Obama campaign unveils new ad, new tagline: ‘Middle Class First’
I think the new Obama campaign ad works pretty well:
It’s another “contrast” ad
, hitting McCain in the first half, touting Obama in the second half. The spot starts out with the image of a hardcover book, “Economics … by John McCain.” Turning the various pages (get it? “turn the page”?), we see various problems with McCain’s economic policies: “Support George Bush 95 percent of the time. Keep spending ten billion dollars a month for the war in Iraq … while the Iraqis sell oil for record prices. Giving Iraq a $79 billion oil surplus … and hurting our economy.”
Then the music shifts: “Barack Obama’s plan: End the war responsibly. Better schools. No more tax breaks for oil companies. Barack Obama … the Middle Class first.”
According to a campaign press release, the ad will run in 16 battleground states, 12 of which supported Bush four years ago.
I like the spot, not just because it emphasizes the economy, but also because it touches on angles that the Obama campaign hasn’t emphasized enough before.
I continue to think, for example, that the more the Obama team argues that McCain voted with Bush 95% of the time, the better. The argument about an Iraqi surplus might be a little complicated for some — I’m not sure if most voters understand what a surplus is — but if people hear that Americans are spending billions on reconstruction in Iraq, while Iraq already has a huge surplus while we have an enormous deficit, I suspect they won’t be happy.
This is, as far as I can recall, the first Obama campaign ad to connect war spending with the health of our economy. It’s a fairly controversial argument, but it’s not too big a stretch for the Obama campaign to argue that it could put those resources to far better use.
But it’s those last three words that stand out: “Middle class first.”
Obama has used the phrase before, but not quite like this. In the ad, it’s a new slogan of sorts, and I think it’s a safe bet we’ll be hearing it again.
Little Dick
says:Crisp, clean, to the point. Concise use of numbers so potential low-info voters can reach a quick conclusion. Hits on a few policy positions and ties into the middle class. Nicely done…..
says:I think Obama should have commercial strictly devoted to McCain being a continuation of Bush. Voice over should stress votes and warlike stance while visuals show McCain, over and over, literally applauding and hugging our Dear Leader. Enough said–for almost any state.
says:I like the slogan. It completely undercut’s McCain’s “Country First” slogan.
The Mrs.
says:I like it. I was hoping Obama would bring up Iraq’s oil surplus and the billions the US spends there. I keep getting the feeling the Obama campaign is holding back, very wisely, and will release the big guns after the conventions. So far I think his campaign has been very smart–they did topple the mightly Clintons, didn’t they? I don’t think we need to worry about this brilliant candidate and his team. Hope I’m not wrong.
says:I think the idea will backfire – first, it’s outright class warfare and will be labeled as such and second, it will resonate terribly with low income voters and those who care about the disadvantaged.
Racer X
says:All he needs to do are these three things:
Tie McCain to Bush.
Tie McCain to Bush.
Tie McCain to Bush.
Rinse and repeat. Hammer it home. The man is no maverick, if he ever was he isn’t now. Show him hugging all over The Worst President Ever. Show him saying he supports Bush more than anyone. Play it again and again and again, in different ways, but always the same message. If you want change, McCain is not your guy.
Let’s see McCain weasel out of that hug and keep his Republican core voters. Can’t be done.
says:the first Obama campaign ad to connect war spending with the health of our economy. It’s a fairly controversial argument,
The way he frames it, high oil prices hurt our economy. While Obama may oversimplify the issue, I think it would be hard to argue against the fact that others including Iraq are benefiting from poor foreign policies including the war.
says:Interesting counterpoint to “Country First”, there seem to be a lot of possibilities with this slogan.
Racer X
says:CB: “I’m not sure if most voters understand what a surplus is”
Since they’ve never seen one, can you blame them?
And no it’s not a surplus if you’re “borrowing” my retirement money.
says:Ghillie (5): it will resonate terribly with low income voters and those who care about the disadvantaged.
