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Damned if you do…

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Before Barack Obama had even reached American soil again after his overseas trip, the McCain campaign had arguably the most insipid campaign commercial of the year, arguing that Obama blew off wounded U.S. troops: “[H]e made time to go to the gym, but cancelled a visit with wounded troops. Seems the Pentagon wouldn’t allow him to bring cameras.” We now know, of course, that the campaign was blatantly lying. (That said, the lie seems to have taken its toll.)

Nevertheless, what would have happened if Obama had, as McCain later suggested, blown off the Pentagon’s demands and visited the wounded troops as part of his campaign excursion. Business Week’s David Kiley reports, the McCain campaign was prepared for that contingency, too.

What the McCain campaign doesn’t want people to know, according to one GOP strategist I spoke with over the weekend, is that they had an ad script ready to go if Obama had visited the wounded troops saying that Obama was…wait for it…using wounded troops as campaign props. So, no matter which way Obama turned, McCain had an Obama bashing ad ready to launch. I guess that’s political hardball. But another word for it is the one word that most politicians are loathe to use about their opponents — a lie.

This is what some people are calling the Hannity strategy. Right wing nut-muffin Sean Hannity employs a slick strategy of repeating canards very quickly over and over, day in and day out, which aren’t challenged by his TV co-host Alan Colmes or by any of his radio listeners. By relentlessly repeating falsehoods day after day, the theory goes, it becomes embedded in the media.

I haven’t heard anyone actually call this the “Hannity strategy”; it sounds more like traditional Republican efforts to “catapult” the propaganda.

Noting the Business Week report, John Cole added:

And the media, willing accomplices, stenographers until the end, sit by and assist the McCain campaign (who, by the way, ACTUALLY ARE USING THE WOUNDED TROOPS AS A WEAPON with this line of attack, as noted in the comments).

For nearly a week, news outlets promoted McCain’s ad and speculated about Obama’s non-existent “snub,” just long enough for voters to hear about it (and for it to have an effect on public opinion). Eventually, a couple of outlets bothered to note that McCain’s attack was, you know, false.

But imagine if it had gone the other way. Let’s say Obama had told the Pentagon to shove it, he showed up at Landstuhl, spent time with wounded U.S. troops, and the McCain campaign had launched its Plan B — condemning Obama for using the troops as campaign props.

It’s obviously just a guess, but my hunch is, the week would have unfolded the exact same way. The McCain campaign would have run its ad, the media would have picked up the “Obama exploits the troops” attack, and we would have had day after day of “debate” about whether Obama can be commander-in-chief if he recklessly blows off Pentagon rules in the midst of a campaign swing.

In other words, it didn’t matter which path Obama took — smear artists were prepared either way.


  • What’s really scary is that many Americans are actually believing the BS coming from the McCain Campaign; hence the new poll numbers. Are 40+% of the American people really that stupid?! I’m sorry, but I actually think Obama needs to start fighting fire with fire! Don’t allow McCain and the GOP to “Swift Boat” with impunity…attack dammit!

  • This is just another example of why the Obama camp needs to ‘get out in front” of the smear. Produce ads to meet multiple scenarios, and the moment McCain launches a lie, ram it with the counter-ad. The GOPer scum will implode, as they fling their meager mud against such an onslaught.

  • What the McCain campaign doesn’t want people to know, according to one GOP strategist I spoke with over the weekend, is that they had an ad script ready to go …

    Someone wants to see McCain hurting. This is one of those things that “everyone knows is true but no one talks about”. There’s a GOP strategist out there who was willing to get sourced anonymously so that this could be a “fact” instead of just “conventional wisdom”.

    Something really weird is going on with the GOP lately. I’m beginning to think they really are cracking up.

  • Someone please explain this.
    Last I heard, the Pentagon said Obama could have visited the troops with just one of his aides. Obama declined.
    What’s the truth?
    I haven’t seen anything stating the Pentagon forbade Obama from coming to see the troops under any circumstance. Does anyone have a link?

