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New McCain ad: ‘Hot chicks dig Obama’

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At this point, I’ve lost count of exactly how many ad/videos the McCain campaign has released mocking Barack Obama’s so-called “celebrity” status. I suspect we’re approaching double digits by now, and the problem with diminishing returns is rather obvious. It’s one thing for a campaign makes a spot or two to make a point, it’s another to go back to the well five or six times, hoping to beat the same foolish point into the ground.

And yet, there was yet another “celebrity” spot, released yesterday afternoon.

Remember when McCain vowed to be a candidate of stature, denouncing campaigns that appeal to the lowest common denominator? Well, as of this week, the same McCain has released a video with the words “hot chicks dig Obama” in it. Seriously.

Eric Kleefeld asks

, “How long until ‘Barack, call me’ ends up in a McCain paid TV ad?” Probably another week or so.

The timing of the spot is especially odd, given that McCain apparently wants to drive the campaign discussion towards the conflict in Georgia, where McCain hopes a Cheney-like attitude will impress voters. And yet, the same day the Russian military marched deeper into Georgia, McCain unveils a spot about “Obama’s fan club,” in which the McCain campaign refers to Obama as “dreamy.”

I guess we should be thankful there were no tire-gauges in the spot.

So, why would McCain bother with the video at all? It’s just a hunch, but I suspect it’s a trap of sorts.

After the infamous Spears/Hilton ad a couple of weeks ago, the talk immediately moved to race — the McCain gang, the argument went, connected a black candidate with two promiscuous young, white blondes. The racial subtext soon became the central focus of the criticism.

This new video skips Spears and Hilton, but nevertheless features a series of young white women, and the tagline, “Hot chicks dig Obama.” With that in mind, I wonder if the McCain campaign hopes the video draws complaints about racial subtexts, probably because McCain’s gang thought the “race card” discussion worked in their favor.

As far as I can tell, the Obama campaign is not, however, falling for this, and isn’t pushing back against the latest video much at all. All things considered, that’s probably the right move.

Obama’s team can afford to focus its attention elsewhere — there’s bound to be another “celebrity” attack in a day or two anyway.


  • How did the McCain campaign get away with using the footage from Wayne’s World? What are the political leanings of Mike Myers, Dana Carvey, or anyone else on the creative team behind that movie? Any chance for a lawsuit?

  • I think what has become abundantly clear is that the McCain camp is going to go or the Penn-race angle that HRC rejected and releasing this ad yesterday on the web; after the Green piece was circulated was harmful to that plan IMO. I was gratified to see ABC News draw direct parallels to the Penn strategy HRC rejected and McCain’s campaign. If they continue this line, the idea has been planted on what they are really attempting to do here. Halperin didnt’ post the ad and Drudge didn’t have it: I saw it only at Politico and TPM which makes me think that people are going to not drive this.

  • McAce’s credibility has been shot down again. My best guess is that he take a Viagra and masturbates while watching all of those “hot chicks” talking about Obama. Or maybe he gets it off watching Dana Garvey…

    Either way he is a sick old man without ideas being led by a group of sadistic males who supply him with the Viagra and a litany of really bad ideas.

  • It’s pretty obvious by now that McSame’s complaint isn’t that Obama is a celebrity. It’s that Obama’s celebrity has eclipsed McCain’s. It’s painful to watch a 72 year old man behave like a jealous 13 year old girl.

  • Well, it’s true.
    Which begs the question of why the McEnvyloids keep advertising for us?
    Anyway, thanks for the ride.

  • If this ad was released by the McCain campaign it appears to be in violation of Federal campaign laws. Unless the version you posted has been truncated, it did not end with the obligatory “I’m John McCain and I approved this message.” statement by McCain.

  • McCain declares war on hot chicks. Man, if I ever heard a losing strategy, that’s gotta be it. Then again, the way some of our fellow citizens consistently vote against their own self-interest, it just might work.

  • It occurred to me the other night while watching the old movie “Imagine”, that Barack is getting the same treatment as John Lennon. Maybe it’s time for a bed-in.

