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Category: General


The Carpetbagger Report’s Democratic Candidate Rankings

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As I promised a couple of weeks ago, I’m starting a new feature today. Between now and the thick of the Democratic primaries in 2004, on the first of every month, I’m going to release my own subjective rankings as to where the Democratic presidential candidates stand against one another. One of my favorite bloggers, […]


A good example of why Dems lose

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Mike Tomasky, a writer at The American Prospect, posted a really fascinating article yesterday about the philosophical and tactical problems that burden the current Democratic Party. I know I toss around the phrase “must read” from time to time, but this is a really good one. Tomasky makes a legitimate observation about current events. The […]


Edwards pulls an anti-Lott regarding Strom Thurmond

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You know, slowly but surely I’m warming up to John Edwards’ presidential candidacy. I’m not prepared to actually commit to voting for him in the primaries, but he’s beginning to look more appealing to me. The North Carolina Senator recently took a mild swipe at Strom Thurmond, a risky move in light of the looming […]


Bush finds it necessary to remind Americans to pray — repeatedly

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In an interview with Tom Brokaw last week, President Bush was asked about the likelihood that Iraqis, when given an opportunity to vote, would choose an Islamic theocracy via the ballot box. Bush responded, “What I would like to see is a government where church and state are separated.” For those of who’ve followed Bush’s […]


Yes, <i>that</i> Jerry Springer

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Senator George Voinovich (R), despite irritating President Bush with a refusal to vote for any tax cut package larger than $350 billion, remains one of the most popular figures in the state of Ohio. He’s the former mayor of Cleveland and was a popular two-term governor before running for the Senate. He easily won his […]


Newsflash: Dean and Kerry still don’t like each other

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I admit it. For a variety of reasons, I’m fixated on the Democratic presidential primary and every incident that shapes it. With this in mind, the Dean vs. Kerry brouhaha that I mentioned yesterday has really captured my attention. Clearly, Dean’s camp is not willing to let this go. Dean said some borderline-dumb things about […]


Bush’s global AIDS initiative comes under fire

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Of all the issues raised in this year’s State of the Union address, Bush sounded genuinely concerned about the global fight against AIDS. “Because the AIDS diagnosis is considered a death sentence, many [in Africa] do not seek treatment,” Bush said. “Almost all who do are turned away. A doctor in rural South Africa describes […]


Howard Dean’s fight against Democratic rivals gets nasty

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A little over a month ago, I noted that Howard Dean was becoming the Democratic candidate the other “top-tier” candidates hated the most. Relations between Dean, John Kerry, and John Edwards grew particularly tense after Dean admittedly misrepresented their remarks about war in Iraq, which Dean later had to apologize for. At the time, I […]


The Bush administration doesn’t deserve Colin Powell

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The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd weighed in on Sunday on one of my favorite topics: the continuing animosity festering between Colin Powell’s State Department and Donald Rumsfeld’s Defense Department. As Dowd, whose biting columns are usually mean but always brilliant, explained about the ongoing feud, battles of State vs. Defense are more than just […]