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Bush ally slams McCain over personal life, infidelity

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The Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, at first blush, would not appear to be the kind of man to publicly bash the hell out of John McCain. He’s the senior pastor at Windsor Village United Methodist Church in Houston; he’s a close personal friend of the president, and he recently officiated Jenna Bush’s wedding.

But after McCain’s appearance at Sturgis last week, Caldwell was apparently disgusted.

“Well, I don’t know a lot about John McCain’s family history, I do know, however, that as recently as last week I think it was, the Senator made a comment in South Dakota regarding his wife entering some Buffalo Chips contest which is this topless deal and if she were to enter she would probably win it and my personal opinion and based on my understanding of the Christian faith, that’s not not, N-O-T, not the type of expression that a presidential candidate, or anyone for that matter who is a follower of the Christian faith, ought to make,” said the Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell. “I don’t know if that is a perfect case in point, but it surely does help to juxtapose the DNA of Senator Obama, if you would, versus the DNA of Senator McCain.” […]

Caldwell said that McCain’s Buffalo Chips comment stood in stark contrast with Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., whom Caldwell sees as a good family man supporting pro-family policies.

He wasn’t done. Caldwell went on to blast McCain’s “marital history,” his discomfort with candidates who commit adultery, and his questions about McCain’s “character.”

Asked if he would hesitate to support a candidate who committed adultery, as McCain has, Caldwell added, “Absolutely I would. Because if you can’t keep your faith to your most sacred vow — ’til death do us part’ — how in the world can I trust you to lead my family? My government? My nation?”

McCain spokesman Brian Rogers responded to the criticism by saying that Americans “know that John McCain’s faith and character were tested and forged in ways few can fathom.”


, McCain having been a prisoner of war during Vietnam resolves any all questions about his character? Seriously?


  • It is about time someone came out and talked about McCain’s infidelity, we are expected to give him a pass as usual.

  • Why doesn’t the messy divorce of McCain make bigger news in the media?

    It seems far more relevant to the current campaign than anything John Edwards has done.

  • … unfortunately, it HAS to be an uber-conservative Christian pastor. If Michael Moore brought this up, it would clearly be an example of a vicious liberal attack on St. John the Maverick’s character. But hey, I’d take whatever I can get.

    One problem, though. Comparison of DNA? Come on. As if infidelity is an inherited trait. But, again, I’ll take whatever I can get.

  • “So, McCain having been a prisoner of war during Vietnam resolves any all questions about his character? Seriously?”

    Considering the number of pyschologically wounded servicemen (and women I suppose) who come home and kill their spouses, no.

    McC*nt has no option after the Edwards announcement but to imply that all Politicans are ‘like that’ because he knows perfectly well that head to head, he’s a far smaller man than Barack Obama.

    And I’m not talking about height.

  • FreeProton said: “One problem, though. Comparison of DNA? Come on.”

    Race guy. That’s a subtle dig at Obama’ race.

  • “So, McCain having been a prisoner of war during Vietnam resolves any all questions about his character? Seriously?”

    Sure it does, go ask Sean Hannity. Honestly, I’m STILL disgusted by that clip you linked to last night where he mimed Edwards combing his hair…like that’s the worst possible thing a person could do – groom.

    I simply don’t understand how a person can engage in such behaviour and be happy with themselves. He is not an honourable man. Somebody should tell him that, and tell him that he’s a disappointment to his father. That would hit him where it hurt. (I don’t know his father, but every Conservative I’ve ever met has Father Issues)

    Listen, you *could* make the argument that being a POW for 5.5 years would lead to some poor choices upon release. If McCain say, came home, and had an affair with a woman well that would be pretty understandable. I’d get that.

    Having an affair with an obscenely wealthy heiress and divorcing your now crippled wife in favour of the newer, younger model however, is NOT the result of trauma….it’s the result of being a total dick.

  • Of course McCain having been a prisoner of war during Vietnam resolves all questions about his character. Sean Hannity explained that all the other night!

