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We’ve moved

Post date:

Effective Friday, August 22, I’m blogging exclusively at the Washington Monthly’s Political Animal. See you there.

Carpetbagger archives and this site’s search feature will remain active indefinitely

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, as will my email address.

My most sincere thanks to everyone for all the support and encouragement. I hope to see all of you at my new home.


  • Ok, so I went to the new place and read an article by this guy Kenneth Ballen which was pretty good. And my mind flew open again…

    In an article Kenneth Ballen illustrates my argument that eventually needs to be addressed by the new President. Here I think Obama can do it but no way McCain would ever address this ideal the way it could be…

    And my argument is

    All history in politics needs to be aired out in a living generation in the living time of those people like you and me that has been affected by Judgments and placed as classified secret; they are now all deliberately buried in National Security Secrets which are likely to be wildly interpreted in anyway if not revealed. All this, making secret stuff, likely is not made to free people but to profiteer or abuse basics in not only foreign sovereignty but also stretches the domestic principals in the American Constitution to the absurd which is currently happening.

    All this leads to a need for absolute transparency in our history of foreign policy and the complicity of mix with our Mainstream Media, now embedded as Mainstream Media have there is relatively little excuse from abuse. Which truly has been and is resulted in corruption beyond believe and not addressed, but out of control in a reality with media complicity recycling by contextual manipulation and supported by long term political operatives being Democrat or Republican. All this aided by this mass media algorithm to perpetuate a new world order of class rule. A real free society is not the intention of this premise, moreover has been misguided though time and greed.

    Kenneth Ballen says

    “Polls show that the anger Muslims around the world feel towards the United States is not primarily directed at our people or values—even those who say they support bin Laden don’t, for the most part, “hate us for our freedoms,” as President Bush has claimed. Rather, what drives Islamic public opinion is a pervasive perception that the United States and the West are hostile towards Islam. This perception, right or wrong, is fed by a variety of American actions, from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to the overarching global war on terror. These actions are seen as profoundly disrespectful and humiliating because they amount to America forcing its will on the Muslim world”.

    Ladies and gentlemen of America, our government, and others, has been fooling around with Islam and its ideology for centuries. The surge has been going on for a long time. But in the last several decades real history looks like a pretty good argument can be made that the efforts and policies to really spread freedom are warped by social ideas to build a new world class order woven wildly with greed in profiteering. Yes, Islam has an argument and perceives that in time given our current so called good faith, evangelist or other is actually a recklessness designed for Islam that will eventually wind up Islam as diminished as the American Indian.

    Bush and Company have exposed themselves in aiding comfort to the basic enemy forces in this war. Bush as close friends of the Bin Laden family which is considered the premier financers of the terrorist movement should have at least resigned a long time ago as a conflict of interest. Yet, in this wide open abuse most Americans political, television journalist and analyst have avoided the intense debate that would likely ruined long time political families. Democratic or Republican, these long term politicians and media friends have establish this complicity as not unintended consequences, but as a deliberate abuse of fundamentals of the electorate and freedom.

    That’s why there is no recourse but for Bush and Company with media complicity to lie the hell out it.

  • I was just looking at WM, and thought that the posts seemed better than usual. Then I looked at the bylines. Nice!

    KD was more often exasperating and superficial than informative, but his posts were usually a good indicator of conventional wisdom. I hope Mother Jones can get something more substantial from him.

  • Congratulations, Steve. I am very happy for you. This is somewhat shallow of me, but I find that the aesthetic of the Carpetbagger Report to be far more pleasing and readable than the new venue. You probably have to follow certain protocols as far as colors and font, which is unfortunate because the new style looks old and harsh to me, which makes it less readable. I hope that at some point the look of the new site can match your excellent writing.

  • Congrats Steve.

    Here are a couple of questions for you and others to consider. Comments are welcome.

    Is the global economy a primary precipitant of worldwide ecological degradation because the distinctly human-driven construction’s gigantic size and rampant growth could soon become patently unsustainable in a relatively small, evidently finite and noticeably frangible planetary home such as Earth provides to the family of humanity?