  • Are 40+% of the American people really that stupid?
    Some studies show that about half of Americans are below average intelligence.

  • oh and what about adding this to the flip flop list

    mccain is for visiting wounded troops and against visiting wounded troops

  • As George Carlin said, take the average person, and realize that half of the rest are dumber. When you let education become merely job training programs, rather than efforts to teach people how to think critically, this is what you get. When you refuse to attempt to take the higher road in public discourse, this is what you get. When you elevate journalists to the status of millionaire country-club celebrities, this is the result. There are elements in the right that see all of this with a gleeful smile. If people are dumb enough to fall for this, then they’re dumb enough to not notice when corporate interests hijack the government and remove burdensome regulatory statutes, taxes and labor laws. Not everyone on the right is like that, but the ones running the show are.

  • Wilco –

    Click on “blantantly lying” in the first paragraph.

    The Pentagon didn’t want Obama visiting the troops with a campaign aide as it could be viewed as a campaign event.

    I assume Obama could have visited the soldiers without anyone along, but for some reason the McCain campaign seems to be focused on the untrue “press” angle. Probably because it fits the “celebrity” meme they trying to create.

  • I think the folks in the middle will be able to see through this shit.

    By election time, they will be well aware of the fact that McCain has nothing to say except “Don’t vote for Obama!”

  • Wilco, I dont know that I can find one link that says it straightforwardly, but having read numerous sources here is my synthesis.

    1) The rule is that one cannot “campaign” at a military base, but an official (like a Senator) can certainly visit in an “official” capacity. When a current officeholder is also campaigning for an office, it becomes a judgment call as to which hat is being worn;

    2) Obama was in the Middle East (with Hagel and Reed) on a government-funded fact-finding trip as a Senator. While there he did visit medical facilities and wounded troops;

    3) When he went from the ME to Europe, Reed and Hagel left and the European leg of the trip was paid for out of campaign funds and was a political, not official trip;

    4) Obama had planned, without telling the press, to visit Landstuhl – no media, no cameras, no staff, but a retired general who advises the campaign.

    5) Pentagon officials took the position that Obama the Senator was welcome to come, but that the presence of the campaign advisor/former general would indicate that it was Candidate Obama, which would be inappropriate;

    6) It is true that Obama could have left the general behind and gone himself, however since the entire European leg of the trip was financed by the campaign, and the other Senators had split off, there would be an argument that the Landstuhl visit was by Candidate Obama, not Senator Obama. Obama decided that if there was any question, he did not want to do it because of the appearance the troops were being used by the campaign.

    7) The right ensured that there would be no correct answer and hammered Obama for the ultimate decision against visiting Landstuhl.

    If anyone has a different understanding, please correct me.

  • I just keep getting more and more depressed about November. We sit around pointing out how many gaffes and just plain stupid things McCain says. We point out how his ads are filled with distortions and lies. We point out how incompetent, corrupt and unconstitutional the Bush admininstration has been. All of these things are true. But we never seem to get around to noticing that the Bush/McCain/Rove/Cheney team are always on offense and we are always playing defense. This is not a way to win.

    When the hell is Obama and his team going to get in there and start actually playing. All I can think of is Casey Stengel’s now cliched, but all too true moan: “Can’t anybody here play this game?” Look, we all know the refs, in this case the MSM, are crooked and playing for the other team. That doesn’t mean you just stand at the plate and complain as you are called out on phony strike calls over and over. We have already had two outs that way (2000 and 2004). This country can’t afforded a third out in 2008. At least try to hit the ball occasionally. When the hell is the Obama team going to try to get on offense! We are losing again people.

