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Category: General


McCain campaign manager was for McCain’s record before he was against it

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Of all the various interviews on the Sunday morning shows, McCain campaign manager Rick Davis’ appearance on “Fox News Sunday” was likely to be the least interesting. The head of the Republican campaign on the Republican network? Not exactly must-see TV. But FNC’s Chris Wallace was actually at the top of his game yesterday, and […]


‘Definitely there has to be a very clear timeline’

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It’s likely that the White House and the McCain campaign will call this a transcription error, or insist that Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari didn’t really mean what he said, or perhaps even parse the meaning of the word “timeline,” but for the rest of us, we now have yet another top Iraqi official demanding […]


Civility and honesty in a presidential campaign — with or without town-hall events

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Four days ago, the WaPo’s David Broder argued very awkwardly that “the tone and direction” of the presidential campaign has been needlessly hostile, and attributed it to the lack of debates between John McCain and Barack Obama. “Since the idea of joint town meetings was scrapped, the campaign has featured tough and often negative ads […]


War, schmar, there’s Edwards gossip to obsess over

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Media interest in John Edwards’ adultery controversy is probably inevitable. He’s not a sitting lawmaker or candidate for anything anymore, but he’s a well-known political figure caught up in a sex scandal. News outlets are going to cover this; it’s unavoidable. But some reporters want to keep the story in perspective, and want cable news […]


Russia, Georgia, and McCain’s reckless belligerence

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With the conflict between Russia and Georgia moving “toward full-scale war,” even those of us who follow the news closely might pause and think, “Now, what’s that conflict about again?” The NYT’s James Traub wrote a very helpful piece today offering plenty of background and history to explain the context for the violence, and why […]