    You even linked to the video of that yesterday.

  • Next up, three elderly nuns call McCain an old poop.

    McCain spokesman Brian Rogers responded to the criticism by saying that Americans “know that John McCain’s faith and character were tested and forged in ways few can fathom.”

    Wow. I guess all the POWs who didn’t dump their permanently disabled wives for something younger and richer are a bunch of losers.

  • “So, McCain having been a prisoner of war during Vietnam resolves any all questions about his character? Seriously?”

    That’s the only defense they’ve ever put forth for any lapse or transgression so why change now?

    “He’s too old.” – Prisoner of war.
    “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” – Prisoner of war.
    “He’s dangerously incompetent and could start WWIII”. – Prisoner of war.
    “He’s an adulterer.” – Prisoner of war.

    Come to think of it, Giuliani did the same thing except his mantra was “9-11”. Didn’t work out so good for him either.

  • says:

    When Alan Colmes brought up McCain’s infidelity in the context of a discussion about John Edwards’ mistress, Hannity went ballistic and screamed repeatedly “FIVE AND A HALF YEARS AS A PRISONER OF WAR!”

    Yes, CB – to the Republicans, McCain’s status as an ex-POW gives him a free pass on every question. What else can they say?

    My question: if being a POW for 5+ years leaves a man with bad judgment, maybe it’s a good reason not to vote for McCain.

  • that’s not not, N-O-T, not the type of expression that a presidential candidate, or anyone for that matter who is a follower of the Christian faith, ought to make,

    And McCain being quoted as called his wife a cunt is totally absolutely unprecedented in American HIstory I would say. Bush and Cheney’s “fucks” and “asshole” remarks aren’t even in the same leagues as McCain’s remark. And I’m pretty sure McCain didn’t use the word in the sense of rehabilitating the word to use as some kind of anti-intuitive pride word.

  • CB: So, McCain having been a prisoner of war during Vietnam resolves any all questions about his character?

    there are just so many sacred cows the MSM won’t touch, and this is one of them

  • Lance said:

    FreeProton said: “One problem, though. Comparison of DNA? Come on.”

    Race guy. That’s a subtle dig at Obama’ race.

    That’s right. Did you know that 99% of Obama’s DNA is exactly like ours?

  • OkieFromMuskogee said: My question: if being a POW for 5+ years leaves a man with bad judgment, maybe it’s a good reason not to vote for McCain.

    Yeah, the Vietnamese didn’t design that treatment to make him a better man.

  • For the record, no relationship exists between a person’s fidelity to his or her spouse and and how well this person performs at his day job–whether the person is a musician, computer programmer, olympic athlete, burger flipper, or world leader. For example, womanizers FDR and Bill Clinton were significantly better at their jobs than monogamist G.W. Bush.

    That said, it’s finally nice to see a right-winger that doesn’t apply double-standards to his false logic.

  • Race guy. That’s a subtle dig at Obama’ race.

    Er… huh? So does that mean that mixed race guys don’t cheat? (My tongue is in cheek, just to make sure.)

    Also, I just got this thought: if spending 5.5 years in prison absolves McCain of any transgressions, past or future, does that also apply to the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay? Most of those didn’t do anything, and yet they have endured… wait for it… five plus years of incarceration and torture. So… if after this they go out and, oh I dunno, do something terrible, they should go free. And not even be maligned for it. Because, you know, FIVE AND A HALF YEARS IN PRISON!

  • Asked if he would hesitate to support a candidate who committed adultery, as McCain has, Caldwell added, “Absolutely I would. Because if you can’t keep your faith to your most sacred vow — ’til death do us part’ — how in the world can I trust you to lead my family? My government? My nation?”

    That quote has been attributed to Rick Warren of Saddleback, not Caldwell. Same sentiments, different pastor.

