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Someone get this man a dictionary

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Making fun of the president for his malapropisms has been done by better researchers than me, but I noticed a fun one in this morning’s Washington Post that I can’t resist bringing to your attention.

Speaking to a group called the Latino Coalition, Bush was chastising Senate Democrats for filibustering Miguel Estrada’s nomination to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and told his audience that he would “stand by that man’s side until he is sworn in as a judge.” No, that’s not the funny part.

He added, “Some Democrats in the Senate are flaunting the intention of the United States Constitution and the tradition of the United States Senate, itself.”

Flaunting the Constitution and the Senate? Isn’t that a good thing? Shouldn’t our laws and institutions be flaunted? Carpetbagger is going to assume Bush meant “flouting,” but with this guy, you just never know.