Jerome Corsi, a hatchet-job, and a sense of deja vu
Jerome Corsi helped destroy John Kerry in 2004 with a hatchet-job, “Unfit for Command,” that became the basis for the entire Swiftboat smear. It worked once, so Corsi’s giving it another shot.
Almost exactly four years after that campaign began, Mr. Corsi has released a new attack book painting Senator Barack Obama, the Democrats’ presumed presidential nominee, as a stealth radical liberal who has tried to cover up “extensive connections to Islam” — Mr. Obama is Christian — and questioning whether his admitted experimentation with drugs in high school and college ever ceased.
Significant parts of the book, whose subtitle is “Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality,” have already been challenged as misleading or false in the days since its debut on Aug. 1. Nonetheless, it is to make its first appearance on The New York Times best-seller list for nonfiction hardcovers this Sunday — at No. 1.
The book is being pushed along by a large volume of bulk sales, intense voter interest in Mr. Obama and a broad marketing campaign that has already included 100 author interviews with talk radio hosts across the country, like Sean Hannity and G. Gordon Liddy, Mr. Corsi said on Tuesday.
Mary Matalin, who is publishing the book on her division of Simon & Schuster, offered one of the more amusing responses in recent history, said Corsi’s hatchet-job is not a “political” book, but rather, is “a piece of scholarship, and a good one at that.”
That Matalin sure is a kidder.
Media Matters has already done terrific work highlighting a series of obvious and demonstrable falsehoods in Corsi’s latest screed, in response to which Corsi has accused Media Matters of “nitpicking.”
Look, if the text is a “piece of scholarship,” and Corsi’s accusations fall apart under scrutiny, it’s not nitpicking, it’s fact-checking, and it should have been done a long time ago.
Greg Sargent did a nice job summarizing some of the more glaring errors that have already come to light.
* Corsi’s book says that Mr. Obama had “yet to answer” whether he “stopped using marijuana and cocaine completely in college
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, or whether his drug usage extended to his law school days or beyond.” Corsi even adds, “How about in the U.S. Senate?” But as the Times points out, Obama has written his memoir that he “stopped getting high” in the early 1980s. That’s lie number one.
* Corsi’s book, amusingly, uses as a source for the falsehood that Obama was present at a sermon in July of 2007 where Reverend Jeremiah Wright faulted “the ‘white arrogance’ of America’s Caucasian majority for the world’s suffering, especially the oppression of blacks.” In fact, Obama wasn’t at that sermon. Even conservative columnist Bill Kristol issued a correction after trafficking in the same falsehood. That’s lie number two.
* Corsi says that Obama failed to dedicate his book “Dreams of My Father” to his family, an apparent effort to suggest that Obama lacks family values. But The Times reports that Mr. Obama did dedicate the book to several family members in the introduction. That’s lie number three.
It’s probably safe to assume the list will continue to grow as time goes on.
And what does the Obama campaign have to say for itself?
Mr. Obama’s campaign has yet to weigh in heavily on Mr. Corsi’s accusations. It appears to face the classic decision between the risk of publicizing the book’s claims by addressing them and the risk of letting them sink into the public debate with no response.
“This book is nothing but a series of lies that were long ago discredited, written by an individual who was discredited after he wrote a similar book to help George Bush and Dick Cheney get re-elected four years ago,” said Tommy Vietor, a spokesman for Mr. Obama. “The reality is that there are many lie-filled books like this in the works cobbled together from the Internet to make money off of a presidential campaign.” He added, “We will respond to these smears forcefully.”
Kerry tried something similar when Corsi’s last book was published, and the strategy was, in retrospect, a mistake. Of course, there’s a key difference between the two campaigns — there’s no well-financed organization pushing Corsi’s latest series of lies in a national advertising campaign.
Bernard HP Gilroy
says:You can’t ignore the book or it seems to indicate the lies are true.
You can’t hit back with fact-checking, because that just gives more airplay to the lies. It’s like trying to put out a gasoline fire with water… you just spread the flames. There is only one way to handle this situation. Don’t dignify the book with a response. Undignify it with one.
