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That ‘heart for the innocent’ clearly has limits

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When the president introduced Bernard Kerik as his nominee to be the Secretary of Homeland Security, Bush described him as a man who has demonstrated a “deep commitment to justice” and “a heart for the innocent.”

Within weeks, we learned that the White House also knew about a man who has demonstrated a willingness to hire illegal immigrants, engage in multiple extramarital affairs, and associate with prominent figures in organized crime. The Bush gang decided, at the time, that this past was “not disqualifying” and Kerik still deserved the post.

That opinion changed rather quickly, of course, and Kerik left the scene, promising to behave himself from now on. Which makes this story all the more hilarious.

Former Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik accepted thousands of dollars in royalties from a book published to raise money for the families of heroes killed on Sept. 11, 2001, the Daily News has learned.

Kerik contributed an 11-sentence foreword to the book of photographs, titled “In the Line of Duty,” in which he praised police and firefighters who “desperately fought and struggled and bled and died in a noble effort.”

“Theirs is a story beyond words; a story of bravery, fidelity and sacrifice; a story that must never be forgotten,” Kerik wrote.

Kerik’s royalties on the book have so far totaled $75,954.52, sources told The News.

Former Fire Commissioner Thomas Von Essen also contributed an introduction to the book, but accepted no money and asked his payment to go to charity.

You don’t suppose Kerik’s payment had anything to do with his year-long affair with the book’s publisher, Judith Regan, do you?

Just think; if the president had his way, this man would be responsible for all of our domestic security. The mind reels.