Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
So, who is “The Carpetbagger”?
My name is Steve Benen. I’m a freelance writer, researcher, and political consultant, working in politics in one capacity or another for about 10 years. My articles and op-eds have appeared in a variety of publications, including Washington Monthly, The American Prospect, The Gadflyer, and Church & State. I’ve also been a guest on several radio programs, including NPR’s “Talk of the Nation,” Air America Radio’s “Sam Seder Show,” Air America Radio’s “The Rachel Maddow Show,” and XM Radio’s “POTUS ’08.” In addition to The Carpetbagger Report, I’m the former lead editor of’s Blog Report, and have been a contributor to Talking Points Memo, Washington Monthly, The American Prospect, the Huffington Post, the Guardian, Crooks & Liars,’s War Room, AlterNet, Political Wire, and Seven Days.
Is there a fascinating story as to how you chose the name of this blog?
I’m afraid the explanation isn’t as entertaining a story as I’d like. In historical terms, I’ve taken the opposite of the traditional carpetbagger route — I was born and raised in the south (Miami, Fla.), moved to DC for seven years, and then ended up in New England. I’m in an area where you’re considered an outsider unless your grandparents were born locally, so the “carpetbagger” nickname just kind of stuck. That, and from a marketing perspective, it seemed to be a memorable enough name to help the blog community keep track of who I am. There are just too many Steves out there in the ‘sphere already (Soto, Gilliard, Clemons…).
What’s your professional background?
After getting my Master’s at GW, I worked as an intern at the Clinton White House’s Office of Speechwriting. From there I began writing campaign direct mail pieces for a major Democratic consulting firm. In 1996, I served as the communications director for an unsuccessful congressional campaign in Pennsylvania. Shortly thereafter, I joined the communications department at Americans United for Separation of Church and State, where I worked until 2002. I’ve been doing freelance writing and consulting ever since.
Didn’t you blog anonymously?
When I started the site, there were some potential clients that I didn’t want to offend. I used a pseudonym to maintain some anonymity.
How many people write for The Carpetbagger Report?
It’s just me.
If you’re a freelancer, can I pay you huge sums of money to write for me?
Why sure you can. I’m also available for weddings, parties, and bar mitzvahs.
I don’t want to hire you, but I’d still like to give you huge sums of money to support your work.
I’m delighted to hear that. I’ve set up two links on the homepage so that generous readers can donate to the site through or PayPal.
If I ask nicely, will you add my site to your blogroll?
As James Wolcott once wrote, “To you it’s a blogroll; to me, it’s a sacred trust.” I appreciate it when people let me know about their blogs, so feel free to give me a heads-up, but no promises.
I’m a conservative Republican who disagrees with everything you write. Can I contact you to begin a lengthy debate?
For the love of God, no. I appreciate spirited discourse as much as the next guy, but I’m afraid I’m not looking for a debate opponent right now.
What can I assume about your beliefs when you don’t write about an issue?
Absolutely nothing. Sometimes I don’t have anything specific to say about an issue, other times I see other bloggers covering a matter so thoroughly I don’t have anything to add, and occasionally I just don’t have time. But please don’t assume anything about my perspective just because I fail to comment on a given controversy.
I wrote you an email but you didn’t reply.
Yeah, sorry about that. I read every email I receive, but sometimes I fall behind on responding. It’s not personal.
What if I want to listen to you on the radio?
You’re in luck. In addition to occasional appearances on Air America Radio, I appear every Friday morning on XM Radio. I also co-host a show on Sunday afternoons called, “Poli-Sci-Fi Radio.”
What is your comments policy?
I reserve the right to delete any post and/or block any commenter. Those who add remarks that I find abusive, antagonistic, insulting, offensive, threatening, or even just annoying, are not welcome. Moreover, this comment policy may be revised in part or in full at any time.
In addition, all comments must comport with applicable state and federal laws. The Carpetbagger Report has no obligation to monitor, edit, censor, or take responsibility for comments. It may or may not act upon a violation of its comment policy once a suspected violation has been brought to its attention. Therefore, commenters are solely responsible for the content of their comments and should ensure that that their comments are lawful and fall within the stated guidelines of both The Carpetbagger Report and its hosting company. The Carpetbagger Report is not be responsible for injury or liability to any reader or commenter resulting from its own communications or those of commenters, that may be offensive, misleading, inaccurate, illegal, or otherwise unsuitable in the view of the reader. Readers and commenters further agree to indemnify and hold harmless The Carpetbagger Report from claims resulting from the use of any material appearing on The Carpetbagger Report which damages the reader, commenter or any other party. The Carpetbagger Report is not responsible for and might disagree with material posted in the comments section. This is an opinion site. The material posted by The Carpetbagger Report or left in the comments section may or may not be accurate.
If you delete or block commenters, isn’t that censorship?
Not at all. Bandwidth is expensive and I am under no obligation, financial or otherwise, to publish the remarks of those with whom I disagree. The right of those who disagree with me to speak freely is unabridged — they can speak their mind, but not necessarily on my privately-financed website.
Anything else?
The Carpetbagger Report is a project of Carpetbagger Media, LLC.