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Category: General


Tax cut bill headed for Bush’s desk, but the price tag is much higher than advertised

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I could write every day about Bush’s tax cut, but I’ve been waiting until the House and Senate agreed on a version of the bill to send to the White House for Bush’s signature. As you’ve probably heard by now, a $350 billion tax cut plan has passed the House and Senate, though it was […]


Texas Tangle is turning into a legitimate scandal

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When I first heard about 53 Democratic lawmakers in the Texas House leaving town to ruin House Majority Leader Tom DeLay’s radical redistricting plan, I thought it was funny. When I heard the GOP majority was trying to arrest the fleeing lawmakers, I thought it was hilarious. Now, however, the consequences of the fiasco are […]


Bush, Democrats, and Weapons of Mass Destruction (or lack thereof)

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I’ve been tempted to write about the lack of discovered weapons of mass destruction in Iraq for a week now, but every time I go to type something, I think, “The day I mock the administration for failing to find WMD is the day the stumble across Saddam’s arsenal.” Nevertheless, I’ve decided to take my […]


Pro-gun Libertarians decry Bush administration’s efforts in Iraq

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Remember the other day when I noted the irony of the Bush administration’s strict new gun policies in Iraq? With tongue planted firmly in cheek, I wondered whether “pro-gun conservatives” would “conclude that Iraqis can never truly be free unless and until the Bush administration’s totalitarian gun control measures are undone.” Of course, I was […]


Journalist crafts simplistic but effective plan to stop Howard Dean’s campaign

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As regular readers may know, I’ve taken a more-than-passive interest in former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean’s presidential campaign. For a number of reasons, I’ve reluctantly come to the conclusion that it’s in everyone’s interests — particularly those of us anxious to replace Bush in 2004 — for Dem primary voters to reject Dean’s candidacy. Dean, […]


Latest poll results on Bush and the Democratic presidential field

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I guess today is poll day at The Carpetbagger Report (see below). A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll was released today with some fresh data about Bush and the Democratic presidential candidates. First, Bush continues to be popular, but his approval ratings are falling. According to the survey, 62 percent of respondents approved of […]


Pennsylvania poll suggests some political fallout for Rick Santorum

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It’s been a while since we talked about our old friend Sen. Rick “Man on Dog” Santorum. With this in mind, I appreciate long-time Carpetbagger friend Chief Osceola for giving me a heads up on the latest news out of the Keystone State. You probably remember that Santorum got into a little trouble last month […]


The Bush administration’s strange approach to the international tobacco treaty

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If I had a lick of sense, I’d be used to the Bush administration trying to undermine international treaties supported by our allies. After all, in just two and a half years, Bush has sent conservative U.S. delegations to world bodies such as the United Nations and World Health Organization to undercut work on children’s […]


Christie Todd Whitman to resign from Bush administration

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I’ve always felt a little sorry for Christie Todd Whitman. A moderate Republican from New Jersey with a strong record on environmental issues, Whitman was a fine choice to head the Environmental Protection Agency in the Bush administration. I’ve felt badly for her, though, because she was the right person for the right job in […]