  • Running for, “Prisoner of War of the United States”, is hard work, it’s hard work, you know, running for “Prisoner of War of the United States”. It’s hard work, hard work. Good for that Pastor, He’s smelling skunk and won’t have any of it. Being tortured isn’t a qualification for President. If that was the case, 1/2 of Gitmo has poetential candidates…

  • Yeah, the Vietnamese didn’t design that treatment to make him a better man.
    True story; on returning to the US in 1972 from a years’ service with the Brown Water Navy down in the Delta, I was turned down by any number of prospective employers. I couldn’t understand it, I was more than qualified for the jobs and I had four years of military service. One of them finally fessed up. He told me that his other employees would be frightened because I might “go off”. He, like the others who turned me down, had an American flag lapel pin.
    Now, the prospect of “going off” is a virtue. And the American flag lapel pins are still in place.

  • So, being married to his first wife was WORSE than than being a POW?

    I mean, he survived POW camp but scampered away from his marriage because of his own personal failings?

    And which part of this am I supposed to respect?

  • Asked if he would hesitate to support a candidate who committed adultery, as McCain has, Caldwell added, “Absolutely I would. Because if you can’t keep your faith to your most sacred vow — ’til death do us part’ — how in the world can I trust you to lead my family? My government? My nation?”

    Rick Warren, a hugely influential evangelical leader of the newer generation, has said almost the exact same thing about divorce/adultery being a big issue for him in supporting a candidate.

    This is a major change since the days of the Falwell-LaHaye crowd rallying around our first divorced president, Ronald Reagan. It’s like they take their faith seriously or something. Weird.

  • So, McCain having been a prisoner of war during Vietnam resolves any all questions about his character? Seriously? – Mr. CB

    One of the things Victor Charlie did to McBush over there was they made him walk on water. It’s not something that a man forgets.

  • Let’s see, George McGovern flew a B-24 Liberator in 35 missions over Europe in WWII, didn’t get captured and become a POW, but was still somehow portrayed as an America-hater back in 72.

  • Wow, how did McCain ever get elected into public office before? Oh yeah, he already explained his problems 30 years ago and the good people of Arizona got past it. Life goes on and the world keeps spinning, get over it.

    You’re just itching to get something to hang on McCain and all you can come up with is something that happened decades ago. Unlike Obama, who has so many skeletons in his closet, but we don’t hear about all that from the MSM either, so I guess both parties are getting away with it.

  • So, McCain having been a prisoner of war during Vietnam resolves any all questions about his character? Seriously?

    McCain was a prisoner of war? Did this just come out?

    I think Spokesboy was talking about McCain’s personal anguish at the dissolution of his first marriage and how he came through that trauma a better, stronger man. No one ever talks about how hard it must have been for him to come home and hide his disappointment at how his first wife had failed to keep herself up. No one ever gives him credit for letting her keep the house after she let him down that way. It takes a hero to come out of something that devastating and still be able to love again. His subsequent marriage to Cindy only proves how unbending is his courage, how admirable his adaptability.

  • 27. On August 15th, 2008 at 5:28 pm, Chad said:

    Unlike Obama, who has so many skeletons in his closet…..


  • Chad, the difference is that Obama hasn’t criticized anyone for using drugs.

    Plus, the bigger issue is not the affair, but that somehow being a POW justifies it.

  • Oh yeah, he already explained his problems 30 years ago and the good people of Arizona got past it.
    Did he explain how he heroically signed a confession as a war criminal and then heroically betrayed US military attack routes to to the North Vietnamese? Those betrayals were a problem for a lot more people than John McCain.

  • Steve wrote:

    So, McCain having been a prisoner of war during Vietnam resolves any all questions about his character? Seriously?


    No, that’s not what he meant at all — he was referring to McCain’s decision making in abandoning his crippled wife who’d faithfully raised his kids all those years he was a POW for a younger, richer model & political career forged by quiet “favors” to big donors.

  • McCain spokesman Brian Rogers responded to the criticism by saying that Americans “know that John McCain’s faith and character were tested and forged in ways few can fathom.”

    Is this spokesman aware that McCain’s infidelity happened after his faith and character were tested and forged?