Laugh at it. Ridicule it. Take the worst, clunkiest, stupidest bits and hold them up to the light. Deprive the Right of their rage, which is like depriving them of their oxygen. And after all, that is how you fight a gasoline fire.
Tom Cleaver
says:there’s no well-financed organization pushing Corsi’s latest series of lies in a national advertising campaign
Given that Bob Perry – the Swiftboat co-financier with T. Boone Pickens – has just stepped into the Colorado Senate campaign with $400,000 to support the pro-Nazi, white-supremacist Shaffer, the idea of him coming up with a campaign to use Corsi’s book sounds about right.
Anybody who thinks this campaign isn’t going to get a whole lot worse on august 29 is living in dreamland. We ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!
John R
says:After I saw that shit this morning I started looking around.
Here is an E-Mail: Feel free to drop him a line letting him know how you admire his writing and research skills.
Here is one of the websites promoting it (in serial form no less)
It will leave you no doubt where the 30% is hanging out. I already had some Demo troll fun there commenting on their still ongoing discussion of China drilling off Cuba that has even been rebuked by Darth Cheney.
says:Fact checking is for namby-pamby liberals who deal in reality. Corsi courageously invents an alternate reality for those who are offended by reality’s liberal bias!
says:What I can’t understand is how so many people will regard this book as the truth.
says:Given the availability of print on demand publishing, I wonder if a pro-Obama effort could craft a book that is essentially a chapter by chapter rebuttal of this one.
Then, anyone who wanted it could send it a UPC from the Corsi book and get the rebuttal mailed to them for free. (All the info would also be available freely as a .pdf online or similar as well.)
A nitpicker’s guide to Corsi, if you will.
Don B
says:Who needs a well-financed corporation to sponsor the book when you have “a broad marketing campaign that has already included 100 author interviews with talk radio hosts across the country, like Sean Hannity and G. Gordon Liddy…”?
And when you’re #1 on the NYT list, what more can you ask for?
says:Geez, And there lies McCain with the USS Forrestal scandal, family intervention to keep him in military promotions, aiding in the cover up of his wife’s illegally obtaining narcotics, the drunken parties at the capitol , yet he keeps everything off limits as if how dare anyone question McCain’s history…he was a POW for god’s sake. I guess dems just aren’t willing to sink as low as conservatives.
Doubt Mary Matlin bothered to fact check the book before publishing it nor would she even publish a similar book directed toward McCain. To call that a work of scholarship when comic books are more accurate shows Matlin’s obvious prejudice. Scum sells books.
says:Libel? The book’s theme being “Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality”, deprives the author of a celebrity-is-fair-game defense since his lies are explicitly personal.
Is there a good reason why libel suits are not used more often in such cases?
says:Polaris said: “What I can’t understand is how so many people will regard this book as the truth.”
They don’t want the truth, they want an excuse for voting against Obama.
Other than naked racism.
says:Corsi’s argument about Obama’s drug use is that Obama has never explicitly said that he never used drugs again.
So does that mean that McCain rapes puppies? Because I don’t remember McCain ever coming out and saying he doesn’t, therefore, using Corsi’s “logic”, McCain is a puppy raper.
says:Oh, you’re all so quick to denounce this book as full of lies and inconsitencies. I do wish you liberals could be more even keeled. How many books have been written unfavorably about George Bush? Did you lambast those books the same way you’re lambasting this one? I doubt it.
says:Hey Chad, didn’t your mother ever tell you life ain’t fair? Get over it and grow up.
says:Slightly OT:
Know what I’ve always wondered? If there were any people who voted for Kerry BECAUSE he was a veteran? Were there any exit polling done to this effect? What I mean is, we have the accepted knowledge that swiftboating helped sink Kerry – but could it be that his military bona fides actually helped him? That maybe we would’ve lost by more if we didn’t nominate a “decorated war hero”? in the middle of a war?
Prup (aka Jim Benton)
says:I for one — who has said that the only word I want on my tombstone if I have one is ‘liberal’ — have condemned lies about Bush as strongly as I have lies about Obama — take a look at my two long pieces in yesterday’s ‘Open Thread’ for an example. (And I am curious about and want confirmation of — or a reference for — Tom C’s claim that Shaffer is ‘pro-Nazi,’ a statement so serious that it better be either eliminated or nailed solidly with quotes and references.)
