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McCain’s DHL problem may cost him Ohio

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One month ago today, John McCain hosted a town-hall event in Ohio, when Mary Houghtaling, who runs a hospice in Wilmington, choked up in describing the devastating job losses associated with DHL’s plans to close its domestic air hub in her town. McCain said he’d been “briefed” on the situation, which he described as “a terrible blow.”

Responding directly to Houghtaling, a McCain supporter, the presumptive Republican nominee added, “But I’ve gotta look you in the eye and give you straight talk. I don’t know if I can stop it or not, or if it will be stopped. So I have to tell you that. That’s some straight talk. In fact, some more straight talk? I doubt it.”

No one realized it at the time, but the exchange may have seriously undermined McCain’s chances of winning Ohio in November.

We learned this week that McCain helped push the DHL deal in the Senate, and it was McCain’s lobbyist-turned-campaign manager Rick Davis helped orchestrate the DHL deal in the first place. Workers in Ohio feared that the foreign merger would cost the community a lot of jobs, and that’s precisely what happened.

McCain made it happen, and now the Obama campaign is pouncing. This radio ad was unveiled yesterday.

“But there’s something John McCain’s not telling you,” the ad explains. “It was McCain who used his influence in the Senate to help foreign-owned DHL buy a U.S. company and gain control over the jobs that are now on the chopping block in Ohio,” the announcer says. “And that’s not all: McCain’s campaign manager was the top lobbyist for the DHL deal…helped push it through. His firm was paid $185,000 to lobby McCain and other Senators.”

Yes, this is largely an Ohio-centered issue, but as you may have noticed, Ohio’s pretty important in a presidential election.

More importantly, after a month of a McCain-attacks-Obama-responds dynamic, this is turning the tables.

The McCain campaign’s response doesn’t make any sense.

The McCain campaign has unveiled a new message today, amplifying their theme about Obama’s life being “grand”: When Obama talks about job losses, he’s just exploiting the working class — and they’ve rolled out a working-class supporter to make that very case.

On a conference call just now with reporters, held in response to an Obama radio ad in Ohio tying McCain and Rick Davis to local job losses, an area resident who supports McCain lambasted Obama for running the ad.

“Shame, shame on Barack Obama for making us and putting us in this sort of position to look like the sad little Wilmington people,” said Mary Houghtaling, a local McCain supporter. Houghtaling later added, “He should be helping us, not harming us. He makes us look foolish, it’s not right.”

Obama, however, is and has been actually trying to do something to help those trapped in this situation. A little over a week ago, he called for the Bush Administration to take action against the deal in question.

Josh Marshall summarized the McCain message: “Telling people about the workers our campaign manager helped get laid off is unfair to the people who got laid off.”

This isn’t just some passing interest for the Obama campaign.

Barack Obama’s presidential campaign claimed that the general election had reached a critical turning point this past week after it was revealed that John McCain and his campaign manager had helped facilitate a merger that could result in the loss of thousands of jobs in Ohio.

On a conference call with reporters, Obama’s campaign manager David Plouffe said news of McCain and Rick Davis’ involvement in the DHL deal was “the most important development of the entire campaign this week” and would convince voters in the critical swing state that the Arizona Republican was far from his maverick image.

“He was there a month ago in this community and was asked a question about this DHL issue and did not say one word about his role in this or the role of his campaign manager. That is the furthest thing from straight talk that we can imagine,” said Plouffe.

Expect to hear more about this as the campaign unfolds.


  • This is something that is well worth a major offensive. It’s not a personal character issue (well, it’s corruption) but a policy issue, an issue of economic policy and leadership, and, if anyone cares to notice, McCain’s hypocrisy.

  • Now couple that with his investment in alternate energy vehicle production (which, BTW, technically is a bailout of the auto industry, but one that has benefits for many future workers and not a select group of rich and dishonest people) and McCain is done throughout the rust belt.

    Come on Obama.. Get a good uppercut in right after that nice jab.

  • Is the Mary Houghtaling in paragraph 1 (from the Time article) who got choked up when asking McCain about the plant closing a month ago, the same Mary Houghtaling who is saying “Shame, shame on Barack Obama for making us and putting us in this sort of position to look like the sad little Wilmington people,”” in the TPM piece? If so she must be quite a piece of work,

  • I hope many fellow Ohioans are paying attention to this. I never liked McCain, and as the campaign goes on, I find him less and less likable.