    I mean, if it happened before, you could claim that the torture scared him straight or whatever (I’m not sure why being tortured automatically makes you a better person. If so, I guess Khalid Sheik Mohammed must be a pretty swell guy by now!). But it happened afterwards. So whatever testing and forging occurred apparently didnt have particularly positive effects.

  • So, McCain having been a prisoner of war during Vietnam resolves any all questions about his character?

    Rogers was talking about McCain being a POW? I thought Rogers was referring to the Keating Five. Few of us can fathom what it must be like to be extremely rich…

  • Over many different wars, hundreds of thousands of POWs from countries all over the world have come home after captivity to the one thing that kept them going. Their family.

    McCain came home, took one look at his wife – disfigured from a car accident – and went off to bang every loose chick in sight.

    Hannity’s perfectly entitled to argue war is hell and it makes a man crazy, but crazy is hardly a quality most people look for in a presidential candidate.

  • *Ahem* Sturgis was the key — the dumbest thing a candidate has done, and this is going to keep kicking McCain harder and harder. And with this comment, we can start using it to to our friends and co-workers.

  • Burro wrote:
    Unlike Obama who has so many skeletons in his closet…


    I’m so glad you asked: His coke and marijuana use (you can tell he has marijuana boobs), favors for (and from) Tony Rezko, educated in a madrassa school in Indonesia for some years of his life, his dual citizenship with Kenya, his associations with Frank “the commie” Davis, Ayers, Dorhn, etc…, his dealings with the dirty Chicago Political Machine, his getting lawyers to knock opponents off of ballots, Michelle’s salary tripling when he was elected Senator and how he earmarked funds to her employer, his endorsement from the Communist Party of America, his endorsement from terrorist friendly nations, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, his separatist church supporting terrorist groups, The list could go on and on.

  • Dale said: “That’s right. Did you know that 99% of Obama’s DNA is exactly like ours?”

    Actually, I suspect that 100% of Obama’s DNA is just like mine.


  • TG Chicago says “I mean, if it happened before, you could claim that the torture scared him straight or whatever (I’m not sure why being tortured automatically makes you a better person. If so, I guess Khalid Sheik Mohammed must be a pretty swell guy by now!).”

    Too funny, dude. I actually did LOL.

  • “His coke and marijuana use (you can tell he has marijuana boobs), “

    It’s not in his closet if he wrote about it in a autobiography. For God’s sake.

    “educated in a madrassa school in Indonesia for some years of his life”

    It wasn’t a madrassa, it was a regular school. Madrassa has a specific meaning and that is not ‘any school from an Islamic country’.

    “his dual citizenship with Kenya”

    Cite from anything other than a wingnut book or site?

    “Michelle’s salary tripling when he was elected Senator”

    Damn, good for her. Could we talk about Trent Lott’s new salary?

    “his endorsement from the Communist Party of America”

    So? McCain is endorsed by racists and religious bigots. The difference is that McCain seeks those endorsements. Obama doesn’t.

  • At first I was wondering why the GOP didn’t see the hypocrisy in a McCain candidacy since George Bush’s main talking point in 2000 was bringing “honor to the white house” in the after math of all the Lewinsky crap. Putting McCain in office would be the exact opposite of what the GOP claims to stand for. I can see now that the base is definitely not happy and even warming up to the opposition. I’m glad the GOP put McCain up. A few months ago I would have said he had a good shot. His base support seems to crumble as he panders to other groups for support. Sturgis was a blunder.

    Now that I think about it, I blame Clinton for the Bush presidency. His 8 second escapade in the Oval office put us out for eight freakin years. Gore distanced himself from Clinton – including all the positive things that Clinton stood for and accomplished. This paved the way for muck in office now to crawl out from the sewers and stink up this nation with stagnancy.

    On a side note, if you want a good laugh, youtube Bush’s acceptance speech at his party’s convention. What a sham. Sometimes it feels good to dig up old memories to laugh at.

