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Housekeeping note

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It turns out, I need one more day off. I saw a doctor yesterday, and got some medicine, but I’m still not quite where I need to be.

The great team of guest posters from yesterday will, thankfully, be back today. See you tomorrow.


  • Get better. Take all the time you need. And eat your chicken soup. And drink your hot toddies. And think positive thoughts (i.e., don’t think about Hillary).

  • I had a dream that you came back and said they discovered that your sickness was caused by cancer and you had a 28% chance of survival OMG!

    …you know you’re pathetic when you dream about blogs.

  • says:

    I hope that my pessimism about your health didn’t send you bad vibes, but one day off to kick the flu is hardly ever enough. Please take as much time as you need to get back your supernatural, seven-day-a-week stamina.

    In the meantime, the team of posters is doing a great job, and we’ll all be here when you’re back.

    Don’t stay up too late tonight listening to election returns from Wisconsin. 🙂

  • Assuming what you have is in the cold/flu category: Go lie down, drink lots of fluids and take some C and zinc…. I find Hot & Sour soup to be even better than regulation Chicken soup.

    don’t rush it.

    Granny Evergreen (LL)

  • You’re blessed to have good (read talented) friends to sit in for you. One more reason to love Carpetbagger.

  • Get better soon.

    Take lots of vitamin C and rest.

    Drink lots of hot liquids liberally laced with rum.

    Or skip the hot liquids part and just go with liberal amounts of rum!

  • hurry up hurry up! your’s is the only progressive blog i can read, and your guest posters continue to remind me why

  • Sleeeeep Mr. CB. Deep Sleeeeeeep. Hot, hot showers. Hot Tea with Echinacea and honey and lemon. And more sleep. Don’t watch Faux News. It only enables the bugs and makes them stronger. Those are micro terrorists that you are fighting. The doctor who wants to listen to what they are doing through his stethoscope will now have to get a court order to do so. You’re doomed. We’re doomed.

    Get well soon.

  • Get well soon, CB, but don’t rush it! Take the time you need to recover … the guest posters are doing a fine job in your absence, so don’t worry. Rest, rest and lots of liquids and chicken soup (just like everyone else is saying) … I prefer Wonton, myself.

    Of course your readers miss you, but ultimately your health is more important!

  • Mr Benen, your slacking on this issue is completely unacceptable. I mean sheesh man, we allowed you 24 hours to recuperate, and like the whiney titty-baby you liberals undoubtadly our, you must have more time. And you went to the Doctor, so you must have some form of socialized medicine. A real man (i.e., a Republican) would fight the terrorist in his body there, rather than here. And he’d go to war with the medicine army he has rather than the one he would wish.

    Sheesh man, you only blog 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. America is at war, sir. How dare you take unauthorized time off. We’ll just call you Mr AWOL Benan.

    Is this blog cursed? I mean first Morbo and now you? Do Ron and dNa know what they’ve signed on?

    All kidding aside, be well.

  • Take your time taking good care of yourself. The more you skimp on recovery, the longer it’ll take. We’ll miss you, but we’ll live, even if it takes 3 days or 4 before you’re up to speed. And we won’t let the terrorists win while you’re gone; promise.

  • An old boss of mine once prescribed Wild Turkey and seltzer as a sovereign remedy for everything that ails a human being. And he was right! 🙂

    Get well soon, CB.

  • I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Meanwhile, you might invite your guest bloggers to throw Hillary a bone occasionally. I’m afraid the all the Obama-positive/Hillary-not-so-positive posts may drive all of the Hillary supporters away. While Hillary’s campaign may be bringing some of this on themselves, I think you always tried to give both camps a fair shake.

    On second thought, screw it. Just get some rest.