  • EVERYBODY digs Obama…except stupid people & racists. Hot chicks aren’t stupid or racist (necessarily) so why exclude them from the Obama love fest?

  • says:

    This spot has everything except the wrinkly old white guy saying “I’m John McCain, and I approved this message.”

    This approach actually will work. It appeals to morons, and who else would vote for four more years of Bush except morons?

  • Part of me asks, Jeez is this all they’ve got?

    But the part that’s watched Democrats lose election after election makes me wary.

    Maybe the McCain campaign thinks if they shake this “celebrity” tree enough, a white woman who had an affair with Obama will fall out.

    As far as responding, I don’t think the Obama campaign should do it, but it would be fun to see someone turn this around with an ad that says, “Septuagenarian women love McCain.”

    Have the women say things like, “John McCain’s energy plan encourages the use of more coal. When I was a girl I loved the sound of those old coal-fire steam engine. Whssssh! Whssssh!”

    and, “When I was growing up men like Obama kept their place and strove to be credits to their race!”

  • Lets’ see..Obama – gimmick man…Ooh, I will let you know by text who I have as VP…Ooh let me rent a stadium to announce my second coming, Ooh, let me talk about energy plans and take my private gas guzzling jet to Hawaii and diss old white grandma! Oooh, I will let you know my detailed economic, energy and defense plan by sky writing it to you, don’t forget to watch as it will be over ABC, CBS and NBC headquarters so I can get a photo op..

  • I would be absolutely enthralled to read demographically delineated responses to this ad. I suspect that the only ones going “Huh, yeah!” are vaguely disgruntled older white men who think Wayne’s World is a cutting-edge reference. I believe most other people are down with the notion that having dreamy eyes–and dudes, he does, which you know really pisses McCain off–doesn’t preclude one from having qualities of leadership.

    But perhaps I am underestimating the number of white people who are resentful that a black man is getting so much admiration (and, while the black-man-coming-for-your-women message isn’t really hit in this ad, I did notice that everyone in it is white; that’s not accidental). If that’s the case, then Obama is right not to fall for this.

  • McCain Wake up You Idiot!!! You Old Fool!!! Yea your really presidential materal alright it scares the hell out of me just thinking about it Your an Idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Obama should denounce this ad as an attack on his marriage. He should play the marriage card and talk about how he’s on his first very happy marriage and is a devout family man. That outta shut McCain’s camp up when they try this to pull the “white women” card again.

  • I’m in PA too and since I’m watching the Olympics, I’m seeing far more ads than usual (no cable). The only one I keep seeing is the one about him being so popular but not caring about your family. Honestly? The cheering beginning always raises my head (usually reading or knitting as well, my attention span has that internets thing going on anymore) and then when it asks if Obama cares about my family or whatever the cheesy line is, I say yes to the television and promptly tune out the rest of the campaignspeak that follows.

    Have seen a few Obama ads as well, though honestly? Using those same ad voices as everyone else…kinda makes me tune them out too. I look up if *he’s* speaking, but not for the intoning narrator.

  • dragonfly777 said:
    Lets’ see..Obama – gimmick man…Ooh, I will let you know by text who I have as VP…Ooh let me rent a stadium to announce my second coming . . . .

    Maybe Obama should borrow from Sen. McPlagarism and go on Letterman and “Saturday Night Live” or on an episode of “24”.

    Like JoeW said, McCain’s problem with Obama isn’t that Obama is a celebrity, it’s that Obama’s a bigger celebrity than McCain. The only guest appearances McCain can get booked at anymore is shopping mall openings.

  • I thought it was funny… and a little sad that people actually said that stuff on camera. Most of the comments left here fall into the same bucket.

  • It occurs to me that if this ad really doesn’t have the obligatory “I’m John McCain and I apporved this message.”, the whole thing may be a set-up. Get the Obama people to complain about it, then have the McCain camp say it was a mistake and that McCain never authorized it. In the meantime the MSM play it endlessly for free while they discuss the complaints from the Obama campaign and trumpet how honorable McCain is for disavowing the ad.