  • Danp @ 3:

    As you well know, a prominent component of Rovian political campaigning is the “town hall” meeting stocked exclusively with vetted, loyal card carrying members of the republican party. Then make sure they ask pre-planned, talking-points supporting, straw-man questions. Now instead of loyal Bushies, we get loyal McCainites.

    I’m sure Mary Houghtaling receives no quid pro quo for her timely and poignant contribution to the McCain campaign, not.

  • Danp: That one is worth investigating. Is she just a ‘faceless member of the crowd’ or a ‘plant.’

    And after asking the question, I did what TPM and others should have done, and Googled her. Found the following:
    “The meeting is not being organized as a campaign event or political gathering and is not open to general public admission, said Mary Houghtaling, a key local organizer of the get-together.” (emphasis mine) from

    and, reporting on something that happened the day before the 2004 election
    “Then he [GWB] and first lady Laura Bush walked to the tarmac, waved, boarded the gleaming Air Force One and took off. It was a dramatic flourish, and Mary Houghtaling, whose husband has flown cargo jets at the air park for more than 20 years, still says, “Oh, it was the coolest thing.”


    and from HuffPo
    “Then, with a quavering voice that hinted at tears, Houghtaling said: “We don’t need any more bad things in Wilmington. We just need to be happy in Wilmington for one weekend. Please take the ad down, Senator Obama.”

    Truly, a more sympathetic surrogate for the McCain campaign’s position would be difficult to find. Though leveraging the pain of an economic victim in a partisan conference call inevitably carries a hint of politicization, as well. But as you might expect from campaign operatives, such self-awareness was not on the program.

    In fact, to listen to McCain spokeswoman Nancy Pfotenhauer tell it, the campaign was not even engaged in negative campaigning. Seeking to paper over a factual slip made by Houghtaling — who suggested that McCain had called for a hearing on DHL that Rep. John Conyers actually asked for — the press aide said: “We’re not running ads attacking Sen. Obama.”

    This occurred at approximately 4:45 pm, or 20 minutes after eagle-eyed reporters may have noticed a McCain campaign email that announced a new … wait for it … radio ad attacking Barack Obama on the economy. Entitled “Recipe,” it includes the line: “If elected President, Obama’s promises would mean even more taxes on income, electricity, oil, small business, seniors, your life savings, your family. Painful taxes when times are tough enough.”

    Houghtaling is, obviously, a bit more than ‘just a Wilmington resident who runs a hospice.’

  • Prup (7) I did what TPM and others should have done, and Googled her.

    TPM, others and Danp. Thanks, that was fascinating. She really is a piece of work. I wonder if she has as much sympathy for the folks at the hospice as she does for the people who are losing their jobs, or if she just enjoys crying.

  • When Houghtaling was saying, “He’s making us look foolish…” She was really referring to the McCain campaign she is supporting. That is because you should feel foolish supporting the very person who helped create your crisis to begin with. What a goober.

  • Thanks guys, but the point is, to repeat my ‘theme of the day,’ as much fun as it is hanging out here at Steve Benen’s backyard barbecue, talking and arguing with people who, mostly, agree with us, and throwing the ends of our hot dog rolls at the trolls who show up, we should also be talking to our neighbors and co-workers and being the true surrogates for Obama. Sending checks to him is great, but we can and should be doing something even more valuable.

  • Anyone wonder why Obama didn’t want 10 town halls with screened undecided voters? Because McCain can, and will, lie with a straight face. While lots of folks might tune in for the debate and be lied to by McCain, fewer will find out he lied.

    If it takes a month to run down all the Marys for McCain he might stumble into office.

  • The main point of your post may be in error.

    If Mary Houghtaling is your average Ohio voter — and the last 2 elections indicate she is — Ohio voters will, once again, elect a Big Oil/Big Corporation candidate to control the White House another 4 years.

    She’s shilling for the very people who helped close the DHL plant.

    And 4 years from now Ohio voters will wonder “what happened to my job?”

