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Author: Carpetbagger


One side is talking about reducing abortions — and it’s not the Republicans

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It’s been about a week since NARAL Pro-Choice America offered a bold challenge to abortion-rights opponents — let’s reduce abortions by focusing on prevention. [W]e should agree on an equally fundamental point: America would be a better country if no woman ever faced the difficult choices posed by an unintended pregnancy. What better way to […]


Jumping the shark in New Hampshire

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You may have seen this elsewhere, but it’s just too hilarious not to mention. For President Bush, Social Security reform tops a busy second-term agenda, but yesterday’s stop on his campaign-style reform push brought little more than a collective ho-hum from Granite Staters. White House aides collected empty chairs in an echoing Pease International Tradeport […]


Obstructionism continues to be underrated

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To hear congressional Republicans tell it, Americans are practically desperate to see congressional Dems line up behind the GOP agenda. “Obstructionism,” they say, will cost Dems dearly. They continue to be wrong. A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll (.pdf) shows, once again, that the public wants Dems to stand up to Bush, even if that […]


Back to bed

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I was planning to try BWS (blogging while sick), but it’s just not going to work out today. Sorry. Check back tomorrow for plenty of long-winded tirades for your reading pleasure.


Sending Dean into the lion’s den

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Howard Dean, to his credit, has made party outreach to faith communities a priority for the DNC. The day before he was elected chair of the Democratic National Committee last week, Dean went to the leaders of different Democratic constituencies outlining an approach that will emphasize outreach to evangelicals and people of other faiths. His […]


You can’t say they’re not responsive

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Amy Sullivan wrote one of the more important articles of the post-election season for the January/February issue of the Washington Monthly on the Dems’ chronic and systemic problem with party consultants. Since their devastating loss last fall, Democrats have cast about for reasons why their party has come up short three election cycles in a […]


Just when you thought the Washington Times couldn’t get any lower…

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Considering that the ultra-conservative Washington Times is a conservative propaganda machine owned by a crazed Korean cult leader, I had assumed that there was very little this “newspaper” could do to surprise me. I stand corrected. Marian Kester Coombs is a woman who believes America has become a “den of iniquity” thanks to “its efforts […]