  • Can we fast-forward to November? I’m so tired of all this. Anyone who hasn’t made their mind up about who they’re voting for is just plain dumb. But then again, so is the average American.

  • says:

    Not only is the ad inherently stupid, it’s badly constructed. Do McCain’s supporters really sit there and believe that their candidate is serious after watching this? I’d love to know.

  • You’re right. It is a set up. For the media. And you’ve walked right into it. The McCain campaign has been getting enormous media dividends on this ridiculous series of ads – and will continue to do so until we start ignoring them. I say we refrain from micro-analyzing every idiotic McCain ad and let them die on the vine from lack of media oxygen. Only then will they stop. Media bait. Nothing more.

  • It’s pretty obvious by now that McSame’s complaint isn’t that Obama is a celebrity. It’s that Obama’s celebrity has eclipsed McCain’s. It’s painful to watch a 72 year old man behave like a jealous 13 year old girl.

    We have a winner!

  • undecided,

    Another broad brush has dipped into another bucket I see. I’m voting for the guy because he’s not a (much as I hate the work..) flip-flopping “conservative”, he can actually speak and has international appeal that America can be led by something other than a stale white puritanical (when it’s in style) privileged white male. Or is that not okay to say too. So some people have hope and are actually inspired by a leader, what have you got again? Oh that’s right, McSame! Good luck with that!

  • Wait just a minute !Angelina Jolie hasn’t committed to endorsing Obama yet Everyone is poised to see which candidate a bimbo who barely graduated high school and has tits way bigger than her brain is going for

  • I’m a 64 year old white guy. I support Obama. I oppose McCain. McCain has shown himself to be out of touch with most Americans – except the few Americans left who still buy into jingoistic nonsense — America, Love It or Leave It. Lots of us would seriously consider leaving if McCain wins and becomes McBush.

    McCain has no good ideas, so he attacks Obama for being…oh, lets see…popular…attractive…an outstanding orator…younger than he should be…
    more worldly than he should be…more compassionate than he should be…
    more Democratic than he should be…more human than he should be…more
    bi-racial than he should be…more realistic, more pragmatic, more intelligent
    than McCain is or ever could be.

    The American people have a clear choice in this election: vote for an old
    political hack who hasn’t had an original idea in so long, even he can’t remember when he had the last one, or vote for a talented, patriotic, brilliant, excellent and rare
    candidate who is capable of rescuing our country from decline both at home and abroad.
    Obama should win this election by an unprecedented landslide.

  • Will, I never said I support McCain, but I can tell that you do not like him very much. So McCain is white, which is apparently bad, and has a name that rhymes with McSame. And Obama is popular and pumps you up. OK, got it.

  • If Hot Chicks dig Obama, I suppose I’ll have to support him too, so they will actually be willing to talk to me.

    Actually, as a happily married man and grandfather, the only hot chicks I ever talk to are my daughter’s friends. But I imagine I can tell them honestly that I’m supporting Obama.

    Really, can the Republican’ts get any more silly and JSMcC*nt any more transparently jealous?

  • undecided said: “Will, I never said I support McCain, but I can tell that you do not like him very much. So McCain is white, which is apparently bad, and has a name that rhymes with McSame. And Obama is popular and pumps you up. OK, got it.”

    Well, you could also include the fact that McCain lies, flip-flops, threatens to get America engaged in another war (or three) while we can’t manage the two we have, has a fiscal policy that will sink America further into debt to the Communist Chinese (who won’t be so nice after the Olympics), and doesn’t support our troops or our veterans.

    Then you could note that Obama has rationale (if not the best) policies on Energy, Health, Foreign Policy, Military Policy and congressional ethics.

    And yes, he is popular. A lot of Americans might want to vote for a President who isn’t automatically reviled both here and around the world. Don’t see why that is a problem for you.

  • Credit where credit is due – the bit with the Taco Bell was *actually* pretty funny.

    (well actually, it would be funny in a Daily Show bit. A presidential ad? Not so much…)

  • undecided, have you seen some of the idiotic things some Bush supporters say about him? And have you seen some of the racist shit coming from McCain’s supporters? (not McCain, of course) The point is that stupid people can always be found on every side. But making an ad based on the words of those people is… scummy politics.