  • After living amongst the “Mary Houghtaling” crowd in Cincinnati and Columbus for ten years, I’ve got to tell you that these folks will NEVER get it straight. Their love of everything GOP is first priority…before their own economic means…before the nation as a whole. I’m supposed to feel sorry for poor Mary and her hubby, GOP insiders, who might lose her business/hospice?? boo-hoo

    Hey, Mary, forget your cares…go down the road and spend what little you have at the Outlet mall at Washington Courthouse. Then ask your buddy, Grampy McLame, if he’ll give you one of his seven homes.

  • This Mary woman sounds like a piece of work.

    Unfortunately, I still can’t support this ad. I’m a believer in globalization. Jobs here will be lost, but they can be replaced with better jobs. The villanizing of DHL just seems dishonest to me. You cannot expect a company to keep an unprofitable location for the sake of making jobs. These companies answer to their stockholders. It’s about making money.
    Does globalization move jobs overseas? Yes. But these jobs can be replaced with better ones. America can absorb more educated workers, we need to educate the workforce.

    I’m disappointed to see Obama take an isolationist route instead of embracing globalization and promising to vault America into the 21st century, not send it make to the 20th.

  • If her husband was a cargo pilot as one of Prup’s articles state, wasn’t he one of the ones laid off?

    And she runs a hospice, does she think it’s ok that McCain and Repubs don’t think everyone should have health insurance?

    You just don’t usually see such a dichotomy within one person in such a few paragraphs and within a month.

    Way good googling Jim, Prup, ^5.

  • says:

    @ doubtful #5…
    Re: Mary Houghtaling…

    Looks like you should have gone with a rework of a classic Twain quote.

    There are idiots, damned idiots, and republican plants.

  • Not only should Obama *not* stop airing the ad, he should remake it into a TV one, showing both Marys. The one who chokes about job losses (including her husband’s; no wonder she was fighting tears about it) a month ago, and the one yesterday, being pissed off about Obama’s tearing the veil off McCain’s duplicity (though it’s doubtful that McCain *remembers* his part in the deal). What she’s really pissed off about is not being made *look* like a fool, but that everyone will now see that she *is* one. I expect, her influence on fellow Repubs in Wilmington will have diminished due to this and a better deserving person would be hard to find.

  • says:

    Rabi: Unfortunately, I still can’t support this ad. I’m a believer in globalization.

    Me too…. especially when I see its effect on CEO salaries.

    Does anybody really believe there aren’t millions of smart Chinese and Indians CEOs who could run any American corporation better and for a fraction of the cost of our Yale educated legacy boys?

    In fact the whole friggin’ corporate board management system could be replace by cheap Chinese with an incredible work ethic. It would lower the cost of production and increase the profits on all multinationals.

    Until I see that…
    Globalization is mostly just a pile of republican shit for pigs to wallow in…

  • Jobs here will be lost, but they can be replaced with better jobs. The villanizing of DHL just seems dishonest to me. You cannot expect a company to keep an unprofitable location for the sake of making jobs. These companies answer to their stockholders. It’s about making money.

    Its always about money isn’t it, and speaking of money I am sure those people who are going to lose their jobs whould love to have your inside informatlion on which 7-11’s and burger palaces are going to offer those “better” jobs , since tlhat particular phenomona of “better” jobs doesn’t seem to be occuring in all the other places where people have lost jobs to globalization.

  • Rabi @ #16:

    First of all it is the fact McCain calls himself the “straight” talker, but he lies by omission in the DHL case. Additionally Mary Houghtaling “acting” like she was upset was deceitful, too.

    The idea a candidate is so willing to tell voters something that has no basis in reality or truth comes down to whether that person is “trustworthy.” After 8 years of lies Americans have had it.

    One thing I can say about Obama is he has never out and out lied to us. He changed his mind on FISA and one or two other issues, but that would be like comparing apples to oranges.

    And worse McCain shows no compunction about looking people in the eye and telling them things that are demonstrably untrue.

    Furthermore it raises the question, would McCain lie us into another war?

    I support the ad because that is the only way to get the truth out to the public.

    “Straight Talker” my ass! McCain cannot have it both ways.

  • Dear Senator Obama,

    PLEASE hammer McCain on this. It would not be negative campaigning. It strikes at core issues: honesty and integrity, insider v. outsider. This story runs the risk of being lost over the weekend, and because of Olympics coverage. It needs to be front page on Monday. This is not a “gaffe”, nor even a “senior moment”. It is egregious duplicity. “I will look you straight in the eye and tell you” …. a bunch of crap.

