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Big Oil vs. Little Wind

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If you listen to John McCain’s speeches, and watch some of his commercials, the senator’s support for wind power is strong. It’s his record that’s more of a problem. In May, for example, McCain appeared at a wind power plant, insisting, “Wind power is one of many alternative energy sources that are changing our economy […]


Dobson’s Focus on the Family humiliated by ‘Pray for Rain’ video

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As reported here over the weekend, James Dobson’s Focus on the Family employs Stuart Shepard to make short, “clever” religious-right videos for the evangelical powerhouse. Shepard creates these videos regularly, and most of them are entirely forgettable. Last week, however, Focus unveiled a new video, asking politically-conservative Christians to pray for rain on Aug. 28, […]


Republican lawmaker says Jesus, not environmentalists, has saved the planet

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For a few months, I’ve been corresponding with a friend and regular reader, “Zeitgeist,” who insists that Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) is Levitra Ohne Rezept Kaufen , without a doubt, the single craziest member of the House of Representatives. I usually respond by pointing to Rep. Michele Bachmann, the infamous Minnesota Republican. Given recent events, […]


Attorney General tells ABA: Not every crime is a crime

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It’s been about two weeks since the Justice Department’s inspector general released a report on the unprecedented politicization of employment practices at the Justice Department. The IG report concluded that disgraced officials such as Monica Goodling and former chief of staff D. Kyle Sampson “routinely broke the law” by applying political litmus tests, even when […]


Group of ‘Obamacans’ launches effort, features a high-profile get

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I’m not entirely clear on whether we’re supposed to call them “Obamacans” or “Obamacons,” but either way, there’s a group of relatively high profile Republicans who, for a variety of reasons, are supporting Barack Obama. As of this morning, that group includes a prominent former House Republican. Former U.S. Rep. Jim Leach, a leading Republican […]


Tuesday’s campaign round-up

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Today’s installment of campaign-related news items that wouldn’t generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to political observers: * McCain in the round: “John McCain plans to accept the Republican presidential nomination in a unique setting. Convention planners are working with broadcasters to stage McCain’s speech in the round, with Republican […]


The U.S. green-light to Georgia?

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Looking at the war between Russia and Georgia, which reportedly is still ongoing, from a purely political perspective, John McCain is clearly looking to use the conflict to his advantage. He’s characterizing Obama’s position as “appeasement,” and using some strikingly caustic language towards Russia. McCain is not, however, actually moving beyond bluster. The NYT noted […]


Behind the scenes at Clinton HQ

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With the focus of the political world on November, and what’s going to happen over the next 84 days, it’s tempting to downplay revelations about the inner workings of the Clinton campaign. If only the revelations weren’t so interesting, I probably would. I should note at the outset that more than two months later, the […]