  • The ‘Hannity strategy’ is a dangerous one indeed, wasn’t it that strategy that the Tennessee gunman followed, apparently an avid reader of Hannity, O Reilly, Limbaugh et al. In fact the hate strategy as I like to call it, was responsible for the deaths of innocent people in Church, many more could have been killed except for the bravery of one of the congregation. People like Hannity should be held responsible for the hate that they spew out every day. The crimes of these people are far worse than anything Don Imus did, and he lost his job. Why is the media so quiet about the gunman’s mentors, are they all complicit.

  • says:

    The Reich-wing and bu$$h do whatever they want. Have since day one. They act like they will be in power forever, b/c they expect to be. They will damn the Dems, and the American public as much and whenever they please. And if you don’t like it, as dickless cheney would say with such turpitude, “SO!”

    For example (and to change the subject slightly), this just out:


    White House unveils intelligence powers overhaul (real headline)

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The White House on Thursday unveiled an overhaul of intelligence powers that concentrates power in the national intelligence director and drew immediate criticism from Congress for failing to consult on the changes….

    “Today’s actions will help create a more effective intelligence community capable of providing the president and his advisers with information necessary to defend our national and homeland security,” White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said.

    The action by Bush provoked bipartisan anger among House of Representatives lawmakers who said they were not properly consulted or briefed on the planned changes.

    “We were only shown the document after it was complete and on its way to the president for his signature,” said Rep. Silvestre Reyes, a Texas Democrat who heads the House Intelligence Committee.

    “Given the impact that this order will have on America’s intelligence community, and this committee’s responsibility to oversee intelligence activities, this cannot be seen as anything other than an attempt to undercut congressional oversight,” said Rep. Pete Hoekstra, the top Republican on the panel….

    …administration officials stressed that the revisions did not affect U.S. civil liberties…
    Sure, right.

    Wail, Su-prize, Su-prize! Chimpy is at is again.

  • Some studies show that about half of Americans are below average intelligence. -AJB

    What worries me is how low the average has been pulled. Maybe we should care less about average intelligence and more about passable intelligence. I’m sure a significantly and frighteningly large chunk of the country wouldn’t meet that threshold, current President included.

  • says:

    When the hell is Obama and his team going to get in there and start actually playing. All I can think of is Casey Stengel’s now cliched, but all too true moan: “Can’t anybody here play this game?” Look, we all know the refs, in this case the MSM, are crooked and playing for the other team. That doesn’t mean you just stand at the plate and complain as you are called out on phony strike calls over and over. We have already had two outs that way (2000 and 2004). This country can’t afforded a third out in 2008. At least try to hit the ball occasionally. When the hell is the Obama team going to try to get on offense! We are losing again people.

    True enough. So, when is the last time you (me, us) went and actually DID something? How many times have we gone to or held an Obama house party? Volunteered to canvass for Obama? Gone out and signed up/helped get registered to vote, given them voter ID information, volunteered to drive poorer folks to the polls, etc. If we don’t get involved, I mean get out there and make it happen on the streets, not just bitching on a blog, we will lose again. And we can’t…we must not. If everyone here gets active, and gets someone to do the same, and they get someone, we can make it happen. It’s is really our only chance, our only choice.

  • If McCain had two ads ready, doesn’t this suggest that the campaign knew the Pentagon would throw a monkeywrench into the trip (which had been in the works for months) at the last minute? I have to wonder at the different rules the Executive Branch agencies are using with respect to the two candidates. See for example the directive that no US Embassy personnel could attend the Berlin speech.

  • McCain’s Base – the corporate media

    Republican Base – Low Information Voters

    English translation of Low Information Voters – stupid white trash, the majority of whom get their ‘facts’ from Rush Limbaugh and/or Fox Noise.

    The rethug lies are getting thru to their base, especially with McSame’s base serving as an amplifying echo chamber.

  • This is exactly how John Kerry lost in 2004. The Obama camp has to start hitting back twice as hard as McCain is giving. They need to pulverize him. McCain is, by degrees, turning him into a joke. Once that happens its over. there’s no saving it. Hit back hard, now. that has to be done.

