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Category: General


Bush’s record on domestic security is unforgivable

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On Meet the Press yesterday, Mary Matalin, Republican strategist and all-around Bush fan, just finished listening to James Carville, her husband, explain that Bush’s foreign policy “has not enhanced American prestige and American standing around the world.” Her response was simple and direct. “[I]t would be nice if everybody liked us, but it’s more important […]


Two interesting pseudo-endorsements over the weekend

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John Kerry and Wesley Clark got some very strong words of encouragement over the weekend from two fairly unlikely sources. First up was Clark getting support from the most important Democrat in the land: Bill Clinton. Clinton, who has said very little about specific Democratic presidential candidates, rarely even mentioning one by name for fear […]


Bill Frist endorses constitutional amendment banning gay marriages

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The Supreme Court’s ruling striking down a law criminalizing gay sex seems like a no-brainer to most of us. Texas, among 12 other states, had made it a crime for gay couples to have sex. The high court struck down the law, concluding that it violated citizens’ right to privacy. For most of us, why […]


I sure hope <i>someone</i> is looking for those WMD in Iraq

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I noticed that blogger Daily Kos has alerted his readers to this gem from the current issue of Time: “Meeting last month at a sweltering U.S. base outside Doha, Qatar, with his top Iraq commanders, President Bush skipped quickly past the niceties and went straight to his chief political obsession: Where are the weapons of […]


Bush’s money machine

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It’s a shame when I end the week’s posts on a negative note, but today’s must-read article happens to be pretty depressing. While nine Democratic presidential candidates battle one another for every available fundraising penny, Bush is cruising the country building an unprecedented war chest. With the second quarter FEC reports due Monday, speculation is […]


Move Primary results

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Well, the results are in and they aren’t terribly surprising. Move has published the results of its online primary, which has garnered remarkable media attention, and candidates finished more or less the way everyone expected. A total of 317,647 people voted, which, as Move On organizers noted, is larger than the combined vote totals […]


Is Bush hearing voices?

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I noticed that a blog called Zeitblog has linked to an interesting article in Haaretz, an Israeli newspaper, with one fascinating quote. The article is primarily about Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas and his efforts to deal with Hamas, but that’s not the interesting part (well, it is interesting, but it isn’t the part I […]