    So McCain approved a scummy ad, which could easily be made against him, if Obama was scummy like McCain. If you’re undecided, you must think there’s really something horribly wrong with Obama, maybe you should spell that out and we’ll see if it holds water or not.

  • If you listen carefully with the volume up, you can actually hear McCain’s team scraping the bottom of the barrel.

    Sure, the whole “celebrity” thing may have struck a chord with arch-conservatives with nothing else to talk about [like policies, for instance, or the character of their own candidate]. But, I can’t see this doing much to dislodge or sway the undecideds. Maybe they’re going for “celebrity fatigue” or something? But, it just seems desperate, childish and smacks of every other episode of the Brady Bunch.

    “Marsha! Marsha! Marsha!”

    But it also sounds a lot like R. Lee Ermy’s drill sergeant in “Full Metal Jacket.” He came up with a nickname for each new recruit and, whether it was a demeaning name or not, made it sound demeaning by inflection. Calling a political candidate a “celebrity” is not particularly demeaning, unless you’re a callous, hot-headed republican. Then it sounds venomous.

    McCain shouldn’t forget what happened to that sergeant. He got offed by crazy Private “Lard Ass” Pyle.

  • Why is McCain continuing to run this sophomoric ads? According to a GOP operative, it’s because Obama’s response to McCain trash ads shows that the McCain trash ads are working.

    “They woke up this weekend and figured out that that ad resonated and they needed to do something about it,” said Terry Holt, a Republican strategist.


    [He] said, “If the celebrity issue were not hurting them, they would have ignored it.”

    He says this despite the fact that the McCain trash ads have been held up to a fair amount of ridicule. My guess is that McCain himself is rather concerned about the Obama response and Holt is sending out the message that if Obama keeps hitting back McCain will go nuclear, i.e. use the Harold Ford “call me” approach. This recent ad is the first step in the what is now an escalating battle.

    PS CB, your preview isn’t work properly. The blockquote isn’t showing up correctly and the link is showing up in the wrong place. My HTML is correct and everything will likely publish just fine.

  • Barry’s a celeb. Barry’s got hot women lusting for him.

    The McCain Mutiny sounds rather jealous of Obama.

  • The Obama campaign oughta respond with an ad showing many of Obama’s top female supporters– Kathleen Sebelius, Janet Napolitano, Claire McCaskill, Amy Klobuchar, maybe even Hillary herself, if she’d stay on-message– and have them each say, in so many words, “Hot chicks dig Obama? Thanks for the compliment, John! Incidentally, I’m supporting Obama because of his plan to [get us out of Iraq, create green-collar jobs, reduce taxes for the middle class, etc.] If supporting that makes me qualify as a ‘hot chick,’ I’m proud to be one.”

  • dragonfly777 @ 18:

    take my private gas guzzling jet to Hawaii

    Really? You want to throw down on the use of private jets? And you think this favors Senator John “Honey, can I borrow the jet?” McCain? Really?

  • I don’t know what they spent to put this ad together, but the whole thing comes across to me like one of those local late night “call now” info ads that try to pitch some garbage. Even the narrator’s voice seems to fit. Feeble.

  • Lance, no problems here. When making important decisions, I try to see the pros and cons of all my choices. What I’m experiencing here is quite a lot of resistance to that. I just don’t understand how people can be so belligerently one-sided. It just doesn’t sit well with me. Frankly, its very ugly. How can I be the only one pointing out that name calling, racism, elitism, and ageism are all very, very ugly things.

  • Yeah, while Obama sticks to issues of substance, McCain can rant all he wants about how Obama is prettier than him. Even the dimmest of the dim will be able to see one’s got actual policies, while the other is running on a platform of name-calling.

  • McCain’s pulling out all the stops on his vitriol now, because he can’t carry his big primary stash over into the general election. He won’t be able to outspend Obama after Labor Day, because he’ll be running on a fully depleted primary campaign chest going into the convention, and he’ll be coming out with his hands tied to his “public funding” disaster—while Obama will be steaming full-ahead with a huge general campaign stash, and a funding structure that’ll slap McCain silly at the rate of 2 or 3 to 1.