But most of the criticism of Bush is true. This book is a tissue of lies from beginning to end.
As for Matalin publishing it, I know that husband and wife are separate people who can disagree on everything, etc., etc. But there is a difference between disagreeing and tolerating libel, and I think Carville has to be challenged on this.
says:Obama has written his memoir that he “stopped getting high” in the early 1980s. That’s lie number one.
I love this lie, it’s so cute. It’s not a direct allegation that Obama is a drug-user; it’s a claim that Obama never said he quit. Except Obama did say that he quit, so the claim is totally false. The beauty of it is this: Obama could be getting high every day and Corsi would still be wrong!
says:Chad said:
Oh, you’re all so quick to denounce this book as full of lies and inconsitencies. I do wish you liberals could be more even keeled. How many books have been written unfavorably about George Bush? Did you lambast those books the same way you’re lambasting this one? I doubt it.
the difference delusional one is that the book written about your Fuhrer were in fact based on FACTS .. THINGS THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED … very different than the delusional make believe of your hero’s …….. you and people like you should simply watch FOX PROPAGANDA and nothing else so that you delusions can stay reinforced …
Prup (aka Jim Benton)
says:neilt: I’ve been arguing — sorry Maria, but when I am expressing my opinion, I prefer to make it plain that it is just that, and not something that I got from Sinai, a passing archangel, or other divine revelation — that swiftboating didn’t sink Kerry, that it was Kerry — and his poor judgment, refusal to attack Bush’s policies, wooden nature, and fear of being called a *shudder* liberal — that sank Kerry.
One thing about political lies — they tend to work only if the candidate is already unlikable — which why they worked somewhat against Kerry and won’t against Obama — anyone heard from Larry Sinclair lately?
Prup (aka Jim Benton)
says:stormskies: stop with the stupid ‘Nazi’ references already. (Among other problems with it, ‘fuhrer’ means leader — in any fascist group from Nazi to Iron Cross, there is the implication ‘who must be obeyed unquestioningly’ usually because he ’embodies the mystical spirit of the people.’ But even die-hard Republicans don’t view Bush as a ‘leader’ in the ordinary sense of the word, and there isn’t a single member of Congress that has voted with him 100% of the time.)
And yes, there have been scurrilously untrue stories put out about Bush as well — which were stupid, because there is more than enough evidence to condemn him a hundred times over without inventing lies.
I wholeheartedly agree…I was just thinking that it’s entirely possible that lying in the weeds out there are a clutch of voters for whom the whole “war vet” thing tilted them over to the Dem side. I was just wondering if this thought has any validity.
also, you are absolutely correct when you say ” One thing about political lies — they tend to work only if the candidate is already unlikable — which why they worked somewhat against Kerry and won’t against Obama — anyone heard from Larry Sinclair lately?”
smears only work on people who are looking for a reason to be swayed. I remember thinking that the drunk driving thing would sink The Shrub, but it seems to have swayed no one.
People are willing to overlook a whole raft of problems if they actually like the candidate…..excepting of course all those purebreds who now hate Obama basedon FISA 😀 (I kid, I tease!!)
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Owner, Inc.
Founded 1997
Headquarters Medford, Oregon
WorldNetDaily, also known as WND, is a socially conservative news website, founded in 1997. It is currently in the top 90 news sites as listed at Alexa.[1] The WND slogan is “A Free Press for a Free People.”
WND was founded in 1997 by Joseph Farah. In 1991, after resigning as editor of the Sacramento Union, Farah co-founded the Western Journalism Center, known for its promotion of conservative causes, with James H. Smith, former publisher of the Sacramento Union. In 1994 and 1995, foundations controlled by conservative financier and former owner of the Union Richard Mellon Scaife gave $330,000 to the Center. By May 1997, Farah set his eyes on the internet and set up WorldNetDaily as a project of the Center. In 1999,, Inc., with offices in Cave Junction, Oregon, was incorporated in Delaware as a for-profit subsidiary of the non-profit Western Journalism Center with the backing of $4.5 million from investors. As a result, Farah and the Western Journalism Center possess the bulk of the WND stock, but the remainder is owned by about 75 private investors.
