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Good seats are still available

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John McCain’s appearance at Bush’s Social Security pep rally yesterday in New Mexico generated plenty of attention, but there was a tidbit that shouldn’t get lost in the shuffle.

Unlike most other presidential appearances, the event inside the darkly lit Kiva Auditorium was sparsely attended, with hundreds of empty seats. (emphasis added)

That’s how bad things have become for Bush’s Social Security pitch. The president joined the most popular Republican senator in America, along with local star Pete Domenici, and they still couldn’t fill all the seats. Keep in mind, this is state Bush won last year, many of the seats were probably filled by reporters covering the event, and the tickets were free.

The local chamber of commerce says that Kiva Auditorium only holds 2,350 people, while the NYT reported there were “hundreds” of empty seats. So, while presidential visits usually generate some local excitement, Bush visited New Mexico’s largest city to discuss his signature domestic policy initiative, had a rock-star quality politician by his side, gave away tickets for nothing, and still couldn’t fill a small theater.

It also suggests last month’s embarrassment in New Hampshire wasn’t a fluke. As many of you no doubt recall, Bush visited the Granite State to push his Social Security scheme and held an event in an airport hangar. Only about half of the 2,000 free tickets were taken and the White House advance team had to scurry to collect empty chairs before Bush spoke so as to minimize the humiliation.

Maybe if the White House started allowing Dems, Independents, and other privatization skeptics in to hear the president’s sales pitch, the events might actually draw a crowd. And maybe if Republicans weren’t asked to rehearse their town hall meetings with an advance team to make sure everyone’s “on message,” some of them might show up too. Just a thought.