    And Dragonfly—how much of Cindy’s fortune is going into moving your candidate’s decomposing butt around the country? She owns the jet; she employs the flight crew; she forks up for fuel and maintenance. If she’s subsidizing (letting “johnneh” use it at a reduced rate), then she’s going to be going way over the amount she’s allowed to donate to a campaign. Cindy’s not the candidate—and her antiquated hubby doesn’t own the jet, or the money that’s subsidizing its operations’ “discount.”

  • McCrap’s ‘celebrity ad’:

    3 phallic symbols
    2 white chicks
    1 black man

    Wonder where it is all going? Before this is all over, the Harold Ford ads may start looking tame.

    Repeat after me: Low Information Voters are the key voting block of the republican party. Republican strategy to appeal to Low Information Voters is to paint Obama as an ‘Arrogant Elitist’.

    Translated to English: Stupid white voters are the key voting block of the republican party. Rethug strategy to appeal to them is to paint Obama as an ‘uppity n*gg*er’ who makes decisions and policies based upon facts and science as opposed to emotion driven religious dogma and ‘beliefs’.

  • Dragonfly, based on his sheer lunacy and stupidity, the ‘politics of stupidity’ , just signed on to make the next sadistically stupid commercial for his viagra needy hero: McBush ..

  • Undie,

    I should not come off so terse (and I should proof-read more often). No, I don’t get pumped up be Obama, I was referring to the quotes in the “commercial”; after the FISA bend-over I left the Obama campaign site and stopped sending money. A Constitutional law professor voted “yes” to trounce the 4th amendment; that was pretty alarming. I felt very one-sided about that one, citizens who respect the intent of the law vs. lawmakers who skip opportunity to defend the law because they’re running a campaign for President. I just wanted you to know I have my doubts about Obama’s principles after that one. I’m still voting for him because John McCain appears to offer only ridicule, that’s his substance.. I think Steve @49 is correct about the upcoming cap on Senator McCain’s campaign spending.

    The sides are a Democrat who can speak English and appears to have some decent advisors and ideas and another republican who will pander, lie and ridicule in advertisements to become the President and surrounds himself with the likes of Phil Graham, Joe Lieberman, Lindsey Graham and Carly Fiorina (good ole boys; except for Fiorina and Graham). The choice is pretty obvious to me.

  • with the likes of Phil Gramm, Joe Lieberman, Lindsey Graham and Carly Fiorina (good ole boys; except for Fiorina and Graham).

    What?! Graham finally came out?

  • I’ve also heard that “Chicks dig the long ball”.

    Is that where McLame’s campaign got the idea?

  • undecided said: “How can I be the only one pointing out that name calling, racism, elitism, and ageism are all very, very ugly things.”

    Watch the ad buys for the Olympics and tell me that Obama is being as mean spirited as McCain.

  • Rege wrote: “He says this despite the fact that the McCain trash ads have been held up to a fair amount of ridicule. My guess is that McCain himself is rather concerned about the Obama response and Holt is sending out the message that if Obama keeps hitting back McCain will go nuclear, i.e. use the Harold Ford “call me” approach. This recent ad is the first step in the what is now an escalating battle.”

    Let me get this straight. Obama says JSMcC*nt is a third term of Boy George II and the response is “well, you’re popular!”?

    How is that a winning strategy?

  • Way to lock up the women’s vote McRampstrike! Throw around words like “Chick.” They also like being called “broads,” and “skirts.”

    And trollops and c^nts.

    Just remember, if “Hot chicks dig Obama,” then “Ugly chicks dig McCain!”

  • Charges of ageism are one of the GOP’s most hilariously desperate moves. Our sometimes caustic jokes notwithstanding, is the GOP’s argument supposed to be that no one is ever too old to capably handle the exceptionally strenuous (both mentally and physically) job of president? If not, why don’t we have 90-year-olds running? After all, they’ve got the most “experience.”

