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Author: Carpetbagger


Re-redistricting heats up in Georgia … and a few Blue states

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Last week, Georgia Republicans had to hit the breaks on its re-redistricting scheme when they realized different factions within the party had significantly different ideas about how the new map’s lines would be drawn. This week, those differences have been smoothed over and they’re moving full steam ahead. The long and the short of it […]


Bush’s science advisor goes off message

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I suspect it’s hard enough to advise this president about matters of science, but John Marburger’s job probably got harder last week after he strayed from the official GOP line on evolutionary biology. As my friend Peter R. reminded me yesterday, Chris Mooney caught Bush’s science advisor offering a surprisingly candid assessment about politicized science […]


Backing a judicial nominee <i>because</i> of his record of bias and activism

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Last week, it seemed the White House and Senate Republicans had settled on a new strategy when it comes to controversial judicial nominees: start with the least offensive and see what happens. GOP sources said Judiciary Chairman Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) has told colleagues he would like to select one of the least controversial nominees […]


No more executing minors

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For those who hadn’t heard, good news from the Supreme Court this morning. The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the Constitution forbids the execution of killers who were under 18 when they committed their crimes, ending a practice used in Virginia and 18 other states. The 5-4 decision throws out the death sentences of about […]


Nuclear Option Watch — The evolution of opposition

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Because I’ve been doing my level best to count heads on the possibility of the Senate GOP successfully pulling off the “nuclear option,” I’ve been watching Arlen Specter closely. If the Republicans are going to get 51 votes on this, they’ll desperately need Specter. With this in mind, it’s been surprisingly entertaining to see the […]


David Barton is not a historian

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The New York Times ran an interesting item yesterday on the efforts of some religious conservatives to use revisionist history to advance their political agenda (i.e. — more government sponsorship of their theological beliefs). It holds special relevance in light of the Supreme Court’s work this week on state-endorsed Ten Commandments displays. The NYT piece […]


At least one House Republican is taking on Bush over stem-cell research

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In 2001, Bush unveiled his “compromise” policy on stem-cell research, which amounted to severe restrictions on federally-funded research. From the start, it was a dishonest (and heartless) policy, predicated on researching more stem-cell “lines” than actually existed at the time. The entire cynical mess was incoherent, contradictory, and a slap to the face of anyone […]