The things people will say for a tire gauge.
Racer X
says:I agree with Danp, and would add that the increased cost of capital can be directly tied to the borrowing for war spending. This is a huge drain on us all.
Tom Cleaver
says:As Tom Schaller says today at Salon:
Looking at some of those memos Josh Green obtained, whatever else one wants to say about Mark Penn, a lot of his advice and forecasting were spot-on. He knew what coalition Clinton needed to win. Maybe he didn’t sufficiently anticipate the Obama threat, and maybe he was guarded with information, and on a personal level maybe he is the biggest jerk in the consulting community. But Penn can count. He writes:
Clever negative advertising works. That is reality.
The tactic meets with media and pundit disapproval and spawns accusations of negativity, but the reality is that a clever negative ad can be devastatingly effective …
Obama’s commercials so far have been very positive. He has used advertising mostly to amplify his speeches and some of his programs. And he has a Rubicon to cross: He has presented himself as representing a new politics — uplifting, inspiring and not negatively driven — though he has been willing to go after his opponents sharply on the stump.
Penn is giving good advice when he advises Obama to go negative. Now, Obama needs to be extra careful on attack because, unfairly for him, “angry and/or outraged black man” potentially leads to a different and larger backlash than “angry and/or outraged white man” does — the latter, of course, being the card the conservatives have been playing since, well, the late 1960s. (If Rick Perlstein is right; and methinks he is.)
Americans, or at least that set of swing voters who decide presidential elections, may not always take kindly to unfair fighting or picking fights, but they are almost always turned off by candidates who refuse to fight back when the situation warrants it. That is the most powerful lesson from the failed campaigns of Mike Dukakis, Al Gore and John Kerry. Penn is right: Obama has to take the gloves off at some point.
says:I especially like the word “responsibly” added to the end of “End the war…” No one has ever said, ‘Hey I have a great idea, let’s cut and run from Iraq and end the war irresponsibly’, but that is the laughable Repig assertion. The Iraqis want us out. You ‘liberated’ them bu$h, now get the fuck out. Leave, like you said you would, you lying bastard. Lets put those 10 billion to work to support the backbone, the heart and soul of America: the lives of the middle class, the blue collar workers, and the working poor. But Bu$hCo, Mr. “Culture of Life” wants to put the money to help them die in Iraq and give more tax cuts to the ultra-wealthy and the corporations. Let’s help the middle class to help themselves, and stop the killing. We are so much better than this as a country. How can that idiot son of an asshole look Putin in the eye and tell him “MUST” stop bombing and killing others? Putin spits in your eye. He probably looks at boy-george and thinks “great job getting bin Laden, “heck uva job bu$hie”. Nice work reading that PDB that warned you about the strike on America and taking action to prevent or mitigate it too. You inept simpleton.”
McCain=Bush/Cheney/more of the McSame
Obama= the hope for change, peace, and renewed SHARED prosperity.
Prup (aka Jim Benton)
So far Obama has never run a strictly negative, personal attack ad in this election either aginst Hillary or against McCain, which is the main reason he’s running and Hillary isn’t.
And I’d really like to know from anyone who watched his campaign against Keyes what that was like. Depite the fact that, next to Keyes, McCain is Adlai Stevenson, and that the election was never slightly in doubt, my hunch is that he kept campaigning right until the last day, and never called Keyes the idiot he so plainly is. But can anyone confirm or deny this?
says:Middle Class First? It sounds like the Titanic is sinking and there aren’t enough lifeboats. It sounds strangely divisive to me, but maybe I need to see the add to hear it in context.
The Caped Composer
says:It’s a good ad. I only found one fault with it; the photo on the cover of the imagined hardcover book shows McCain looking serene. If the Obama campaign is trying to make McCain look bad, they should use a picture of him scowling or looking irate.
Other than that, though, it’s pretty solid.
Prup (aka Jim Benton)
says:Tom C:
You know how strongly we disagree on this. Obama is fighting back, and has been, but in the right way. “Going negative” would only legitimize the other side’s negative ads, and would get everyone tuning out both sides.
