 100% very soon.
says:Welcome back.
says:Welcome back; take your time. I stayed up to see the Hawaii results, so a nice, slow day is in order for me.
Oh…wait. Does that sound too “do-it-for-me/Hillary-ish?” I need another pot of tea….
Ed Stephan
says:Vote early. Vote often. Get well soon. Welcome back. Yes we can.
says:Hope you’re feeling better, Steve. You’re an integral part of my day!
says:Welcome back, Steve.
says:Glad to see your
back on your feetback at your keyboard. I had the flu Superbowl weekend and spent all day Sunday in bed in a room with a 13 inch tv without cable, so I watched 7 hours of static laden pregame programming.Trust me: a fever combined with Terry Bradshaw and Ryan Seacrest makes for some interesting delusions. I don’t recommend it.
says:I’m not sure who suffered more, you with the flu or us without you at your blog. There just isn’t another place on the web like yours. Hope the drugs are working.
says:Welcome back, Steve!!! I had no idea how much I depend on your blog for political news until you were gone. Other blogs just aren’t the same. 😉 Thanks for coming back early, hope you feel better soon.
says:Welcome back. You choose some good guest bloggers. I will be reading their blogs now too.
Iowa Victory Gardener
says:Glad to see you back, CB! Just take it easy so you don’t relapse or get sicker. Pace yourself well and don’t overdo it. We will survive if you don’t keep up with your regular (frenetic) pace of posting. Keep Mrs. CB flu free as well … a house full of sickies is no fun! (We’ve had that situation a couple of times this winter, and it’s better not being sick!)
Yeah, as #8 said, what about Gravel? 🙂
says:Welcome back and good health to you. (Begin BS) Everyone was well behaved while you were away. (End BS)
says:Good to have you back, Steve. Take it slow – don’t make Mrs. Carpetbagger yell at you to take a rest break, etc. 😉
says:Sorry I didn’t post this for you earlier, but for future reference:
J Int Med Res 2004;32(2):132-140
Randomized Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Elderberry Extract in the Treatment of Influenza A and B Virus Infections
Elderberry has been used in folk medicine for centuries to treat influenza, colds and sinusitis, and has been reported to have antiviral activity against influenza and herpes simplex. We investigated the efficacy and safety of oral elderberry syrup for treating influenza A and B infections. Sixty patients (aged 18 – 54 years) suffering from influenza-like symptoms for 48 h or less were enrolled in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study during the influenza season of 1999 – 2000 in Norway. Patients received 15 ml of elderberry or placebo syrup four times a day for 5 days, and recorded their symptoms using a visual analogue scale. Symptoms were relieved on average 4 days earlier and use of rescue medication was significantly less in those receiving elderberry extract compared with placebo. Elderberry extract seems to offer an efficient, safe and cost-effective treatment for influenza. These findings need to be confirmed in a larger study.
I’ve been using this for several years now, and have distinctly had the impression that several times I have started to get the flu from a daughter and that it has been pushed back in 24 hours. Once I got the flu and used this and within 5 days was completely recovered, including no longer coughing — normally it takes me months to stop coughing.
So FYI….
(Hope you’re feeling better soon.)
says:Good to see you back, but take it easy, Steve. If you make yourself sick with overwork, you’ll make nobody happy (and I’ll tell on you to your Mama, too). There just isn’t a better blog than the one you keep (with Mrs Carpetbagger’s hep) and I’d hate to have to miss you long term.
says:Glad to see that you’re back.
says:Welcome back Mr. Carpetbagger. Extend our thanks to the guest posters; it wasn’t the same wihtout you, but it would have been even worse with no postings.