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Republican lawmaker says Jesus, not environmentalists, has saved the planet

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For a few months, I’ve been corresponding with a friend and regular reader, “Zeitgeist,” who insists that Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) is

, without a doubt, the single craziest member of the House of Representatives. I usually respond by pointing to Rep. Michele Bachmann, the infamous Minnesota Republican.

Given recent events, King is really going to have to pick up his game — because Bachmann keeps getting further and further out there.

House Republicans say Speaker Nancy Pelosi is playing politics at the expense of the American economy — and taxpayers are suffering as a result.

House Republicans say they will continue their floor revolt over gas prices during the congressional recess until Nancy Pelosi allows an up-or-down vote on offshore oil drilling. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) says she plans to return to Washington to join in the protest.

“[Pelosi] is committed to her global warming fanaticism to the point where she has said that she’s just trying to save the planet. We all know that someone did that over 2,000 years ago, they saved the planet — we didn’t need Nancy Pelosi to do that,” says Bachmann.

As Eric Kleefeld added, these latest comments are part of a trend: “Other recent Bachmannisms include the claim that there isn’t actually any wildlife in the areas of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge where she wants more drilling, and the allegation Democrats want high gas prices so as to force people to move into ‘inner cities’ and ‘the urban core.'”

If we’re ranking the far-right lawmakers in a March-Madness-style bracket, to determine the absolute craziest, Bachmann has to be a #1 seed, right?


  • I don’t know, Steve King is out there. How can we forget that he once said that his wife was safer walking the streets of Baghdad than in D.C. Or when he referred to the torture of Iraqi prisoners by their American captors as “What amounts to hazing.”
    I think we can all agree that both are bat sh*t crazy. Oh and don’t forget that crazy ass Inhofe bastard in Oklahoma

  • So, all we have to do to clean our air, bring down the earth’s temperature, make the oceans recede, remove toxins from our drinking water and ensure an eternal supply of cheap gasoline is to accept Jesus as our personal savior? Or our personal meteorologist?

  • There should be a separate bracket for Senators — except that Inhofe would be so far ahead of the field he’d be the odds-on favorite to meet the House winner in a cage match, loser to resign — which would get rid of one of ’em.

  • Unless Steve King tried to shove his tongue down W’s throat in a passionate kiss then Bachmann’s a lock for #1 crazy seed.

  • Too bad King and Bachmann are both married; what a Congressional couple they’d make! I don’t see where one has any particular advantage over the other. They’re both batshit crazy, but King and his whole family are apparently lifelong Lindberghers (lot of them in Iowa) while Bachmann says she converted from Democrat to Republican while reading Gore Vidal’s “Burr” because she thought his prose style was “snotty.” She and her husband got their political start as sidewalk abortion “counsellors,” and it hardly gets nuttier than that. One difference is that King’s seat is, unfortunately, pretty safe unless he decides to run for Governor. It looks like Bachmann’s election was a fluke. Here’s hoping for better results this fall. Until then, what a wonderful couple of Representatives for their party.

  • Wow, didn’t see #2. Sorry to be repetitive. Batshit does seem to be the operational adjective, though.

  • I am from Minnesota. When Bachmann was running for office I noticed that she had facial expressions that one sees in mentally unstable people. Her words have verified my suspicion. I cringe at the thought of her representing our state.

  • you know, i was out of town a few days and just got back in time for this. and while i’d love to keep fighting the good fight, I just may have to concede the top seed in the Midwest Regional to Bachmann. thats damn crazy.

  • The beauty of a March Maddness seeding chart is there are four number one seeds. So you and Zeitgeist can both be right. I want to put my own odious congresscritter into the mix for one of the other two number one spots. Marsha Blacburn, even Chris Mathews thinks she’s stupid and a republican tool. ( So, she’s got that going for her.)

    We should so totally do this. Week one have 64 Republican Reps competing top 32 stupidest. most egregious/menadacious wins. Have that be the week of the convention, we may add Dem convention week also, because you know the Reps are going to have to give some quotes to try to steal Dem thunder. Anyway and keep whittling it down to election day, with the playoff between the “winners” post-election for their justification why things went so badly wrong. This could be some kinda fun. But I agree the Senate needs it’s own bracket. Though much smaller of course.

    Maybe someone better versed in bracketology could come up with the template and the rules.