    That is to say, could at least one of the causes of life and the Earth, as we know them, “going to hell in a handbasket” be that the global political economy is a human construction that takes its shape as a perpetual motion machine and is operated as a colossal pyramid scheme? Unfortunately, both the ‘machine’ and the scheme are unsustainable.

    Steven Earl Salmony
    AWAREness Campaign on The Human Population, est. 2001

  • I miss the blogroll at the new site. Carpetbagger always had the best concise blogroll of the blogs I consider must reads. WM has none? Can we petition for a change? I know, who are we some bunch of carpetbaggers coming into an established site and trying to change things but hey.

  • Steve –

    I mentioned this twice at WM but didn’t get anyone’s attention. If you click on “comments,” Kevin Drum’s byline still comes up at the top of the page.

    I assume you have heard from many of us that WM”s format is pretty ghastly – godawful, I’d say. It looks like the printout from an old teletype machine. I further assume that until you have established yourself, you don’t want to start breaking all the china in the new joint, but I do hope you will persuade them later on to simply bring over the Carpetbagger format with a WM logo. It’s so much better, and format really does matter. Yours was the best I’ve seen.

    Hey, maybe you should start a stealth thread over here for suggestions, so the management at WM doesn’t get upset, for future consideration.

    Looks like you’re doing well. It’s going to be hit, I reckon. Not unexpected.

  • Seconding hark. The layout and features here are much cleaner, clearer and for those of us who forget their glasses all of the time much easier to read.

    Plus, all the John McCain ads … Gack.

    And the non-working RPI buttons … Grrr!!

  • The WM format is an eye-bleeding, ergonomic mess. I’m forcing myself to visit so I can continue to benefit from Steve’s insights, but the web-design format is so amateur it’s killing me. Man, I wish you would mirror your posts back at Carpetbagger.

    If this expands your readership and puts money in the bank, then God Bless and good luck, Steve.

    In the meantime, WM, please redesign your format.

  • says:


    Caroline Kennedy gave a touching speech about her “Uncle Teddy” last night, which segued into a Ken Burns-crafted tribute on the extraordinary career for Sen. Ted Kennedy. But it was Kennedy’s speech — a poignant bookend to his “The Dream Will Never Die” speech to the 1980 Democratic convention — that tug on the heart-strings. Hell, even Sullivan found himself “choking up a little.

    Given his battle with brain cancer, Kennedy’s appearance was by no means a given. It’s why he seemed entirely sincere when he began his speech, “My fellow Democrats, my fellow Americans, it is so wonderful to be here. And nothing — nothing — is going to keep me away from this special gathering tonight.” After Kennedy took labored steps to the podium to give the speech, a stool was slipped in behind him. He ignored it.

    As for the substance, it was hard to miss the issue the Liberal Lion cared about most. As Ezra noted, “Before he even mentioned Obama’s name. Health care. After he spoke of the hope Obama brings. Health care. In the last few weeks, I’ve spoken to a couple Kennedy aides who all told me the same thing: Health care…. It will be his legacy. It is his dream. Health care.”

    Rhetorically, Kennedy’s voice still boomed, and his message still resonated: “There is a new wave of change all around us, and if we set our compass true, we will reach our destination — not merely victory for our party, but renewal for our nation. And this November, the torch will be passed again to a new generation of Americans. So with Barack Obama, and for you and for me, our country will be committed to his cause. The work begins anew. The hope rises again. And the dream lives on.”

    Kennedy seemed frailer than we’re accustomed to seeing him, and his eyes rarely strayed from the prompter at the back of the arena. I’m pretty sure those watching couldn’t have cared less. His speech, like his career, was a triumph.


    Comments? Consider this an open thread (until the real Steve Benen sees fit to close it)

  • what would be interesting is if WM would essentially allow the migration in reverse: instead of Benen going to the WM site, have the WM site redirect here and just change the top-of-page graphics to PA instead of CBR. Shouldn’t be any real downside to WM, but they would benefit from all of the work Steve (and Ms. Carpetbagger!) have done to make this such a great place.