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Category: General


Tucker Carlson is about to discover his sole

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The publishing industry had every reason to believe that Hillary Clinton’s new book, Living History, would be a big success. Clinton’s publisher, Simon & Schuster, was so confident in the book’s success, they gave her an extraordinary $8 million advance, which was a considerable gamble considering the market for political memoirs. Tucker Carlson, one of […]


David Obey tests GOP commitment to veterans’ benefits

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When it comes to the military, Republicans in general, and Bush in particular, feel invincible. They, like everyone else, can read the polls that show a huge discrepancy between Democrats and Republicans on the issue among voters. But a handful of Dems, most notably Rep. David Obey (D-Wis.), believe they have found a chink in […]


And getting back to that fiasco in Texas…

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Just when you thought it was safe to return to The Carpetbagger Report without having to read about the Texas fiasco in which Democratic lawmakers fled to Oklahoma to ruin Tom DeLay redistricting scheme, it’s back. (Quit complaining; I haven’t even mentioned it since May 27.) Yesterday, a report from the Department of Homeland Security’s […]


Howard Dean’s ‘evolving’ position on the death penalty

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Over time, reasonable people can change their opinions about issues. If sincere, there’s nothing wrong with this. I, for example, once thought Howard Dean made a compelling presidential candidate. I’ve since changed my mind. But speaking of the good doctor, Dean admitted a few days ago that his opinion about the death penalty has “evolved” […]


National security aide says Bush administration ‘wasn’t matching deeds with words’

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In the months since the war in Iraq ended, the Bush administration has seen a number of defense and intelligence officials accuse the White House of several misdeeds: exaggerating the Iraqi threat, pressuring CIA officials to produce politically-expedient results, “hyping” Saddam Hussein’s WMD arsenal, and lying about connections between Iraq and al Queda. For a […]


Wesley Clark moves one big step closer to a presidential candidacy

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Retired Gen. Wesley Clark has been an on-again, off-again presidential candidate for a few months, as I’ve mentioned before. Yesterday on Meet the Press, however, he looked and sounded a lot like a man preparing to throw his hat in the ring. The former supreme allied commander for NATO and Rhodes’ scholar was making his […]


Yeah, about those bio weapons labs…

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Just three weeks ago, Bush made international headlines for boasting that U.S. forces had found two trailers that the administration was convinced were used by the Iraqis as mobile biological weapons labs. Bush even chided his critics after the discovery, saying, “[F]or those who say we haven’t found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, […]


Kerry is no Dukakis

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Did everyone catch yesterday’s episode of This Week with George Stephanopoulos? If you missed it, you missed some fun behind-the-scenes footage of a day in the life of a presidential candidate. Yesterday was the first installment of what Stephanopoulos hopes will be a regular series. First up: John Kerry. Kerry did not have the best […]


How important is Dean’s success in Wisconsin?

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Howard Dean had a big weekend, highlighted by winning a largely meaningless “straw poll” at the Wisconsin state party annual convention in Milwaukee. It’s meaningless because it wasn’t a legitimate, scientific poll of party activists — participants had to pay $20 just to register their “vote.” The straw poll wasn’t even officially sanctioned by the […]