  • He stopped coke and marijuana use nearly 30 years ago. Around the same time McCain stopped cheating on his wife.

    He was never educated in a madrassa (that one’s been disproved countless times).

    There is no such thing as dual citizenship in Kenya (Kenyan law explicitly says you cannot hold citizenship of another country and also be a Kenyan citizen.)

    Michelle’s salary went up because she was promoted. Hard to get your head around I know, but they pay different salaries for different jobs. Her salary was much the same as all the other VPs at the hospital. Harvard-educated PhDs tend to be well paid, perhaps even more than blog posters.

    McCain actively sought and got the endorsement of the Reverend Hagee, who called the Catholic church ‘the great whore’ and said that the Holocaust was God’s way of guiding the Jews towards the Promised Land.

    As you say Chad, the list of disinformation, distortion and outright bullshit goes on and on and on…

  • Chad:

    I want to thank you ever so much for your outstanding effort in proving that there are indeed two species of hairless biped on the planet: homo sapiens (us) and homo sap (you). But do keep coming back, it’s fun to watch you work so hard at being publicly pathetic.

    BTW – does mommy know what you’re doing with that computer down there in her basement? Did you remember to shave today? Take a shower???

  • Tom, I should be asking you if you showered, it’s a known fact that dirty hippies eschew cleanliness.

  • Uh, Chad, you started to say something about skeletons in his closet and then came a vacuous drivel. Uh, marijuana boobs? Please say that again?

  • Chad, after witnessing the performance and treason of the two great anti-hippies in the white house, anyone would be proud to be a hippy. What was that about marijuana boobs again? I think I recall that was in Cracked magazine around 1972.

  • Oh yeah, he said he stopped his drug use 30 years ago, when he was 17? Yeah, I believe he stayed clean through college because he said so. He’s lying about his drug use in his own autobiography. What do you think he’s going to say, “Oh, I never inhaled.”? If he lies about his drug use, what else do you suppose he lied about?

    Someone once said to never trust a junkie.

    As far as Hagee goes, McCain didn’t sit in his church for 20 years getting spiritual advice. Obama: “I did not have spiritual relations with that reverand, uh, Mr. Wright.”

    Oh, and how convenient that Michelle got a promotion just as Obama was elected Senator. I’m sure she earned a triple salary from that, and I’m sure Obama earmarking funds for her employers was just merely a coincidence. Nothing smells rotten in Denmark there.

    Dual citizenship/fake birth certificate. Are we to take Obama for his word. He can’t even come up with a certifiable birth certificate? The one offered before was a fake. What is the messiah hiding?

    Just as you think the right is pathetic for making excuses for McCain, is how I feel your excuse making for Obama is pathetic.

  • I’d say it’s pretty common for most Americans to experience teenage drug use. And any troll bringing up marijuana boobs deserves to be laughed at with the fervor one’s permitted when encountering the bigger of the boobs.

    Virtually all the things mentioned have had a full public airing and I’ve no doubt, will be aired again. That’s what desperate losers always resort to. Even when there’s no ‘there’ there.

    McCain’s sex life is none of my biz, but the reverend makes it his. I thought the Sturgis remarks were tasteless and boorish, the stuff of Happy Hour talk at a local tavern, not the sort of thing you hope for from a guy supposedly ready to represent our nation.

    Now I used to think McCain had a good sense of humor, but more and more, it becomes clear that he’s sophomoric. Which can be excused with a lot of other things at the age of 18 or 22, but not when you’re 187.

    I was most surprised that the McCain camp accused the minister of being an Obama surrogate. By their definition, apparently any Christian minister who actually heeds the Ten Commandments must be Obama surrogates. So I’m surprised that McCain has decided to cede such Christians to Obama. Clearly the proper response is for Obama to thank him for recognizing the moral decency that gained him that support.

    Just as it was fair for Obama to announce at the outset that McCain’s heroism and patriotism would never be questioned in regards to his service in Vietnam.