  • crenson @ 3 said:

    So, all we have to do to clean our air, bring down the earth’s temperature, make the oceans recede, remove toxins from our drinking water and ensure an eternal supply of cheap gasoline is to accept Jesus as our personal savior?

    Aren’t a lot of republicans ALREADY doing that? Why haven’t we seen the result? Or is that one of those ‘secret’ plans McCain keeps alluding to, that will help us capture Bin Laden?

    I’m a non-religious person, but if the crazy christians (with a small letter as not to offend true Christians) can solve all those problems by simple prayer, I’m all for it. I don’t need no environmentalist if praying works. It’s so much easier, don’t need to break a sweat, doesn’t cost a dime, and you can even pretend. Who wouldn’t want that?

    I’m still waiting for the confirmation that everything is fine.

  • Don’t give up, Zeitgeist. There’s room for competition in the Rep party, and King is truly a contender. But don’t overlook Virgil Goode, either. He wants to close the borders so we don’t get more Islamic congressmen. Meanwhile Jean Schmidt and John Boehner cam never be written off.

  • says:

    I guarantee that if one of these circus republicans said “I’ve been shot” and fell on the floor that for weeds the rest of them would moan and groan as if they had all been shot and tourists would gather for the show…before long the media would pick up on it saying how deep the wound was and how awful that Pelosi would not get an up or down vote on off shore shilling so that this republican could go home and get treatment…republicans would be fly9ng back to congress to show their support for the cause…totally ignoring Pelosi’s comments that no one had been shot. The moaning would go on for weeks which each member doing their particular circus act for the small gathering, curious public.

    Self-righteous republican chest beaters place extreme importance on acting ignorant and immature for the public. How did such pathetic people ever get elected…money and the ability to con people. They are attempting to turn congress into a circus…and continue the dumbing down of America, so knowledge is a 5 min sound byte. Just pathetic. The press says “your just too stupid to ignore”.

    btw…has anyone else noticed that Bush is drinking heavily again. Just look at those puffy eyes when he does without for a few hours.

  • Well, I hate to see my choice Pete Hoekstra left in the dust like this, but you make a compelling case, CB. Bachmann’s cruising for a one-way ticket to a rubber room.

  • Danp said: “… don’t overlook Virgil Goode (R-VA), either. He wants to close the borders so we don’t get more Islamic congressmen.”

    I’m so glad that we are in the running here in Virginia.

    Jesus not only saved the planet 2000 years ago, he promised to come back before the last of his disciples (that would be John) died.

    Still waiting….

  • Can the brackets be Theocratic, Libertarian, Fiscal Conservative and Know-Nothing (anti-imigrant)?

    Goode gets 1st seed in Know-Nothing, right?

  • The real issue are the actual ‘humans’ that voted for creeps like this … people actually voting for these delusional creeps .. that is the real issue .. like the ‘humans’ that can vote for something like Sen Imhoff of Oklahoma .. actually vote for such a SECRETION .. think about it: people listening to secretions like this and going, ‘yep, that’s just how i think’ .. fucking unreal …

  • Bruno, it’s hard for me to see a difference between all the christians that put prayer in front of planning and policy and all the potheads who smoke a bowl every day at 4:20 for “world peace.”

    In fact, the latter probably makes a little more sense.

  • I love it.

    Keep up the clown act, Republicans! Everyone in the bubble says you’re doing GREAT!!!

  • Although Michele Bachmann is a loon (the state bird here in Minnesota), I fear she will be re-elected, because: (1) name recognition (2) perky personality (3) gross ignorance of the electorate and (4) representing a largely rural, conservative district.

    She defeated Patt Wetterling (child safety advocate) in 2006 which was a Democratic year. Don’t underestimate her. Michele may be daft but when you’re perky and cute, those qualities trump everything else. It’s sad state of affairs.

  • Well of course Jesus knows: we know not what we do…but…politicians run around saying big government is not good for you and me to help us make up our mind, until a crisis…

    Perhaps a little adjustment is about to made. Liking it or not divine intervention maybe around the corner, or aliens have landed to help man kind over come which ever you prefer…

    One ideal in particular is the support of tyranny, face the fact basics of the bible, here we are surround by that notion, God supported Kings and tyranny. Not too much of any Democracy till Pontius pilot spiked the crowd to empower to give Barabous his freedom over Jesus. If the issues of elections back then are still with Jesus to be sure there could be some hard feelings now. Heck Americans know the feeling having the election stolen twice by Bush and Company. To be sure there is some planning in action by our Jesus, hopefully. Also the Quran has the same fundamentals, and waging war is a natural for both bible books.