WorldNetDaily is a for-profit website that provides primarily evangelical-conservative-oriented news and editorials, publishes letters to the editor, maintains forums and conducts a daily poll. Besides providing articles authored by its own staff, the site links to news from other publications. The website’s Commentary page features editorials from the site’s founder, Joseph Farah and other social conservative authors such as Pat Buchanan, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Chuck Norris. However, it also features weekly columns by libertarians Walter Williams, Vox Day, and Ilana Mercer as well as liberal Bill Press and pro-life moderate Nat Hentoff.[7] The site also offers products for sale in a fashion similar to its news articles, advertising these products with related news stories. Typically these are products sold by its related book service, Book Service, publishing house, WND Books, or its retail operation, ShopNetDaily.
WorldNetDaily says it is the “the largest independent, full-service newssite in the world.”[8] WND currently claims eight million visitors a month to its website.[9] As of November 8, 2006, it is listed by Alexa as the most popular website in the “Conservatism > News and Media” category.[10] WorldNetDaily articles are often linked by other websites, including the popular Drudge Report.
WND Books
WorldNetDaily also publishes books under the name WND Books. The imprint was launched in 2002 through a partnership with Thomas Nelson Publishers (a prominent Christian publishing house) and released books by politicians and pundits like Katherine Harris, Michael Savage, and Farah himself. The partnership with Thomas Nelson Publishing ended shortly before the 2004 election; Thomas Nelson has continued the division under the Nelson Current imprint. The WND Books imprint was subsequently published under a partnership with Cumberland House Publishing and released books by Jerome Corsi, Tom Tancredo and Ken Blackwell, among other authors. In 2007, Los Angeles-based conservative publisher World Ahead Publishing became the publisher of WND Books. In January 2008, WND announced it had acquired World Ahead Media.———-BTW
says:Can someone please find out who bought all of those copies in “bulk sales?” There is no way this would be #1 without someone “creating the reality” by buying enough books to make it number one. People just don’t have the money to throw at this toilet log in our current republican state of the economy.
says:Okay, here’s an impersonation:
LIES, LIES, LIES!! All Lies! Waaah, why are they talking mean about Barry Hussein? Don’t they know he’s a saint? The One we’ve been waiting for? He is beyond criticism? Barry is above politics, he’s different, he’s new, he’s exotic. Our Savior was never on drugs. He never has been associated with the Communist Party. He never went to a Muslim School. Why can’t they leave Barry alone?
There are more questions concerning Barack Hussein Obama than any other candidate in history. Why doesn’t Barry just answer them? What does he have to hide?
I’ll address the Hussein question right now which I’m sure will be popping up after this. That’s his name. What do you want us to call him? Bob Smith? If McCains middle name was Halliburton, you’d be all over that.
says:The Times runs a story about this trash on its front page, but as far as I can tell (using the search function on its site), it has yet to publish anything about Ron Suskind’s book, “The Way of the World,” which presents evidence of yet another impeachable offense by the Bush White House.
It’s pretty pathetic when Jon Stewart covers politics more thoroughly than the “paper of record.” It’s like living in an alternate universe.
Following up on what Grumpy said:
Now Corsi is saying: “self-reporting, by people who have used drugs, as to when they stopped is inherently unreliable.”
Heads I win, tails you lose. Perfect!
says:“There are more questions concerning Barack Hussein Obama than any other candidate in history. Why doesn’t Barry just answer them? What does he have to hide?”
Care to elucidate? You aren’t just here to spout off random crap are you?
(See there’s this thing called a “homepage”. Obama has one. A BIG one. On it you will find all sorts of answers. But you knew that already didn’t you? You’re just here to stir up crap aren’t you? Can you really think of nothing better to do with your day? Go over to Sports Illustrated and bask in the glow of the Olympic Coverage…it’s probably a better way to spend your time than trying to piss off strangers.)
Prup (aka Jim Benton)
says:I have to check the Times BR, but usually, if there are substantial bulk sales, they have a symbol for this.
