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More Republicans in Illinois opt out of U.S. Senate race

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As I noted the other day, Republicans in Washington and Illinois are still trying to identify the best candidate to run for the U.S. Senate seat soon to be vacated by incumbent Peter Fitzgerald (R).

The early money was on former Gov. Jim Edgar (R), yet despite heavy lobbying from the White House, he declined. Attention then turned to State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka, Illinois’ only Republican to hold statewide office, but she also said she will not run for the seat. Republican members of Congress including Ray LaHood and Jerry Weller expressed some initial interest, but then both announced they had decided against a Senate campaign.

Yesterday, the GOP’s best remaining hope, former state Attorney General Jim Ryan, was the latest potential candidate to withdraw from consideration.

Aren’t there are any Republicans in Illinois who want to serve in the world’s greatest deliberative body?