    Ladies and Gentleman of America whether you believe in God or not what is clear is society has indulged in several centuries’ here were morality in government is run by tyrants even today.

    But, it’s so disgusting for a politician like Karol Rove to merrily appear on the mountain top, like appearing on mainstream media, making stories and telling lies all while avoiding legal demands to appear before the peoples Congress.

    Here, Steve King isn’t crazy, just absorbed in a crazy system, and doesn’t know what he is doing. Engulfed in what is the right thing to do at every moment though does not look toward the future as we need to understand about pre-eminence rather than pre-emption.

    All those Republicans that support Obama should make an open effort to ask Karol Rove publicly as should Steve King be among those that stop avoiding that appearance Karol Rove should make.

    It all is beyond insulting to the people by the Republican Party. It is insulting to the very moral fiber of religion they preach, honour the labour to serve the public.

    Obviously Karol Rove does not take honor in his duty, and Bush does not either. That’s what America is blessed with, a range of dishonor that not only shreds the Constitution but buries the fundemental truth in the Bible. America with this Republican Party we have been blessed with condemnation.

    The environment would likely heal it self with out these kinds of servants to the public.

  • And we can just stop all of that blasphemous cancer and disease research too. Don’t you know? Jesus cured people just with his touch! We don’t need more expensive equipment and medications, these people just need to accept Jesus(and if they say they have, they are liars because if they had brought Jesus into their hearts their illness would be cured).

    I just feel like going up to these people and saying that if that is what you truly believe, then I accept that, but give me your car keys, cell phone, modern medicine that you use(including pace makers), computers, every gadget in your home, etc because these are the things that modern science have brought us; NOT worshiping Jesus.

  • Bachmann may be nuts, but Republicans in this Congress wanting an “up or down vote” is hilarious. (Okay, down!)

  • Why aren’t we all just voting for Jesus for president then? He’s got the most experience, only speaks English, and blesses our great nation with peace, prosperity and minty freshness.

    If Jesus saved the world 2,000 years ago, then why do we even bother waking each morning? Really! Christians always say that Atheists are “E-ville” because “if you don’t believe in God, you don’t believe in goodness and stuff.” But, what is there for a bunch of pre-forgiven “it-don’t-matter-what-I-be-the-Lord-done-saved-the-world-for-me” Christians to do all day? Seriously, if we can’t possibly exert any evil force — like pollution — on the earth because it’s already fixed, then what, pray, is the purpose of existence?

  • Should Boehner get extra credit for each insane remark because his leadership position makes him more important? Or should his insane remarks be counted a little against every other Republican member too because they were crazy enough to elect him their leader?

  • I live in Minnesota too, looks like there’s a lot of us on here.

    I think Pelosi is the loony one here between her and Bachmann. Pelosi saying she’s trying to save the world? Really? How? By stifling debate on energy plans? By shutting down Congress like a little Stalin (Pelosi’s Politburo)? If anyone has a claim for dingbat, it’s Pelosi. She’s done absolutely nothing as the Speaker but b!tch and moan. That’s not trying to save the world.

  • She’s done absolutely nothing as the Speaker but b!tch and moan. That’s not trying to save the world. -Chad

    So, it looks you’re not trying to save the world, either, by your definition.

    Anywho, Pelosi didn’t ‘shut down’ Congress. They went on their regularly scheduled, routine, run-of-the-mill summer recess.

    It’s really rich, though, the Republicans of the do-nothing congress and the Bush Administration lambasting a Democrat for ‘vacationing’ too much and stiffling debate. I’m sure the irony is lost on you, Chad.

  • OK, I’ll concede that she’s a top seed. But King is not second to this lady. Besides, he’s got mean going for him.

    As my entry in his defense, I submit his construction of a scale model border wall on the floor of the House, complete with barbed wire. (His son could build it, he said.) He suggested that it could be electrified–“we do this with livestock all the time.”

    I rest my case.

  • 2LanelA: Incredible video! And how pathetic that Republicans have gone from “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” to “I’ve got a buddy who can build a mile of electrified wall a day!” to keep the human livestock out.