    Look, Republicans are hot to make “ageism” an issue because they know that age-related physical and mental factors are perfectly legitimate and objectively defensible voter concerns. McCain, whose body is in far worse shape than most 72-year-olds’ due to war injuries and multiple bouts of cancer, is physically not up to the presidency. In addition, he daily demonstrates signs of age-related mental liabilities ranging from memory loss and information retrieval problems to the possible beginnings of dementia. Perhaps most importantly, he displays a dangerous trait common to many aging people, an inability to adapt to new ways of doing things and changing circumstances, illustrated most shockingly by his admitted inability to use a computer (and, by extension, to understand the way we all work and communicate now).

    His age is a huge liability–one that we should frankly be discussing more, not dismissing as irrational prejudice.

  • Way to lock up the women’s vote McRampstrike! Throw around words like “Chick.” They also like being called “broads,” and “skirts.”

    Over at Perennially Disgruntled Clinton Women for McCain, the preferred terms are “tomato,” “bird” and “bag.” Anything to stop that sexist bastard Obama.

  • Steve:Is there any evidence this did come from McCain and wasn’t a spoof that caught people, maybe from a supporter of either candidate, or a troublemaker just wanting to stir up controversy? Certainly the McCain campaign is dumb enough to do something like this, but the lack of the ‘approval’ ending makes me suspicious that somebody pulled a prank and we fell for it.

    Again, I’m hardly assuming it didn’t, but where did you find it?

  • Prup #60: Is there any evidence this did come from McCain and wasn’t a spoof that caught people, maybe from a supporter of either candidate, or a troublemaker just wanting to stir up controversy?

    I wondered that myself. Then I wandered on over to McCain’s website and there it was!

    That we’re wondering if it’s real or a spoof would tell me that it’s not particularly effective or well thought out. In other words: classic McCain.

  • Will, good points. Unfortunately, or fortunately, it isn’t quite so obvious for me yet. Oh well, I still have 3 months to hang myself with. Being financially conservative, but liberal minded, I’m just not sure yet.

    Lance, I was commenting on what people have posted here; I’m not pulling a Phil Gramm, I AM talking about the people.

    Which reminds me, why does Obama’s web site’s “People” tab include everyone under the sun except European Americans? Am I missing something? I just found it to be odd to split people up and not have an all inclusive message.


  • If not, why don’t we have 90-year-olds running? After all, they’ve got the most “experience.”

    We like to leave them in the Senate. Oh, how I miss the sight of Strom huddled in his chair while the vulture perched on the back rattled its beak impatiently. And now those nasty thugs want to take Teddy Stevens away. Dreadful!

  • Maria, physical health has less to do with it than you think:

    Kennedy was sick from age 13 through the rest of his life, was on chronic-pain medication throughout his presidency and had Addison’s disease, an endocrine disorder that until 1940 was a terminal illness. Kennedy survived it through cortisone injections, which at the time only rich people could afford….Dr. Jeffrey Kelman, who examined Kennedy’s medical records in 2002, said, “He was never healthy. I mean, the image you get of vigor and progressive health wasn’t true.” -cbsnews

    And we all remember the guy in the wheelchair.

    As far as mental faculties, yeah, I’m concerned about those as well – everything you outlined. But lets call it that and not just being old. I guess I don’t want to find myself at 72 and automatically pinned as incapable of doing anything well. So yeah, I still think its an irrational prejudice to foster just like the others you didn’t defend or denounce.

  • undecided, JFK and FDR were indisputably mentally sharp as well as having high energy levels. McCain’s situation is that he’s both mentally and physically weak. Sorry–no comparison.

    I guess I don’t want to find myself at 72 and automatically pinned as incapable of doing anything well.

    Cut the melodrama. No one has “automatically” described anyone as being “incapable of doing anything well.” I very carefully pointed out that the presidency is a special job that requires high mental and physical acuity (it also asks for emotional health, something else McCain lacks, but that has nothing to do with his age). Your hamhanded attempt to portray this as wholesale meanness to 72-year-olds exhibits about as much good faith (and verbal aptitude) as you’ve shown in in the rest of this thread.

