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Author: Carpetbagger


Thursday’s campaign round-up

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Today’s installment of campaign-related news items that wouldn’t generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to political observers: * In a new mailer, the AFL-CIO is going after John McCain’s wealth: “McCain’s worth over $100 million,” the mailer reads. “He owns 10 houses…he flies around on a $12.6 million corporate jet…he […]


Corsi faces immediate, organized push-back on Obama smear

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Following up on yesterday’s item, Jerome Corsi, best known for the discredited “Unfit for Command” hatchet-job against John Kerry four years ago, is back with yet another smear/book against Barack Obama, called “The Obama Nation.” Unlike four years ago, Corsi’s malicious distortions are being met with immediate resistance. Last night on CNN’s “Larry King Live,” […]


This … is CNN

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CNN continues to add to its team of political commentators, and announced five new members of the team yesterday. Atrios posted the press release, which touted the network adding “five more top political reporters and commentators to its deep bench of political contributors and analysts.” * David Brody, senior national correspondent for the Christian Broadcasting […]


Klein points to ‘evidence of a severe character defect’

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Yesterday, we talked about John McCain losing the NYT’s Thomas Friedman, thanks to a series of utterly ridiculous energy-policy proposals. Today, let’s look at John McCain losing Time’s Joe Klein. I’ve teased Klein a bit for misjudging McCain. After all, as recently as April, Klein predicted that McCain would avoid the cheap and pathetic style […]


‘Nations don’t invade other nations’ (some restrictions may apply)

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John McCain has an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal today, and the very first sentence reads, “For anyone who thought that stark international aggression was a thing of the past, the last week must have come as a startling wake-up call.” I can appreciate how awkward it must be for guys like McCain to […]


Presumptuous Republican nominee sends campaign surrogates to Georgia

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When Barack Obama traveled overseas recently, and drew criticism for appearing “presumptuous,” Obama emphasized his belief that we “only have one president at a time.” It’s a point John McCain may have forgotten. At a press conference [yesterday afternoon], John McCain redoubled his efforts to thrust himself into a leadership role on the Russia-Georgia crisis […]


Wednesday’s Mini-Report

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Today’s edition of quick hits. * The networks are reporting that Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman Bill Gwatney died this afternoon in a Little Rock hospital. * About that cease-fire: “A column of Russian armor and troops moved deeper into Georgian territory on Wednesday in apparent violation of a new cease-fire agreement, according to Georgian officials […]


McCain’s ‘lobbyist problem’ manages to get worse

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There were a couple of weeks in May that were rather embarrassing for the McCain campaign. The presumptive Republican nominee had developed a reputation as a politician who had little use for high-priced DC lobbyists, but it quickly became obvious that his entire campaign operation was being run by … high-priced DC lobbyists. In one […]


Arkansas Democratic Party chairman shot, in critical condition

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We don’t know the motive, but we do know the chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party was shot in his office today, and is in a Little Rock hospital in critical condition. The gunman asked to speak to the party chairman, Bill Gwatney, and fired three shots at the office near the state Capitol. “He […]