Thanks, neilt for backing me up on this one.
says:Corsi is a bad man. A liar. Probably a Racist, like the others that hate to see a smart black president. He probably is linked to lobbyist and special interest. He says he not republican, than does he only attacks democrats. His book of lies should taken off the shelf and burn in front of his house. The USA is already in a really bad place right now, this is not the time for Pure negative ignorant book to come out to divide the country. Hell to Jerome Corsi!!!
says:Doesn’t non-fiction have to be, umm, true?
says:The fact that attacks coming from the right against anybody still make for best-selling books confirms that Americans are, in fact, “bloody stupid”.
says:A New York Time Bestseller? It’s as if Americans like being lied to.
says:The fact that books written by the right far outsell books written by the left confirms that Americans are sick of being fed the stupid tripe that liberals put out there.
Keep on calling Americans stupid Chris, it’s that kind of elitist crap that turns middle-America away from the loony left.
says:Poor crybabies – when someone disagrees with the affirmative action empty suit just cry Liar! Racist! because it’s all you have.
says:Given that there are so many negatives (negative facts, that is, not lies and conjecture) about McCain’s past, why doesn’t someone write a book about him? It could cover, among other things, his graduating from the Naval Academy 5th from the bottom of his class, his shoddy record as a Navy pilot, his hot-shot ‘skills’ being responsible for more than one crash and the deaths of over 100 US sailors, his adulterous affair that led to his divorce and re-marriage to an heiress, a BIG chapter on his complicity in the Keating 5 scandal and the S&L debacle, etc.
It would also have the advantage of being true, unlike Corsi’s tripe.
Doctor Biobrain
says:I’m of the opinion that Corsi is out of luck and this book will never be as relevant as his last one. Because you can do one hatchet job on a Dem presidential candidate and still look like an unbiased researcher of fact. But if you do the same thing four years later, it just looks like you’re a hatchet man and you have no credibility. And because these kind of guys are a dime a dozen, conservatives would be stupid to use the same guy twice, when they could instead use a fresh name instead. As it is, every time people talk about this book, they’ll have to reference that the guy did the same thing to Kerry, which undermines everything.
Perhaps some day conservatives will realize that they’re very replaceable and that you can’t keep pulling the same tricks without destroying your reputation. But then again, John McCain still hasn’t figured out that he’s being used and he’s savvy enough to have lasted for decades in politics. As usual, he’s a patsy who imagines he’s an insider. Sucker.
Let's Make Lemonade
says:I’m trying to find some way to make sure Obama benefits from this. I’m encouraging everyone to buy The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama (link to ebooks version). If Obama sees a spike in book sales, I think that sends out a great message. Corsi does lack credibility to anyone of reasonable intelligence… sadly, that hasn’t stopped him from spiking to the top of the bestseller lists.
says:Perhaps someone could make the claim that Obama’s two books are full of lies to paint him as someone he isn’t. I
says:This sounds much more like a Regnery Publishing title not something from a respected publisher.
Surly Duff
says:Chad said:
There are more questions concerning Barack Hussein Obama than any other candidate in history. Why doesn’t Barry just answer them? What does he have to hide?
Agreed. I have yet to hear his answer to the following questions:
– What is your favorite color?
– If you were a tree, what tree would you be?
– Why is the sky blue?
Until we get answers, I will continue to spout nonsensical arguments that are ironclad in their ignorance and one that I don’t fully understand.
says:Surly Duff = Best Handle Ever!!
*kicks self for not thinking of it first*
anita del Ray
says:I know. Only books by approved liberal authors are serious and true. Get a life Corsi critics. The nation is tired of your PC BS. Corsi has a perfect right to express his point of view, just as you do. Now grow up and read before you criticize.
says:Corsi has a perfect right to express his point of view, just as you do. -anita del Ray
That’s debatable. Writing untruths about someone in an effort to defame them is not necessarily protected speech and may be actionable. However, the line is grey when you’re talking about public figures, and Obama doesn’t have thin skin, so it’s unlikely he’ll pursue it.
says:Obama doesn’t have thin skin? Oh, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Thanks, I needed that. Doesn’t have thin skin? what a hoot. That’s hilarious. Oh man, you slay me.