I’d even have fun arguing the ‘going negative works’ idea. It does, if the candidate is already disliked, or is running as ‘not the other guy’ like too many of our recent candidates have. I don’t recall Bill Clinton (who won, btw, if you don’t remember that) using many negative ads in his campaign. For that matter, I don’t even recall Reagan using many, but that’s long enough ago that I might have forgotten. Certainly his best remembered one “Morning in America” wasn’t.
says:I hope to see more of Obama’s ads. Most of them on TV (Eastern Pa) are for McCain and it is driving me crazy!
says:I don’t think making the argument that the Iraqi occupation damages our economy is a stretch at all. Rather, I would hammer that point home on a daily basis. Put out an ad contrasting the money being spent there, and what that money could do for our people right here at home.
The Iraqi oil surplus is another point to work; in fact that is a gift that keeps on giving. One short ad, with the premise, “Why are we still in Iraq?”. Then point out the Iraqi oil surplus, and the fact that handpicked, connected companies with no-bid contracts are being paid taxpayer money to do work Iraqis should be doing. Then tie in the fact that McCain wants to stay in Iraq indefinately. Why? Perhaps his cronies in industry?
says:I think this is a winning version of classwarfare. Most Americans in the range of $25-250k/yr seem to consider themselves middle class, even though that includes a lot of upper class and lower class people, so putting himself on the side of the majority is good. It shows concern over gas prices and offers a popullist way to soften that disaster. Contra Ghillie, I don’t envisage many people concluding “gee, Obama mentioned helping the middle class but not the lower class, so I’d better vote for McCain.”
says:Hits great points on McCain. I’m not that too concerned about any negative class warfare aspect of it. Overall pretty good.
Racer X
says:Obama needs to be extra careful on attack because, unfairly for him, “angry and/or outraged black man” potentially leads to a different and larger backlash than “angry and/or outraged white man” does
It’s not fair, but who says it will ever be? We need to fight with what we got, not with stuff we don’t have access to. Obama’s going to have to soften McCain up for awhile before he can go right at him. Otherwise the white male reaction will be one of “hey, he’s attacking one of US”, instead of saying “hey, look at that kid go after that Washington asshole”
Racer X
says:adding to citizen_pain’s ad, I would say that the Iraq Civil War will go on for a LONG time, and that the cronies know that, and profit from it as long as we stay in the middle of it.
says:The ideas are important – the war is a drag on the economy and the borrowing is going to hurt for generations. McCain would be Duh-bya’s third term, and depending on who he surrounds himself with, he could be far worse – he clearly has no grasp of facts or detail or memory whatsoever.
But the slogan is divisive (thanks, Jane @15 – you said it better). It also plays to McCain’s label of Obama as anti-patriotic.
Obama needs to tread carefully – to be on the offensive but stick to issues and let McCain’s mindlessly negative onslaught reflect back on him as a ranter with no substance. It worked with Hillary and it can work with McCain – the difference is that Hillary had such high negatives to begin with and McCain has had the image of sliced bread. But the mold is setting in.
says:Not bad. It’s a bit snarky and so is the narrator, but it’s also to the point on the issues. Frankly I’d say it’s a semi-negative ad – but it’s a good one that makes the point.
says:As Evita said, ‘Fuck the middle class’. But hey, whatever gets the bastard elected. Damn, I must be out of kool-aid.
says:In support of Prup, and to send a wakeup call to Armchair Commandos everywhere who think they know better than the Obama campaign how to campaign, I provide the following link:
Al Giordano is almost as full of himself as Keith Olbermann is, but he’s also right (i.e., agrees with me) also almost as often as KO. I highly appreciate the “Chicken Little” mantra he created for Obama supporters who get the vapors every time everything isn’t 100% perfect, and I think his new metaphor will be just as useful.
says:I like the ad.
