Another globalist lefty “world citizen”
Guest Post by Steve M.
If the McCain campaign and the right blogosphere are horrified by Barack Obama because he called himself a “citizen of the world” in his Berlin speech, then they should be really furious at the liberal hippie who said this:
I’ve had to make some very difficult decisions, as you know, and I made the decisions based upon what I think is in the best interest of my country, the security of my country. But I also believe the decisions I have made will end up helping people realize the great blessings of liberty. I believe people ought to be able to worship freely, or not worship at all, but you’re equally a citizen of the world. I believe that poverty and hopelessness in the spirit can be changed. I believe the United States has got an obligation to help others.
…And so the purpose of my visit here to Vienna has been to work with my European Union counterparts to join in a common alliance for the good of mankind.
Wait — that was no liberal hippie, that was George W. Bush in 2006!
And here’s Bush praising Bono at the National Prayer Breakfast the same year:
So I’ve gotten to know Bono. (Laughter.) He’s a doer. The thing about this good citizen of the world is he’s used his position to get things done. You’re an amazing guy, Bono. God bless you. (Applause.)
OMG! Bush thinks being a “citizen of the world” is a good thing!
He also apparently thinks that not being a “citizen of the world” is a bad thing. In 2004, he criticized John Kerry’s stance on the Iraq War by saying,
Does he think if we weren’t in Iraq that Mr. Zarqawi would become a peaceful citizen of the world?
Oh, those “Kumbaya”-singing lefties….
UPDATE: A Kossack did some of the same research, plus a lot more about Bush and other prominent Americans. Also see this post from Andrew Sullivan’s blog.
Cross-posted at No More Mister Nice Blog.
says:I caught about 5 minutes of Hannity & Colmes (commercial during “Superman: the Movie”), and Hannity said that Obama could connect with Europeans because he’s, you know, an anti-American, UN-loving socialist who hates American troops.
Newshound has a great article on it:
If I knew that there was big money to be made in being a right-wing no talent ass clown, I would have changed my major.
says:“If I knew that there was big money to be made in being a right-wing no talent ass clown, I would have changed my major.”
There’s a major in liberal studies, but is there such a thing as a major in right-wing assclown studies?
says:I think the problem the right-wing nutjobs are having with this whole “citizen of the world” thing is that, when Obama says it about himself, people actually believe it. Mostly because he didn’t invade Iraq on false pretenses or bitch about how Germany and France weren’t behind him for same.
says:Grumpy: There’s a major in liberal studies, but is there such a thing as a major in right-wing assclown studies?
Yes, it’s called a Bachelors of Bible Studies with a minor in Business. And it’s offered at Liberty University.
says:It’s hilarious that corporate-cons accuse progressives of being ‘protectionist’ and building ‘artificial borders’ when it comes to free trade, while neo-cons & theo-cons accuse us of being too open and not respecting borders enough.
So neocons, theo-cons and corporate-cons, talk amongst yourselves and let us know: which is it?
Or… is your unholy alliance coming apart at the seams?
says:I’d be a citizen of the world, except for all the paperwork.
says:I’d love to see what a passport for a Citizen of the World would look like. Would it give you permission to travel to other planets? I want a stamp from Rigel 7!
says:Well, first, IOKIYAR.
But more importantly do not forget that W is not really a “conservative” as the assclowns are trying to distance themselves for the disaster that is Commander Codpiece.
Remember, Conservatism cannot fail, it can only be failed by heretics that don’t worship sufficiently at the alter of free markets, tax cuts, and tribal hate.
Bernard HP Gilroy
says:Of course not. We all know that education is elitist.
says:A “citizen of the world” as opposed to what? A citizen of the underworld, or of Mars? Of course we’re citizens of the world — it’s just that the conservative mindset refuses to accept any responsibility for it.
says:“A ‘citizen of the world’ as opposed to what? A citizen of the underworld,…?”
Well, there is Dick Cheney…..
says:Remarks in New York City Before the United Nations General Assembly Special Session Devoted to Disarmament
June 17th, 1982
“Mr. Secretary-General, Mr. President, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen:
I speak today as both a citizen of the United States and of the world. ”
Ronald Reagan
Racer X
says:Good one!
I guess 9/11 must have changed that too.
says:Yes, it’s called a Bachelors of Bible Studies with a minor in Business. And it’s offered at Liberty University.
Yep—it’s called the BBSB. At REAL colleges, we refer to it as the “Big Bull-Shitting Babies” degree.
says:BuzzMon said: “Remember, Conservatism cannot fail, it can only be failed by heretics that don’t worship sufficiently at the alter of free markets, tax cuts, and tribal hate.”
I think that’s [Milton] Friedmanism and the theology of the Chicago School of Economics (Read Naomi Klein’s “Shock Doctrine, the Rise of Disaster Capitalism”), but I suppose the rest of the Unholy Alliance probably applies the same standard.
Whining about Obama’s use of “Citizen of the World” is bound to make everybody but the wingnuts realize the wingnuts are just that. One should be careful to critize the words of St. Ronald after all.
What I find more amusing is the complaints about Obama making the speech in Germany while not yet President. That seems to be the meme coming out of JSMcC*nt’s orifice. But didn’t JSMcC*nt make a speech in Canada just weeks ago while only a ‘candidate’? Or is the difference here that Obama made a good speech in front of a supportive (and large) crowd which made Senator Obama seem Presidential while JSMcC*nt’s speech just made him look like a clown?
says:Yes, you too can be a Bush citizen of the world if you’re white or slightly off-white and you’re not a moozlam terrist.
says:How long are the American people willing to listen to people who preach hate and bigotry, e.g. Fox, and a lot of the republicans. They are really evil in the lies they spread about a good candidate like Obama, if they saturate the not so smart people out there, it may seep in. The sad part is that the people who believe all this garbage are usually un-educated people, who need jobs, health care, social security etc, mainly they are in the south, they are being used as fodder, just to destroy Obama. If and when they do, do they think the Republicans in government will give a darn about them Just look at the suffering in New Orleans, the many unemployed and people who cannot now afford healthcare. John McCain is again hoping to reduce medical care for veterans, to outsource more jobs and to end employer healthcare. This will certainly not hurt those who continue to prosper under Bush.
Many Viet Nam veterans can tell you who the real McCain is!
says:“Bachelors of Bible Studies with a minor in Business.” Isn’t that kind of an oxymoron degree? 😉
Always hopeful
says:St. Ronald was ALREADY President when he said that, don’t you DFHs know the difference????
says:jayinge, @ 18
There’s no oxy in that degree…