This thick skinned label from a guy who says we can’t ask about his Reverend for 20 years (I did not have spiritual relations with that Reverend, uh, Mr. Wright). We can’t ask about Ayers, Dohrn, Frank “The Commie” Davis, his typical white grandmother, Tony Rezko, his lack of bipartisanship, his inexperience, his stating a few years ago that he would not run for President in 08′, and his thin-skinned response to the New yorker cover.
says:Chad, is there anything you are unwilling to believe, if it agrees with your preconceptions? I ask, because I have a theory that right-wingers are peculiarly prone to what we might call “failures of skepticism.”
says:Yes Charles, I’m unwilling to believe Obama is experienced enough to run a country. I’m unwilling to believe that America will elect a Socialist President. I’m unwilling to believe that America would elect a junior senator with 143 days on the Senate floor. I’m unwilling to believe all the kool-ade drinkers lapping this hope and change schtick from the Chosen One. I’m unwilling to believe a lot of the crazy ideas he’s spewing out (wealth distribution/higher taxes/not drilling our own oil…). Yeah, I have some doubts about Barry, why don’t you?
I have my doubts about Barack Obama, but between him and John McCain, there simply is no choice.
McCain has proven himself incapable of running an honest campaign based on substance.
He’d run the White House just like Bush has. I don’t think that’s been “well.”
Do you?
McCain Blog Outreach Coordinator
says:Now Chad, you have been warned and yet you still keep provoking the natives at this Board.
Such irresponsibility is very unhelpful to John McCain and what he is trying to accomplish on the Blogosphere.
Hw many of these Libs have you convinced to give John McCain a second look? Not many I bet. Now please post something positive about John McCain instead of tearing down the Junior Senator from Chicago.
You can start by appologizing to the readers of this blog. You know personal responsibilty. And then post something awesome about John McCain.
Thank You.
says:When has there ever been an honest campaign? You make it sound like this is new to you. We’re not electing the person that runs the cleanest campaign here, nor are we electing the homecoming king. This is for the most powerful position in the free world. This isn’t something you decide to do on a whim, which Barry apparently did since he said a few years ago that he was too inexperienced to be President. We’re looking for the person who has the most experience, has a history of service to his country, and who doesn’t have so many unanswered questions about them.
In reality, Obama should be mopping the floor with McCain, but why do you suppose they’re in a virtual dead-heat? It’s because a majority of Americans just don’t know that much about Obama. They know nothing of substance. All he’s selling is hope and change. He doesn’t have a viable plan that will work for them.
You say there’s no choice, oh but there is, there’s the risky choice (Obama), and there’s the safe choice (McCain).
says:A little bit better Chad.
But less Obama and more McCAIN!!!
Keep trying, you’ll get the hang of it yet.
says:Isn’t this the same man who was caught up in sexual affair with Mark Foley, seriously Google it.
And Mary Joe Matalin, the woman that James Carville said you had to get drunk so you didn’t have to focus on how ugly she was when having sex with her.
And Karl Rove and the never talked about secret relationship with Scooter Libby; have you seen Karl Rove wife.
The Hypocrisy of these Rethuglicans and their private secrete affairs; if they want to write a book that will sale you could start with these three things. The truth is always a greater story than the pack of lies they print.
Safe? Safe? McCain is a loose cannon. He’s another irreflective, pathetic mediocrity, with serious oedipal complexes he’s trying to compensate for by getting elected. Once elected, he would prove completely unable to keep his staff in line. Since his staff is resembling more and more the staff of the Bush administration, the result is entirely predictable.
When you put a person who never displayed even a minimal level of intellectual competence in charge of a major enterprise, you are throwing the dice. They may rise to the occasion, or they may turn out to be hopelessly incompetent. When they’re 72 years old, the chances of their having it in them to rise to the occasion become vanishingly small.
Nobody is demonstrably ready to be President of the USA. That’s a simple fact. As for me, I’m going to vote for someone who at least appears to have a brain and be willing to use it.
The Answer is Orange
says:And there you have it. Corsi says Bush still uses coke.
You don’t really know what the term “Socialist” means do you?
If you did, you’d certainly never call Obama a socialist.
