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CNN: Obama Wins Wisconsin

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We can all get drunk and/or go to sleep now. Exit polls here and here.

It’s only 4:35 in Hawaii, so I wouldn’t expect results soon.

Good night everyone, it’s been lovely. Steve’s feeling good and will be back blogging tomorrow. Thanks for everything!




  • Have we forgotten, or ever even known, that the last time we elected an inexperienced “uniter” who advocated “change”, to whom the press largely gave a free ride, we got George W. Bush?

  • I, too, wish to extend my thanks to both you (dnA) and to Ron, too. I enjoyed both of you but yearn for Mr. Benen, who’s take on all things political I have come to love.

    Here’s love to you both and happiness in hearing that CB is on the mend!

  • Who’s??? (in my last post) ARGH! Bush is rubbing off on me! I HAVE COOTIES!! (grammatically incorrect cooties!) I need to be scrubbed clean from the gooper dumb as shit cooties that have infested me. HEEEEEELLLLLPPP MEEEEEEE (in my best fly voice) 😀

    Uhm, that would WHOSE blah blah blah.

  • Ten Bears, @ 4,

    Bush *had had* experience, especially executive — he’d been a Governor; that’s, in part, what Hillary is claiming as her experience, even though it’s second-hand. And the only “change” that Bush advocated was the change from a Dem to Repub presidency, not a total overhaul of the way people think and act. So quit with the BS.

    44% reporting: O 55%, C 43%. GO ‘bama!

  • Thank you dnA! I know we were a bit feisty with you but that’s just our way around here. We do appreciate your filling in.

  • In his Wisconsin victory speech this evening, John McCain wasted no time in firing shots across Barack Obama’s bow. Hoping to highlight the Democratic frontrunner’s inexperience, McCain to partisan cheers ridiculed Obama’s promises as “eloquent but empty.” But in a preview of Republican duplicity to come, McCain blasted Obama’s past advocacy of unilateral American attacks against Al Qaeda targets in Pakistan, attacks the Bush administration itself is now finally carrying out.

    For the details, see:
    “McCain Attacks Obama for Bush’s New Pakistan Policy.”

  • I went to see Obama’s speech in Houston tonight. I wasn’t as roused as I thought, but my wife cried. I’m raising my ten year old nephew, and he applaudred Obama’s call to end the TAKS test. However, Obama also called on kids to turn off the TV, so he’s now undecided. What was astonishing was that the stadium was packed — and the Toyota Center is where they have Rockets games. It was a rather diverse crowd, but not as many Hispanics as I would have liked to see.

    For the record, the only cultists I saw were Bloomberg’s army handing out brochures for David Broder’s Draft a Billionaire movement.

    You shall be assimilated. Resistance is futile. End communication.

  • Thanks dnA and Ron. You guys did great. As I said in an earlier post, this blog may be cursed what with Morbo and Steve both succumbing this week. So it’s prolly a good thing he’s on the way back. 48 hours or fewer may be enough to keep you both innoculated 😛

  • 84% reporting: Obama 58%, Clinton 41% (NYT).

    Clinton was expected to lose Wisconsin, but not in double digits! Yet, with every new upload, Obama seems to be widening the gap. And the commentary is that the only areas that Clinton won convincingly are “rural fringes”.

    Does anyone know what’s happening in Hawaii? I know it “doesn’t count”, but every (pledged) delegate is a (pledged) delegate… Cents do add up to dollars.

    Oh, and yeah. Thanks dnA and Ron for holding the fort during Steve’s absence

  • I too would like to express my sincere thanks to dnA and Ron for their fine work the past few days … sure, you’re not the inimitable CB, but everyone has a distinct voice and both of yours were very welcome to this loyal reader! I hope you’ll both contribute guest posts on as regular a basis as you can (I know you both have your own blogs and that’s a lot of work in itself!). Now you can take a breather and step out of the big shoes. 🙂

  • I’m getting drunk but plan to go to sleep after I’m done with that; probably about 2 AM CST. So if anyone here wants to imagine that they’re cool enough to hang with me, raise a glass and let’s get drunk. But if you pass-out before 2, be warned that you will wake-up with shaving cream on your face. That’s just how cool I am.

  • Again Clinton did not concede or congratulate Obama. He took the stage while she was talking and the networks did a split screen until he started his speech. Then they went to him. Perhaps only due to the ‘fierce urgency’ of his crowd, the timing of Obama’s entrance still appeared to be among the most politically deft media chess moves in modern political history. The general election is underway, and everybody knows it. The states that were to be her firewall, will now simply be the last nails in the coffin of Hillary’s campaign. Expect her to drop out of the race March 5.

    As one who was once in favor of Clinton over Obama, I can pin my flip to a particular moment pretty definitively: “Jesse Jackson won SC in ’84 and ’88.” That was icky. Monica’s-blue-dress-level-icky. It gave me that same sense of disappointment in her campaign that the blue dress gave me about Bill in 1998.

    1992 was magic for me at 19. I worked for Clinton and shook his hand that year. The world was new and America was ready for change. But now I’m 35 and I know enough to realize you can never go home again. You can never look back. We can put the Clintons back in the White House, but it isn’t 1992, and it will never be the 90s again. The time has come to pass the torch. When the party is over, it’s polite to leave. And for Bill and Hillary’s White House ambitions, the party is over. It’s time for them to get behind the new leader, or at least get out of the way.