  • The electorate will start to pay more attention the nearer we get to the election and the inevitable debates will be watched. Obama will comport himself well there and maybe is even holding his punches for the larger audience.

    He did challenge McCain to a “duel” yesterday and that got some media play…

  • says:

    Right wing nut-muffin Sean Hannity…

    Nicely wrought.
    That one is felicitous enough it might just stick to his arse like an ungreased pan.

  • Oppressmenot is exactly right at #21-22.

    I hope all the arm chair campaign strategists who comment here are paying attention.

  • MW…get real…setting yourself on fire is not offense. I’m willing to bet the Gallup poll would have been just the same had this ad never even appeared. The Rove attack strategy is old and tired and just won’t work this time. It has resulted in too much of a disaster in the past and only makes the general public feel offended. Don’t get nervous…the democrats will win in a landslide. Most people are fearful only due to the high stakes involved but McCain is self destructive lacking substance integrity or character. Just double check your registration papers are in order (god, I can’t believe I just said that). and remember…

    McCain: Wrong On Everything…And Lying About It.

    btw Steve…I loved the title “Mad Dog McCain”. For some reason it just seemed to fit and stick.

  • says:

    It was Adolph Hitler who said, “If you scream a lie long enough and loud enough, every one will eventually believe it.” This is a principle which needs to be highlighted in any discussion of the last three Republican presidential campaigns and any assessment of FOX news and its minions.

  • The Rove attack strategy is old and tired and just won’t work this time.

    Then please explain to me why a loser like McCain is within a few percentage points of Obama in all polls?

    In 2004 we had a genuine war hero running against a service-dodging, ex-druggie. Yet by the ned of the Swiftboat campaign, the ex-druggie was the winner. Kerry, who I supported and admired, followed the advice of the professional campaigners and did not counter-attack. The mantra was that “the public doesn’t like negative campaigns, the public doesn’t pay attention in the summer months”, etc., etc. By the fall, it was all over and we were stuck with Bush/Cheney for four more years.

  • The problem with the media is that in a desperate attempt to appear nonpartisan, they are always eager to show both sides of an issue. The problem is that some issues have only one side. The honest way to report the news would not be to play the ad, then have a Democrat and a Republican duke it out over it, but rather to come out and show that the ad is based on lies.
    But that would involve decent reporting, and god forbid the media have to do that.

  • I agree with post @ 21 opressmenot

    We ALL need to do our part. I’ve been talking with people about Obama’s stance and I’ve also been ‘educating’ people who tend to favor McCain about some of his lesser known history…

    They seem to be surprised when they hear some of the things regarding McCain, at which time I suggest they check it out for themselves. They can google it, or they can go to a link (provided by me)

    So far 5 lifelong republicans have changed their tune and are saying that they’ll be voting for Obama this time around. sure it’s not a lot, but if every commenter (minus trolls) converts / educates a Republican by opening their eyes (in a nice way) we’ll be able to edge out the wing-nuts and dead-enders.

    I haven’t been able to convince all of them but then again, how do you argue with someone who is convinced that Jesus was ‘white’ and the bible was written in English

  • I would like to believe that Obama and his advisers are ‘allowing’ McCain to make a fool of himself. by letting time go by enough gaffes have been accumulating that by the time the convention comes along, and the entire media will be tuned it, Obama can give a speech that will blow America away, while credible surrogates can make fun of McCain and his antics.

    How would McCain be able to deny he approved those ads and said those things, when all we have to do is prove it on Youtube etc…

    After all, McCain said it himself: Obama is a celebrity, and I bet a LOT of people (oops! fans – according to Davis) will be tuned in and listening. Talk about FREE advertising for the Obama / Democratic ticket. Especially when some surrogates make some juicy accusations about McCain: The media wouldn’t be able to help themselves, but cover the controversy in a ‘he said -he said’ style of reporting.