(do yourself a favour and wiki “Eugene Debs”…then you’ll see what a Socialist Presidential candidate looks like)
Ossy Anyabuike
says:Is it really worthy to respond to the falshood by Corsi or whatever his name is. I am very happy (as most Americans would be) that he has a precedence – on John Kerry. ‘You can fool some people sometimes but not all the people all the time’ -music which we all do enjoy. I have a question for Corsi; apart from Obama’s color, the color of his father, the color of the second husband of his mother, the color of the grandparents that raised him, the color of his former church Pastor, the Islamic school he attended while growing up in Indonesia what else does the book portray? Are these the problems facing America today? Americans are no longer gullible!
The son of an Admiral of the US Navy graduating from the Naval Academy 5th from the bottom of his class is not worthier reading about than a Havard law graduate of a colored parentage? Has anyone bothered to ask how he got into the Academy in the first place? What would have happened to Obama, if his father had been an Admiral in the US Navy and had come last in his graduating class….your guess would be as good as mine. Why are people like Corsi still existing in our society and still being hosted by the Mass Media? Four years from now, he will have nothing to write about or maybe he will then turn against his present sponsors.
Come to think of it, will it not be an advantage for a would-be US president to have some basic Islamic education? Ignorance they say, is a deadly plague. Today the Islamic world, (mainly Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait) has the highest investment in Corsi’s country. Today, there are mosques and Islamic schools in America. I ask again, will it not be a good requirement for a 21st Century American president to have a balanced view about Christian and Islamic faiths, not to mention other faiths? Between McCain and Obama who has that advantage today? For me, I see the Corsi book as another plus to Obama and what he stands for and the number of people buying the book is just an indication of how much following there is for him.
The world has moved on from the Politics of Skin color to Politics of Reality. And today the reality is that, America has made more enemies (both at home and abroad) than it can handle and this was possible by people like McCain with Vietnam experience. Eight years ago, the American economy was in its best but today, it is in tatters. Who won the war in Vietnam? If you are cracking your brain too much beacuse of the time lag, no problem, this next question will be easier to answer; who won the war in Iraq? The amount spent on military contractors alone (not the military) in Iraq, was put at USD85billion this week. And someone is talking about electing a war veteran in times of war. Give me a list of issues that had been resolved by going to war if you have any, Mr. Corsi? The world power today and the years ahead will be determined by the economic bouyancy of that country and not by the number of houses of her citizens that are being repossessed.
McCain is 71years old, has Vietnam war experience and 26years experience in the senate, if that is a ticket to become the next US president, please Americans go ahead and vote for him. But before you do, just ponder for a while that it is not how long but how well. If Barack Obama, 46years old could within 4 years stir America into what we see today, just imagine what would happen to America in the next eight years! Did anyone read the comment of the Congressional Speaker – people such as Obama do not happen always she had commented. And it is only people that see things others do not see that could make such comments.
America, this is your chance. You either seize it or blow it!
And please let’s keep this campaign on issues, those issues that affects all of us whether you are black, orange, yellow or white.
The whole world is watching, and like most of us outside America (I am not an American), your action or inaction affects all of us as the world is now a global village.
I figure conservatives buy it up in bulk to get it up on the NYT bestseller list hopinmg liberals will buy it too. (This may be the reason that NYT has been allowed to remain “liberal”??? Tin foil hat time.)
As for
“It’s probably safe to assume the list [of lies/inaccuracies] will continue to grow as time goes on.”
Obama’s just takin’ apart the Frigidaire.
Wait for it….
Al Pastor
says:It is one thing for some hack who draws his paycheck from the online equivalent of the Weekly World News (if this genius wrote half as well as as Ed Anger, I would buy the book) to write a hatchet piece, but how does Mary Matalan get to traffic in this crap and still get to pretend not to be a joke?
says:I found it very curious when I googled Jerome Corsi that all indications relative to his second wife are “Monica Corsi.” Why wasn’t her maiden name listed? To me, the devil is always in the details. The only other detail I could find on the web regarding Monica Corsi, true or not, is that she may be an Argentinean immigrant. Any other details out there on Monica Corsi? I realize she is probably a private person. However, is there something to hide there? Something that can be used to expose Mr. Corsi as a hypocrite?