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Author: Carpetbagger


Telling the right what it wants to hear

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By now, most of you have no doubt seen the truly unbelievable quote from Rep. Chris Cox (R-Calif.) on WMD in Iraq. “America’s Operation Iraqi Freedom is still producing shock and awe, this time among the blame-America-first crowd,” he crowed. Then he said, “We continue to discover biological and chemical weapons and facilities to make […]


Republican senator seeks revenge against environmental groups

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If there’s an explanation for this kind of abuse of power, I’d love to hear it. The chairman of a Senate committee that oversees environmental issues has directed two national organizations that oppose President Bush’s major clean-air initiative to turn over their financial and tax records to the Senate. Sen. James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.), who […]


Bush’s Paula Jones

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Doug Wead’s pre-presidential conversations with George W. Bush offer any number of interesting angles, but the story that’s getting the most play — Bush apparently smoked marijuana — seems the least interesting. The fact that a guy with a substance abuse problem in the ’60s and ’70s used pot is hardly a shocking development. Instead, […]


This Week’s ‘Well, Duh Award’…The Envelope Please

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Posted by Morbo David Kuo spent three years working in the White House as deputy director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. Something just dawned on him: The Republicans don’t really care about helping the poor! Apparently, Kuo showed up at the Bush White House — after falling off a turnip truck, no […]


The Property Tax: As Good As Sliced Bread — And Maybe Even Better

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Posted by Morbo Let’s say you’re in the market for a new stereo. You could go out and buy the cheapest thing you can find. Chances are, however, you won’t enjoy your purchase. It probably won’t sound good and will break down within a year. If you spend more money, you’ll get much better quality […]


Sarbanes-Oxley — for the Bush administration

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Edward Lazarus has an idea that I can enthusiastically support. In fact, I’m disappointed I didn’t come up with the idea sooner. Imagine that a large multinational company, in a document filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, takes a $400 million charge against earnings, representing the cost of a new service that the company […]


A good week for the DSCC

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Senate Dems are facing a 55-45 GOP majority and a midterm election that’s still 21 months away. On the other hand, this has been a surprisingly good week. A combination of polls in key states, potential Republican challengers opting not to run and Democratic incumbents deciding to run for re-election have complicated the Republican 2006 […]


Repealing the 22nd Amendment

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I know this probably isn’t going anywhere, but it’s good to see the discussion unfold anyway. House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) introduced bipartisan legislation today to repeal the 22nd amendment, which states that “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice.” Representatives Berman (D-CA), Pallone (D-NJ), Sabo […]