I am always fascinated by the way Repubs get away with lopping almost 6% off the top marginal tax rate, nearly double the rate cut everyone else got (while increases in the Social Security cap on taxable income ate up most of the income tax rate cut for middle class) but anyone trying to take back that cut, and restore the rate we had in the 90s, is accused of class warfare.
I also think the ad takes the right balance of being aggressive without being negative.
zoe from pittsburgh
says:I think it’s good– although the next ad should have a line or two about how the majority of corporations during the Bush Administration haven’t had to pay ANY federal taxes. The Republicans– inclouding McCain– want to keep the tax burden on the middle class and give major tax breaks to those who need it the least, the rich and corporations.
I know tax policy isn’t sexy BUT it is one of the areas where the two parties differ the most. It’s also an issue people can get pretty pissed about because everyone– unless you’re a big corporation– has to pay Uncle Sam.
Dr. S.R.Keister
says:In N.W. Pennsylvania we are deluged on Tv by either ads, or stupid talking heads, pointing out “that Obama wants to raise your taxes”. As Al Gore points out in “The Assault on Reason” the vast majoroty of Americans watch TV some 4 1/2 hours daily and vote, not on issues nor facts, but on what they see on TV. The Obama campaign must get a concerted response to the false tax issue.
Further it should be stressed that St. John The Bellicose has in his program privitizing social security (seen the stock market recently ?) and continuing the Bush drive to privitize Medicare, as well as a program that indicates that we should all be personally liable for buying our health insurance. Note: the only TV I try and watch is Keith Olbermann.
says:Reference to the Iraq surplus may backfire on him because no one has suggested what Iraq should do with it yet. It was short so too many messages would get lost…the voting with Bush 95% of the time was excellent but should have been re-emphasized and shown as the cause of our current situation.
At best it was just an ok ad. $ signs…more $ signs. How much $ big oil gets in tax breaks…how much $s are we losing in revenue with tax breaks for billionaires.
Also it could have focused on 2/3rds of corporations paying no income tax from 1998-2005 etc.
Show how much the middle class is losing and the burden that is crushing them as the theme.
Good judgment is what experience is “supposed” to lead to otherwise it’s just a reputation that follows you around (like Lieberman). The extremely wealthy support Exxon John because he supports them back.
says:Note: the only TV I try and watch is Keith Olbermann.
Some other excellent TV you might enjoy :
FSTV (Free Speech TV on Dishnetwork)
The DAily Show (Comedy Central)
The Colbert Report (Comedy Central)
Democracy NOW!
The ‘fake’ news on the Comedy channel is better, more informative (broader and deeper) and clearer than anything that the Corporo-Infotainment Propaganda ‘News’ outlets can produce.
says:That’s just copying McCain’s “Country First” ad.
Middle Class First? Yeah, the middle class will be the first to feel the affects of higher taxes and continued dependence on foreign oil.
says:btw…a certain # of campaign ads should be free. It is still our air waves and this is the basis of how our democracy works so it should be a public service instead of increased profiteering for the media.
We’ve allowed the profiteering of the media to make running for office a huge financial burden which results in bargaining for donations. with money being the major influencing factor. This begs for corruption and the MSM is the culprit which enables the corruption by profiteering on our democratic process.
Congress can pass laws requiring campaign ad time be without charge as a public service.
I compare it to congress being charged $1000 dollars to cast a vote on legislation (depending on state size) by the makers of their computers. It’s ridiculous and so is profiteering over public airwaves from our necessary democratic campaigns which are required to serve our democratic government. Make ’em an offer they can’t refuse.