  • If a story falls on a blog and no where else, does anyone hear it. I just came back from the gym where they have a bank of screens with all the major networks CNN ABC NBC CBS and FAUX (who were giving that pustule Corsi ample air time) They were all talking about the upcoming religious interview event for both candidates this Saturday. You would think that this little tid bit about Kirbyjon Caldwell rejecting McCain would be a nice relevant story no? Not a word ..not a peep.. not a clip , so outside of liberal blogland no one will ever hear about this unless that guy makes more noise. He should have said god damn McCain (ala Wright) and gotten their attention. The MSM is in the bag for Grandpa McCoy. It makes me ill to think about it.

  • Hey, lay off our hero, Johnnie. He was just digging the dancing Queen. (Yes, he actually attributed his stifled musical tastes on getting shot down by a SAM).

  • Chad is one of our paid bloggers. He is not one of our better ones, however.

    We are working with him so that he becomes more effective in communicating about John McCain. He does seem to be improving a little bit however.

    Please keep this in mind when reading his posts.

    Thank You.

  • Unlike Obama, who has so many skeletons in his closet, but we don’t hear about all that from the MSM — Czad (very bad smell) @27

    As Lance pointed out (@40), if the “skeletons” were in his closet, you’d have never heard about them. And, you never heard it from MSM? Then where *did* you hear it? I don’t watch TV but, from the reports on the blogs, MSM had delighted in making all those “skeletons” (even the spurious ones. Using “well, there’s no proof…”; “well, it’s actually not true, but people are saying…” as the excuse to drag them back into public view) dance, 24/7, weeks at a time.

    Contrary to your claims…This is what MSM had done (hope I’m not the only Disney fan here):
    Not for nothing is the cartoon called “The Silly Symphony” (though I didn’t remember *that*, when I found the clip)

  • Someone once said to never trust a junkie.

    Someone? Man, that’s a great source.

    C’mon Chad. Tell us about marijuana boobs.

  • Someone once said to never trust a junkie.

    I know, it was John McCain to his wife, then he called her a trollop. Never trust a trollop.

  • McCain Blog Outreach Coordinator said: “Chad is one of our paid bloggers. He is not one of our better ones, however.”

    They have good ones? Damn, why can’t any of them visit here?

  • First of all, Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell is an African American, so I doubt he’s insinuating anything about race. He is Bush’s “spiritual advisor” but supports Obama for president.

    Below is a link to an interesting interview with Caldwell where he talks about Bush and about Caldwell’s support of Obama… and that Bush told him that he likes and respects Obama (not sure if that’s good or bad for Obama).

    After Caldwell’s comments, he was, of course, ripped by the McCain campaign: “These people are Obama campaign surrogates. These kinds of personal attacks are disgraceful. This absolutely exposes the hypocrisy of Obama’s claim to represent a ‘new kind of politics.'” (Update 1)

    “Personal attacks”? Sheesh, the McCain campaign wouldn’t know anything ::coughcough Obama Hates The Troops Obama Isn’t Patriotic Obama Wants To Lose A War Obama Isn’t One Of Us coughcough:: about THAT, would they? The BIG problem for the McCain campaign is their attacks are lies. Caldwell is just telling the truth about McCain. Which is why they must SHOUT and become INDIGNANT when their candidate is exposed for who he is… and isn’t.

  • What are marijuana boobs, and how does one acquire them–by smoking marijuana, or dating
    someone who has tattooed cannabis leaves on her boobs?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  • Marijuana boobs? I guess that’s a growth, which springs up on Czad’s brain, after Obama removes his celebrity shirt on the beach and shows a flat-as-a-washboard front…

  • Yeah Chad, what exactly are “marijuana boobs”?!!??! All your other stuff is regurgitated crap from a million discredited sources but that “marijuana boobs” thing might just have some legs.
    What’s up with that?

  • Uh, I think what Chad is doing called redirection. He throws out some outlandish statement to steer attention away from the original post and several of you are off and running on “marijuana boobs”. It will be something equally crazy tomorrow. Don’t waste your keystrokes trying to prove he and others like him are idiots — all you’re proving is that’s he’s right about you being easily distracted.

