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Supporting our troops doesn’t mean supporting Bush’s tax cuts

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It’s difficult to say how maddening it is to see the White House manipulating support for our troops to justify a reckless political agenda. I’m going to give it a try anyway. Earlier today I noted the success Senate Democrats and a handful of GOP moderates had in reducing the size of Bush’s proposed $726 […]


It was only a matter of time before Congress found religion

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I saw a disappointing quote in the Washington Post last night from a Baghdad resident who appreciated a harsh sandstorm that was keeping U.S. military forces from the city. The resident, Imad Mohammed, saw the storm as divine intervention. God, he thought, was keeping the Americans at bay. “The storm is from God,” Mohammed said. […]


The tax cut is still too big, but we’re seeing signs of progress

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Late last week, the Senate appeared poised to take a dramatic swipe at President Bush’s tax cut plan. Led by a series of moderate Dems and Republicans, the coalition of centrists had nearly garnered the votes to cut the size of the tax cut from $726 billion to $350 billion. The move was undercut, however, […]


How we got from there to here

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I usually don’t draw inspiration for commentary from the comics page of the paper, but Doonesbury isn’t really a cartoon, so it’s okay. Without going into too much detail, today’s Doonesbury features a character, Ray Hightower, serving in Iraq. He mentions to his commanding officer, “A year ago, it hadn’t even occurred to anyone we […]


The White House’s demands for “monomaniacal” allegiance

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David Frum wants Democrats to like President Bush. In fact, in an op-ed in today’s Los Angeles Times, Frum expresses bewilderment that Democrats strongly oppose the president and his agenda, saying that Democrats’ hostility to Bush “makes no sense at all” and that the president’s “symbolic and substantive bipartisanship” should make him at least palatable […]


The race (and the need) to uncover Iraq’s biological and chemical weapons

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Carpetbagger’s only Republican friend in DC, let’s call him Anakin, said a couple of months ago, “Saddam claims not to have biological or chemical weapons, but we consistently hear veiled threats that if there’s war, he’ll use the weapons he says he doesn’t have.” Anakin’s right, of course, and it’s been a persuasive argument. Saddam […]


The GOP’s breathtaking hypocrisy on “unpatriotic” criticism

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The Republicans’ reaction to Democratic criticism of the war is sad but predictable. Lawmakers and their conservative allies in the media are questioning Democrats’ patriotism, support for the military, toughness, and general approach to foreign policy. My favorite is when Republicans try to score cheap partisan points with voters by accusing Democrats of trying to […]