  • Undecided: “Being financially conservative, but liberal minded, I’m just not sure yet.”

    For me the obvious questions to ask here are: “How are the last seven years working out for you, economically speaking? And how do you feel about our runaway spending and enormous budget deficit after the last seven years?” As a democrat, I see fiscal conservatism being one of the most practical, reasonable and potentially beneficial planks on the GOP’s platform. But it also seems to be the one that is ignored most often, once in office. Instead, it’s my view that republicans like Bush and [if you buy into the “four more years” scenario] McCain use tax cuts to win votes and donors, which sounds fiscally conservative, while cutting worthwhile social programs that cost relatively little [compared, say, to war] in an effort to pay for a fraction of the cuts while appearing socially conservative. Add to that unleashed military spending to court the security conservatives, and the result is half-assed conservativism that can’t achieve any of its goals.

    Granted, the democrats haven’t been wildly successful either. If they were, no contest. But there’s no denying that our economy and federal budget seem to benefit more during a democratic administration. And isn’t that really the goal of financial conservatives?

    And I see where you’re coming from on the age issue. 72 doesn’t equal senile. But when McCain’s age coupled with some cherry-picked statements and mixed in with his medical history it makes a pretty good counterweight to Obama’s inexperience.

  • undecided said: “Lance, I was commenting on what people have posted here; I’m not pulling a Phil Gramm, I AM talking about the people.”

    We are singing to the choir on a thread about McC*nny campaign stupidity. If you want to see a discussion on policies and substance, scan for a better thread.

    But as long as JSMcC*nt is going to be an idiot, that’s what we will write about.

  • Wow, McCain called his wife and daughter ugly? I mean, I KNOW he’s called his wife a c*nt in the past, but to think of her and the child they had together as ugly is pretty low, too…

    Unless they also dig Obama. I don’t talk to them often, so I don’t know…

    I guess McCain thinks all those biker chicks at that Sturgis rally last week aren’t much to look at, either. Probably why he thought his wife could win their “beauty” contest.

    You know, when I think of all the military members, unions, blue collar types, former Republicans, leaders of business and economists who’ve endorsed Obama, I have to think that those hot chicks aren’t exactly alone in their dig-gin-ness.

    But in the end I do appreciate the irony of the McCain campaign. They go to such lengths to prove that Obama, anyone in his campaign and anyone who supports him shouldn’t be taken seriously, they wind up looking like buffoons themselves.

    If we allow these Rovian tactics to succeed and McCain gets elected, we deserve to lose every freedom we’ll be destined to lose. We’re owed the derision of the world we’ll get. We’ll be worse than an empire that’s been destroyed. We’ll be a legacy shamed into submission.

  • To be fair, there will probably be a lot of hot chicks at the Republican convention. It’s just that they charge by the hour. But what the hell, it’s not your money, right? Unless they’re sleeping with a politician who gets paid with taxes, but hey, it’s not your money ANYMORE, right?

    On a VERY SPECIAL EPISODE of Hannah Montana, a jealous John McCain tries to ruin Miley Cyrus’ plans by stealing her date for the Sadie Hawkins Dance. Him no happy, then can no one be happy.

  • Maria, please excuse my inadequate aptitudedness. Believe it, or not, I am trying to have an honest discussion, but I can understand the mistrust. Its the same story on the McCain dominated sites, where I’m little more than an annoying communist.

  • ed sommers @ 33 said:

    McCain has no good ideas, so he attacks Obama for being…oh, lets see…popular…attractive…an outstanding orator…younger than he should be…
    more worldly than he should be…more compassionate than he should be…
    more Democratic than he should be…more human than he should be…more
    bi-racial than he should be…more realistic, more pragmatic, more intelligent
    than McCain is or ever could be.

    I think McCain has some agonizing evenings, when he wonders what could have been. I’m sure that McCain has been wondering why he did not get the chance to run for president – let’s say 25 years ago. (age difference between him and Obama)

    When McCain was Obama’s age, it was 1983. Reagan years, which means ‘conseravtive revival’ was all the rage. McCain truly was a maverick in more than one sense. (For better and for worse)

    He’s probably mad for being born in the wrong ‘era’ where he would have been the standards bearer.

