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Category: General


Bush’s Surgeon General supports a total ban on tobacco products

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I have to admit I was shocked that Richard Carmona, Bush’s surgeon general, told a House panel Tuesday that he would “support…banning or abolishing tobacco products.” That’s pretty strong stuff. Even anti-tobacco folks rarely call for a complete prohibition on these products, preferring to lobby for strict limits on marketing and sales to minors. The […]


TSA hasn’t been doing criminal background checks on airport security personnel

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In case your confidence in our nation’s airport security couldn’t get much worse, I wanted to seal the deal with news from Carpetbagger regular Chief Osceola — who travels quite a bit by plane. It turns out that the federal government, which promised a revamped security system for our nations airports in the wake of […]


Tom DeLay opposes Democratic plan to expand child tax credit

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Here’s a weird switch for you: Democrats in Congress want to offer a generous tax cut to millions of families and Republicans like Tom DeLay are fighting the effort. Yes, you read that right. You’re well aware by now that congressional Republicans, in a last-minute move, altered the $350 billion tax cut plan to limit […]


Bush administration works to stifle Head Start supporters

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There’s an interesting conflict underway between the Bush administration and thousands of teachers and parents who work with Head Start centers across the country. I’m a little surprised it’s not getting more attention; in fact, I hadn’t heard much of anything about it until getting a heads up from Carpetbagger regular Maverick late last week. […]


Bush’s shell game on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction

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The Bush administration and its allies are getting a little anxious about the failure to find the huge arsenal of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction that necessitated a full-scale invasion over two months ago. There are multiple reports from the U.S. and around the world that the Bush administration “grossly manipulated intelligence” in order to […]


When it comes to taxes, Republicans don’t mind leaving the working poor behind

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Let’s take a quick stroll down memory lane and review what George W. Bush thought about tax cuts during the 2000 campaign. On Oct. 17, 2000, during the third Gore-Bush presidential debate, Gore emphasized his desire to cut taxes for the middle-class and the working poor. Bush criticized the approach for playing favorites among taxpayers […]


Disturbing reactions to Eric Rudolph in North Carolina

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The capture and arrest of Eric Rudolph is unquestionably good news. A fugitive for five years, Rudolph is what can only be described as a terrorist. Rudolph, driven by his hatred of those unlike himself, appears to have detonated bombs at two women’s clinics, a gay nightclub, and the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta. I can’t […]


Could the Democratic presidential field grow to 11?

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Speaking of Democratic presidential candidates (see below), the field of nine could conceivably grow to 11 by the fall. Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.), who indicated a few months ago that he would not run in 2004, began hinting the other way yesterday. Appearing on “Face the Nation,” Biden said he was still considering a run […]