  • No doubt Bachmann is a contender, but she’s no match for the loony King. Plus, he’s had six years filled with nuttiness, whereas Bachmann is a mere rookie.

    Let’s hope both of them are gone as of this November so we have come up with two others to “top” the list.

  • The real issue are the actual ‘humans’ that voted for creeps like this … people actually voting for these delusional creeps .. that is the real issue ..

    Although that is very true, you also have to consider: Who in their right mind wants to subject themselves to all the probing, accusations, badmouthing, name calling, etc… just so you can serve your country.

    It is one thing to be vetted, but it is an entirely different beast, when you involve the media who’s more interested in the horse race and trivial matters that would have no impact on ‘how’ you govern.

    I guess that you pretty much have to have a few screws loose in order to want to run for the Federal or State office in the Senate and/or as a Representative.

    As a voter, it is not as if you’re deciding ‘who’ will be on your ballot. Primaries ‘look’ like they’re giving you a choice, but really…. McCain ended up being the Republican nominee, not because of what he stood for, but because he was the last one standing.

    Once in a great while you get good candidates for any government office, but those are rare, and yet people still feel the need to sling mud at them, as if that is the only way to prove that you’re worthy to represent your constituents.

    I’m sure there are many people who’ve been encouraged by their friends to run for office. They’ve been told they’d be really good at it. Friends and acquaintances feel that they know and understand the issues. Yet, I’m sure there are plenty of them who think: “I’ll be damned if I subject myself to all those smears”

    It’s a rare combination to find a person who enjoys ‘pressing the flesh’ and ‘kissing babies’ AND loves reading up on the issues and delve into policy matters, offering detailed opinions.

    Look at Bush: that’s the social guy you can have a beer with (not withstanding he’s a dry alcoholic), but doesn’t take the time to inform himself about the issues.

    Gore, Kerry, Hillary, Biden, and many more are considered boring and dry, because they’re policy wonks, or dare I say ‘elitists’. The low-information voter isn’t interested in why off shore drilling wouldn’t work. Those long words and all those numbers make their head hurt. They just want to know whether the price of gas is going down. When McCain yells. Drill here – drill now. That sounds reasonable, especially when he lies about it producting results in a matter of months.

    Off my soap box now.

  • In response to those that suggest only God can save the planet there is an old joke.

    A man prays to God each week to win the lottery and after decades of no wins he decides God doesn’t care or exist.
    This upset God who spoke to him that night.

    “Meet me half way and buy a ticket”

    If you think God is the answer meet him half way and clean up your pollution.

  • Former Dan has it right. When one can make even GWB, himself a world leader in inappropriate physical contact, recoil in alarm, that’s a special kind of crazy.

  • Lance said: “Can the brackets be Theocratic, Libertarian, Fiscal Conservative and Know-Nothing (anti-immigrant)?”

    Steve King fits in all of the above. King has an advantage over Bachmann because he’s been in congress longer. My favorite example of King’s antics is his juvenile behavior when the Judiciary Committee was attempting to question Doug Feith.

  • chrenson, LOL Great line.

    If you liked that must-see TV, you might like King asking Scott McClellan why he couldn’t have taken it to his grave. Or driving Jerrold Nadler to an early cocktail hour. Claiming that Al Queda would be dancing in the streets if Obama wins. And these are just a few of the rich array of choices.

    He has, of course, been participating in the Exxon Sleepover on the House floor, but sadly there are no cameras to capture him brandishing a poster of Nancy Pelosi and attacking her because she wants to save the planet. And, my final entry:

    “By refusing to hold a vote on domestic drilling because of environmental concerns, King said Pelosi has decided that “saving the planet is worth more than saving the Homo sapiens.”

    Homo sapiens can always go live on the moon, I suppose. King has an opponent, and his district is not safe this year. To contribute to his retirement fund, go here.

  • The solution to the problem is to put all these House GOPers into a giant stadium—like the Romans did with their gladiators—and let them have at each other with rusty knives and old, nail-studded bowling pins until there’s “less than two of ’em still breathing.”

    The last rattled gasp wins the House Cup!

  • I also live in Mn ( actually in stillwater ) and if Michele gets elected again it proves only one thing. There are alot of people who are just plain DUMN.

  • 32.On August 12th, 2008 at 4:57 pm, Chad said:
    She’s done absolutely nothing as the Speaker but b!tch and moan.