says:Obama and his left wing cronies continue to bash America, while insisting that he is the messiah who will restore our country to it’s former greatness … and restore our status with the international community … however, the international community continues to hold back aid to hungry and under privileged countries, while America continues to give much more foreign aid than other countries … even the oil rich countries … see the stats at:
says:I don’t think pointing out the Iraq oil surplus would be negative at all. It makes a good argument to get out of Iraq. This is one point that some people disagree with Obama on, withdrawing from the occupation (I don’t refer to it as a war), so if he can frame the message along the lines of:
“We went to Iraq and removed a dictator. Iraq now has an elected government that has stated more than a few times they want a withdrawal timetable. They have the resources to prop themselves up now. We have accomplished our mission and it is time to bring the troops home from Iraq, and concentrate on our true enemy, Al-Quada. John MCCain wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years. Ask yourself why”, then make some sort of reference to the no-bid contractors wasting billions in American taxpayer dollars doing a job the Iraqis can now do for themselves, and how John McCain is joined at the hip with Bu$h and the rest of the war profiteers.
There is NOTHING wrong for calling out these no-bid contractors for what they are, war profiteers.
says:Gina@35 – sorry but the position of commenter trying to parody Publican talking points has already been taken – maybe you should try your schtick out over at one of the Pajamas Media sites – they might still be impressed by a link from Faux News.
says:N.Wells said: “I think this is a winning version of classwarfare. Most Americans in the range of $25-250k/yr seem to consider themselves middle class, even though that includes a lot of upper class and lower class people, so putting himself on the side of the majority is good.”
We honor the Middle Class in America (rhetorically only, but still) so everybody wants to claim to be a member. Besides, really high taxes (36% to 39.6% marginal rates) are for the Rich. If you can claim to be Middle Class you can demand your rate end at 25%.
I haven’t watched the ad but I like the theme.
says:Am I the only one tired of the same old narrator in all of these spots? I’m sure it’s been test marketed that this guy’s voice resonates with people, but to me it seems tired and stale. I give this ad a C+.
says:stephen1947 @ 27 had a great link.
I hope everybody reads it, so I’ll include the link here again, so you don’t have to scroll.
Please take a few minutes and read The Field which explains some of what’s been going on here at Carpetbagger as well.
L. Damon
says:Clear, but I’m not at all sure about the ‘tag’ line “Middle class first.” Exclusionary
instead of his usual (and sincere, , and popular and believed) inclusiveness.
says:It’s a fairly controversial argument,
War is VERY expensive and triply stupid when we’re borrowing from the Chinese to pay for it.
Controversy implies a economic upside to the Iraq war.
The only one I can think of is “fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here” which I would LOVE for McSame to start pitching again.
HOW MUCH do we spend on military intellgience? You know…, that wimpy “law enforcement” that has successfully shut down cells in Germany and the UK?
Does “Ace” McCain REALLY want to extend tax cuts? I got a great place to start for budget cuts.
Ch'in Shih-t'ang
says:McCain has been told by his handlers managers that he must stay negative. The goal is to get in a mud-slinging fight in order to turn off voters.
For Obama to respond in kind would undermine his general strategy, which is to use the outrage against Bushite Misrule, associate it closely with McCain and his McCampaign, but to maximize turnout.
I’m not too sure about the “middle class first” tag-line; most undecided voters do consider themselves middle class, but Obama needs also to get lower-class sporadic voters and young first-time voters to show up. Personally, I like “Tax the Bushites!” better….
says:Middle class has the right to go first we are the backbone of this country we are struggling with taxes and trying to fight to make ends meet fuck all of you ileagle low class aliens that are living off the damn wellfare system and crapping out hundreds of kids and buying fake social secerity numbers from the deceased and robbing stores get the hell off societies back and get a job you lazy mooches draining all the money from the people who work their hardest in life and get nothing in return! If the WellFare system gets cutt off all of you low class bastards are screwed ha! ha! MIDDLE CLASS PEOPLE DO NOT NEED TO WASTE TAX MONEY ON LOW CLASS PIECES OF CRAP!!! Obama has the right to help the middle class and the middle class shall go first for working hard all their lives for nothing! Stop spreading your legs low class people and use protection cut the i’m catholic cause I know it’s a bunch of crap so you can crap out kids and not pay for them and some of you don’t even follow that religion or know about it!