    At one time, when he was younger, he was ahead of his time, by being the so called ‘maverick’ and bucking his party’s silliest legislation and programs.

    Now that he’s older, he’s behind the times, and doesn’t comprehend why his policies don’t make sense.

    All he has left is that he’s jealous of Obama being ready at the right time and Obama finding himself in the right position to run for President. Something McCain never really had. There was the Reagan years, when he had to prove himself still in the trenches, then there was the ‘legacy / seniority’ republican habit of it’s your turn: So we had Bush I and Dole. When the Clinton backlash happened, the country was ready to hear ‘compassionate conservative’ issues. Sure the voters didn’t realize Bush II didn’t mean a thing of what he promised.

    The result was; McCain waited patiently in the wings for his turn, but got usurped each time. Now that he’s too old, he wants a last chance, but finds himself opposed by a formidable candidate. Obama is running on a lot of positions that McCain used to advocate.

    Actually Obama could easily run a campaign ad supporting his own positions, but only using clips and remarks made by McCain. (the maverick McCain that is)

    McCain is going for broke, because, well, someone is spoiling his last chance, AGAIN, and he’s not going to take it laying down, as he did in 2000.

  • says:

    In a Country facing unprecedented challenges, record gas prices, unending war, soaring national debt, collapsing social security, a broken health care system, a struggling environment and a redistribution of wealth in favor of a privileged few unknown before republicon rule, there is ONE candidate who doesn’t take his job seriously. That candidate is John McCain.

    But not taking his job seriously is nothing new for John McCain. He slacked his way through college, graduating at the bottom of his class. He slacked his way through his job in the military, crashing five planes, costing millions in tax dollars. And despite spending almost thirty years in the legislature, and chairing the powerful Senate Commerce Committee, John McCain never bothered to learn about economics. When it comes to slacking, John McCain is as good as they get.

    Now John McCain is at it again. He never bothered to learn about the issues facing our country. He wouldn’t be troubled with learning the difference between Sunni, Shiite, and Al Qaeda. He never found the time to pull out a map to see that Iraq does not border Pakistan. Don’t we expect more of our highest and most powerful leaders?

    Rather than confronting our Country’s serious problems head-on and helping lead our Country back to greatness, John McCain would rather run for Joke-teller in Chief than for President. But do you blame him? What would you do if you were a lifelong slacker and knew so little about the issues that really matter? We’ve had enough slacking in the Oval Office. Don’t we deserve better?

    Obama ’08. Change begins 2009!

    My name is hesingswithfrogs and I approve this message.

  • I should expect McCain’s share of the women’s vote to now approach zero.

    For a woman, voting McCain is self-selecting into a group defined as “not hot.”

    Who wants to admit to not-hotness?

  • All McCain ads are funny, hilarious and attention grabber.

    These are quite useful and effective to win the spot as a clown in a circus. US COngress could qualify in part as circus, but McCain is giving impression that he is against it. That is not helping as being a successful clown either. This is like a high in the dusk of one’s mixed up life; anything goes. RNC has screwed the nation for some years, and eager to do more damage.

  • Dragonfly is a moron…remember the real elitist is that one with 8 houses and a private jet he has campaigned in since every time he runs for AZ senate.
    “It’s the only way to get around AZ” with it’s lack of good roads because McCain does nothing for his own state either……
    how can someone with 8 houses, understand the dilemma of foreclosure, how about those 250.00 loafers, can he understand living paycheck to paycheck, how about that 75,000 charge card, it is one of many for the McCain’s……can thye understand the tragedy people are having trying to refinance their mortgages, but a car, or even buying gas for a week…..when was the last time he pumped his own gas, or even bought groceries for his home….if he ever looked at his grocery tab, I bet he would fire the housekeeper thinking she stole all that extra money, instead of spending it on food………….then Joe Lieberman would lean in and say the gas prices have cause food prices to rise as well………then McCain would apologize and move on……….ha ha hah
    Laughable hypocrites