  • Rabi @ 16 said:

    Does globalization move jobs overseas? Yes. But these jobs can be replaced with better ones. America can absorb more educated workers, we need to educate the workforce.

    If there are a lot of the same type of people like that ‘Mary’ living in that area; then your premise does not work. Those ‘Mary’s can’t become more educated. They need / want to drink Kool-Aid, not learn new things.

    Elect McCain, he’ll tell us what to do and where to go… I’m sure he knows what is best for us. With that mentality, how can you expect them to better themselves.

    It’s CULT mentality , pure and simple.

  • Count and counterpoint in Ohio:
    As the article points out, the Cuyahoga (spell?) County is of vital interest to Dems and has featured — prominently — in the past elections. So, is the FBI probe something along the lines of the Kwame (?Spell? the mayor of Detroit) guy, or along the lines of Siegelman (?Spell? the ex-governor of Alabama)? And, will he case get resolved before November?

  • Please they are so silly because they don’t want a black as president they would allow this worm Mccain to get never the White House is scary. My god what war he did he win we didn’t win the Vietnam.WAR I know we all know we withdrawal our troops we lose hundreds and hundreds thousands soldiers . He was a prisoner of war so how goes he know how to win a war that guy is a born liar. He knows what part he played in OHIO DEAL WITH PARTNER IN CRIME DAVIS THAT NUT IN DHL DEAL .Those people will lose their job and their homes maybe more .What get me is none of these so called news shows Hannity, O’relly, MEET THE PRESS ,CBS,NBC , ANDERSON COOPER,CBS CAMPBELL BROWN OH I COULD GO ON AND ON. THEY TALK ABOUT OBAMA AT FEVER HIGH ALL NEGATIVE LET SEE IF ANY ONE OF THESE CHICKEN HEADS BRING THIS MATTER UP OH LET SEE IF KATHIE C. BRING IT UP ON HER SHOW . I’LL BE WAITING I HOPE AMERICA WILL TOO,

  • It’s telling that the McCainaanites couldn’t find an actual DHL worker to parrot the talking points at the town hall, and had to fall back on one of their own campaign workers.

  • Please help spread the word and donate to the Accountable America. We have to fund and help with their efforts.

    Led by Tom Matzzie, a liberal political operative who has been involved with some prominent left-wing efforts in recent years, the newly formed nonprofit group, Accountable America, is planning to confront donors to conservative groups, hoping to create a chilling effect that will dry up contributions.

    “We want to stop the Swift Boating before it gets off the ground,” said Mr. Matzzie, who described his effort as “going for the jugular.”

  • says:


  • from the Dayton Daily News – JULY 1, 2008:

    “Ohio’s U.S. House delegation has sent letters to two congressional committees urging hearings on a proposal to consolidate DHL’s North American shipping operations into UPS, a decision that would cost the Wilmington region some 8,000 jobs….
    The letter to Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers and Ranking Member Lamar Smith asks the committee to investigate the deal to see if it violates federal antitrust law. It was signed by every member of the Ohio House delegation except Rep. Betty Sutton, D-Copley Twp., who declined because she is a member of that committee.”

    It was obvious that Mary crybaby was lying, andit wasn’t difficult to find the truth. How poisoned with hate are these people? It’s disturbing.

    Here’s more debunking, form the Cleveland Plain Dealer – August 9, 2008:

    House panels plan hearings on DHL-UPS deal
    Stephen Koff – Plain Dealer Bureau Chief

    “Washington- Politicians may have to take a number soon as they call for congressional hearings on the DHL-United Parcel Service deal that could take away thousands of Ohio jobs.

    Presidential candidate John McCain this week called for one in the Senate, but before it could even be scheduled, two were being lined up in the House.”

    See above article for info on the 2 hearings.

    C’mon, Obama campaign. Let the LIARS have it! Spread the word.

  • While not big donors, looks like we might have a bit of irony hear as Mr. Houghtaling gave some dough to the RNC in the year after Rick Davis had lobbied for the DHL deal to end his job.

    Occupation: A.B.X. AIR/AIRLINE PILOT
    Date: 8/31/04
    Amount: $200
    Donation to: Republican National Cmte (R)

    Source: Election cycle year:2004
    [nothing in 2006 or 2008]