    That’s not true. Look at all the bills which passed the House in the first 3 months of 2007. Pelosi did her part trying to fix all the messes Bush has made, but Senate Republicans filibustered every bill they could over the last 2 years and shut Congress down. Taking impeachment off the table and allowing the vote on FISA were mistakes, but otherwise Pelosi has done as well as could be expected under the circumstances. Reid, on the other hand, has really accomplished nothing. It’s not entirely his fault, but he could have done a much better job of publicizing what Republicans have done to Congress.

  • As the story goes, Jesus was born approximately AD 1-4 and did his world-saving about 30 years later. Therefore, it’s been less than 2000 years.

    Bachmann must bet thinking of a different, earlier savior.

  • Maybe Rep bakedman can get her F’n god to come back & teach polar bears to walk on water before they all drown.

  • You just don’t understand Steve and Michele. These people are from western Iowa and Minnesota. Their constituency is made up of people who think Bush is a wuss. They think that Bush should have gone to Iraq and stangled Saddam himself. These people are the ones you think of when you think of in-bred morons.

    King is from northwestern Iowa and I belive that Bachmann is from the western part of Minnesota. These are the ones who remained when the smart ones left the state or moved to the big city.

  • Well gee. If Jesus saved the planet I guess that means we can stop fighting the terrorists.

    I wouldn’t call either of these fReichtards crazy. To be crazy they’d have to believe the shit they say. They’re like the TalEvangical preachers who live in mansions and other opportunistic leeches. They know so long as they put on a good show, the rubes will keep shelling out the cash (and the votes).

    Well, OK. After Bachman Turn-on Overdrive’s public groping of Bush, I’m not too sure … well, that falls under opportunistic also…

    Fine, I admit it! I’m just jealous because Maryland will never elect anything that will even put us on the try-out team in the elected fringe-loon Olympics. Humph!

  • If we’re ranking the far-right lawmakers in a March-Madness-style bracket, to determine the absolute craziest, Bachmann has to be a #1 seed, right?

    Bachmann deserves her own freaking bracket.

    And that’s even factoring in the (so far unmentioned) Senators Coburn, Inhofe, Brownback, Bunning, Crapo, Graham, and Senator Intertubes, in the evaluation process. (Please note that I have only skimmed the surface of congreesional lunacy with these selections)

    Dana Rorhbacher deserves his own bracket, too – praise Koresh that B-2 Bob Dornan isn’t eligible as well.

    Personally, I would prefer that they fence in the Senate floor, toss all these mental midgets in with various implements of destruction, and have C-Span televise a death-cage match of the resulting fireworks. You could make gazillions of dollars in pay-per-view revenues on that…

  • It depends on what you mean by “save” and “planet.” Anyone who really wants to pick a fight will find a pretext.

  • She may be “out there”, but she does have a point. I don’t care that Pelosi is a Democrat, Pelosi has developed a huge EGO. People are suffering due to high gas prices and a vote for off shore drillling should have taken place. Tons of money is being sent to the Middle East each year by the United States. It would be wonderful if the US could keep all this money and use it for the people here in our country who need help as well as poor people in other countries who are starving, etc. Pelosi is on HER vacation. So many people have had to cancel their’s because of high gas prices. Pelosi has become a disgrace.

  • Michele Bachmann may have only been in Congress for a few years, but he has a record of crazy that goes way back.

    1) Claimed she was trapped in a bathroom in Scandia by activist lesbians. (A personal favorite). Stillwater Tribune
    2) Proposed the Freedom of Choice Light Bulb Act. Minneapolis StarTribune
    3) Got her degree in law from Coburn, an affiliate of Oral Roberts University, where apparently they neglected to teach her about case law. (Same source as #1)
    4) She went totally Ga Ga over Bush. She hugged, kissed, pawed him and wouldn’t let go. Crooks & Liars
    5) Later she claimed Bush tried to kiss and hug her at the scene of the 35W bridge collapse, but that she rebuffed him. Think Progress
    6) She claims the Caribou love the warmth of the Alaskan oil pipeline and that its a regular “coffee klatch” for them. Think Progress
    7) She has uncovered a plot by Democrats and greenies to force everyone to live in tenements and take light rail to their government jobs. You Tube
    8) And let not forget that she claimed she knew of a secret plan by Iran to seize control of Iraq and partition it and turn it into a safe haven for terrorists. Think Progress