  • says:

    That’s right. Did you know that 99% of Obama’s DNA is exactly like ours?

    Not only that, but you and I and Obama are more similar genetically to male chimpanzees than we are to our own mothers or daughters, and that they in turn are more similar genetically to female chimpanzees than they are to their own sons or fathers.

  • McCain spokesman Brian Rogers responded to the criticism by saying that Americans “know that John McCain’s faith and character were tested and forged in ways few can fathom.”

    Oh yeah, he already explained his problems 30 years ago and the good people of Arizona got past it. Life goes on and the world keeps spinning, get over it.

    The apologists for McCain are doing a truly pitiful job. In the interests of making a more readable blog, allow me to demonstrate how it should be done.

    So what if he deserted the mother of his children and ran off with a younger, cuter, richer replacement, applying for the new marriage certificate even before the divorce became final??? How many of us become faced with a wife or husband who is not as hot or as healthy as they used to be?

    Umm, wait, let’s try that again.

    So what if he deserted the mother of his children and ran off with a younger, cuter, richer replacement, applying for the new marriage certificate even before the divorce became final??? Who among us can imagine the stresses involved in being a POW subjected to torture and indefinite confinement? Anyone of us might understandably suffer some personality problems and impaired judgement after such an experience. Indeed, his experience as a POW makes him especially qualified to be president.

    Dang, this is harder than it looks.

    So what if he deserted the mother of his children and ran off with a younger, cuter, richer replacement, applying for the new marriage certificate even before the divorce became final??? It’s not like he called her a trollop in public, or anything. Why, some of our finest statesmen have treated their spouses like pond scum. Newt Gingerich told his wife that he wanted to trade her in when she was hospitalized with cancer. Pennsylvania Congressman Bob Sherwood repeatedly choked his mistress. Congressman Bob Barr failed to pay child support for his first two marriages but was photographed licking whipped cream off strippers at his inaugural party. And in comparison, Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is just plain embarrassing. And that’s just some recent Republicans.

    Oh, phoey. Got off on the wrong track again.
    Let me get back to you shortly, OK?

  • Well done, Chad, well done. (standing and clapping)

    I think it’s funny that people are treating Chad as though he’s a real troll and not a parody troll.

    Seriously, smoking pot and snorting a little coke in high school makes one a “junkie”? I mean c’mon, what the hell are “marijuana boobs”? Not to mention that he has strung together EVERY lie and exaggeration about the Obamas in a nearly seamless, rather comedic way. The only thing he hasn’t mentioned is the Obama Death List or that he secretly hates white people like his grandmother.

    It’s pretty clear that the man is gunning for laughter, not outrage or fact-based arguments. Everyone should give him what he deserves– a round of applause.

  • Will someone please tell me why no one closely associated with the Obama campaign is not hammering McCain on an almost daily basis? Time is running out. Where is Biden,Clark,etc. the people who should be spreading the news about this clown.

  • “So, McCain having been a prisoner of war during Vietnam resolves any all questions about his character? Seriously?”

    what? you didn’t get the memo? of COURSE it resolves mccain of any and all questions. his pow status is a free pass card, good for life, covers any and all outrages.

    remember, if he gets to be president, the card is still good — you won’t be able to pin his crimes on him any more than bush and cheney’s will get pinned on them.

  • McCain’s unforgiveable crime against America? Real men don’t break under “enhanced interrogation” by the enemy, then cry later about how sorry they are.

    They can call Obama a traitor all day, but only one man meets the actual definition. Even though McCain said in his book he felt bad about betraying his country, and was sorry, that doesn’t restore his “tough guy” cred with the rightwing mouthbreathers.

  • It was not just infedelity. McCain abandoned his DISABLED wife to marry millionaire. Family values…

  • Here’s the thing about McCain:

    I truly believe he’s an OK guy. The thing is that he’s a blue blood. Dad was an Admiral. He went the Naval Academy back in the day when you needed connections to get in. The Navy (and the Marines) was always an “us and them” /Officers and enlisted org. More so than the other services.