  • Oh, ah… Hawaii results not expected till 3AM eastern time. I guess I’ll just have to wait till tomorrow… 🙁

    Does anyone here still remember Swan? I think I’d better hit the sack before I turn into him. But it’s been a good night.

  • says:

    Expect her to drop out of the race March 5.

    I don’t think so Haik.

    Her failure to again congratulate the winner, thank her supporters, or even acknowledge that there was a primary tonight, shows that she’s not quite right in the head. There is some serious denial issues going on here. There is a deep sickness inside her. An angry sense of entitlement: Yes she can! That’s why I expect her to pursue this until there are no more bridges left to burn.

  • Yahoo News:

    Wisconsin independents cast about one-quarter of the ballots in the race between Obama and Clinton, and roughly 15 percent of the electorate were first-time voters, the survey at polling places said. Obama has run strongly among independents in earlier primaries, and among younger voters, and cited their support as evidence that he would make a stronger general election candidate in the fall.

    He also beat her with blue collar voters and matched her 50-50 with white women.

    She has no firewall left. Hopefully she has a “panic room” she can retreat to so we don’t have to see the seizure.

  • Congrats to Obama. I can hardly wait until he is president so we can carry out his plan to invade Pakistan and Darfur.

  • food for thought:

    Obama beat Billary by a larger margin than McCain defeated Huck.

    wow. He’s like Butter. He’s on a roll.


  • says:

    I think that it is Hilary whose rhetoric masks a lack of preparation for the presidency that is becoming increasingly obvious.

    This particular campaign of the Democrats looks increasingly like the NBA, in the sense that the Western Conference of the NBA is considerably stronger than the Eastern Conference.

    The playoffs for the Western Conference title are extremely competitively, and the going gets exceptionally tough. Obama and Hillary are the finalists duking it out for the hypothetical NBA Western Conference Championship. Imagine something like the Los Angeles Lakers vs. the San Antonio Spurs as Western Conference finalists. I personally think and want Barack Obama (aka the Lakers) to win.

    Once Senator Obama wins the nomination (aka NBA Western Conference Championship), then he will face Senator McCain (aka NBA Eastern Conference Champion). The Eastern Conference of the NBA has been notably weaker than the Western Conference for quite some time now. At times, the NBA championship series has resembled something more along the lines of a “scrimmage” than a real tooth and nail fight for the ultimate championship.

    Senator Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton are going at it tooth and nail for the democratic party’s nomination. A very tough and tumble affair.

    Then comes the campaign for the presidency (aka NBA championship) in the fall. Obama vs. McCain looks more like a scrimmage or maybe Saturday Morning pickup basketball and the local high school gym. “Shirts” vs “Skins” anyone?

    I personally see Obama going in for a most compelling slam dunk over an overwhelmed John McCain in November, after systematically being faked into the popcorn machine throughout the fall campaign. Oops, I mean the scrimmage.

    Expatriate Californian in Mexico City

  • Obama spokesperson Bill Burton responds to McCain’s attack with this:

    “John McCain’s remarks tonight shows why he’s offering nothing more than a third term of George Bush’s policies – more fear-mongering, more than a century of war in Iraq, and more budget-busting tax cuts for the wealthiest few at the expense of hardworking Americans. The reason that Barack Obama is attracting Democrats, Independents, and Republicans to his cause is because he’s offering real change that will end this war, finish the fight against al Qaeda, restore our standing in the world, and rebuild our economy for the struggling middle-class.”

  • It is so refreshing to see the Clintons squirming after all the nasty campaigning they’ve engaged in recently. What is good for the goose, is good for the gander.

    Hillary is old and inexperienced! She has been riding Bill’s coat tails all the way. It is laughable to hear Hillary stomp on the grounds that Obama has no experience. That may be true but what has she done to merit being the nominee? She hasn’t run anything! And it is a joke, a complete joke for her to represent the state of New York.

    The Clinton “Machine” is all but done!!! And it couldn’t have happened at a better time. All the pundits and political know-it-alls were ready to hand the nomination to Hillary way before the race even started. But look at it now, sweet, sweet, sweet!!!

    Life is beautiful! Especially when the villain is slain. And believe me, the villain is Hillary Rodham Clinton!!!

  • Where are Hillary’s tears now? How come she isn’t crying like she did before New Hampshire’s primary? Mrs. phoney is just that, a phoney!

    This campaign has brought out her true colors. Before the primaries began, everyone was ready to crown her queen/president. But now that America has woken up and seen her true colors, well, we are witnessing the meltdown of one of the most dispicable political families around. The Mighty Clinton “Machine” is crashing and there is no way to halt the crash and burn.

    I am releshing this destruction more than ever simply because you have political knuckleheads like, Alan Colmes, who live and breathe “Clinton” crap! Before SuperTuesday, you could see his “giddiness” on TV whenever the subject of her lead was mentioned. And heaven forbid someone made mention of Obama’s rise. Plus the fact that if something negative was said with respect to Hillary, he would immediately counteract with the old “why is everyone so anti-Hillary?” PLEASE! spear us the suckup, Alan. Hillary is through!!!

  • I feel your pain Hillary! I feel your PAIN!!!! Familiar words to someone who was part of the “old” sleazy regime that was in control during the ’90s. Sleaze begats sleaze!

    The big Clinton “Machine” is being steamrolled by the up and coming junior senator! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!

    Maybe this will send a lound message to the state of New York and not re-elect this bozzo anymore! Come on Hillary, where are the tears now!