    He sees the world from the perspective of an elite rich guy. He thinks we should, too. He’s not sure that we need a middle class.

  • says:

    What about the allegations of Larry Sinclair:

    Larry has been claiming for months that in 1999 he performed oral sex on Obama in a limo while Obama smoked crack…that Obama is secretly bisexual (on the down-low)…and that Obama had an affair with the openly-gay, long-time choir director (Donald Young) of his former church, Trinity United Church of Christ…same choir director who was murdered (UNSOLVED) last Christmas season.

    Interestingly enough, though Larry has 1) made a highly popular YouTube video concerning his allegations and 2) created a website that has generated more than a million hits and 3) made headlines in the same tabloid that first exposed John Edward’s affair and 4) even held a press conference at the NationalPressClub….in spite of all that publicity (slander / libel?) Larry’s claims have never been refuted by either the MSM or the Obama campaign.

  • John McCain shopped for a trophy wife and yet he is seen as a hero…he gets a pass over and over again….it is because America never truly dealt with losing in VietNam–it was the first big chink in our armor. Many of the Boomer Generation see McSame as a way to assuage their guilt about Nam instead of seeing the truth–he’s out for himself and has been for 35 years–not the qualities of the man we heard about at the Hanoi Hilton…it is almost like there are two John McCains, and yet we vote for the one that does NOT show up. It is frightening that we get so hung up on character we don;t look at critical thinking, policies, and more.

  • says:

    Marie, John McCain didn’t come home to find that his first wife had “failed to keep herself up.” She had been a victim of a car accident and had undergone 23 surgeries.

    I guess McCain has shown his true valor. Pussy won out where the Vietmanese lost. And, yes, I was emailing Hannity before his show even was finished.

  • says:

    You still need connections to get into Annapolis. Your father doesn’t need to be an admiral. A congressman or senator can recommend you.

  • says:

    Marie, you really are a wreck. What is heroic about a man giving his first wife the house in a divorce when he is going to live in a sumptuous way he would never have been able to afford with the second? He didn’t give a shit about giving a house to his crippled, disfigured wife, who had endured 23 surgeries but still staqyed faithful and raised the kids.

  • says:

    Did Rev. Caldwell by any chance mention Presidents Roosevelt, Kennedy or Clinton? Let he is without sin cast the first stone.

  • says:

    It is about time that we look at the fact that John McCain cheated on his first wife who was ill at the time for Cindy. I feel that we should STOP giving him a free pass and question his morals or lack of. Can you imagine how his first wife feels now. My heart goes out to her. Also, what about the fact that he suggested that his wife Cindy enter a topless contest.

  • says:

    This is what we should be afraid of:

    McCain senile moments!

    McCain thinks Hamid Karzai is PRESIDENT of IRAQ!

    McCain confused Shi’ites and Sunnis, when he conflated Al Qaeda with all extremists,

    McCain has mixed up Iraq and Afghanistan and who borders them, and mixed up Somalia and Sudan, and even football’s Packers and Steelers. AND MANY MORE.

    This really scares me!
    . .


  • Obama must debate McCain. McCain, without a secret mike in his ear, will wither, dither & (theatrically), die. McW, McSame, McBendoverandkissmyasswhileIshovelmoreshitefortherich, McWhatever, I Was A P O W -so don’t ask no more questions; has no answers for the problems we face as a nation. Healthcare in this country is becoming a tragedy and a farce – Repubicans will do nothing to improve the lot of the poor, the working class and, increasingly, the middle class. Our “rulers” squandered their thrust into Afghanistan, leaving the country “as-is” while they went on an adventure in Iraq. Now it comes back to bite us, and more importantly, our soldiers, on the ass. This Republican party, party, party — bomb, bomb, bomb — mind-set is empty and dedicated to building personal wealth for the few as the rest of us watch the sun set.