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A great applause line … that belongs to someone else

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Gov. Howard Dean is on a roll. He’s picking up high-profile endorsements, contributions are up, media calls are increasing, and John Kerry’s folks are beginning to genuinely worry. Dean’s speech to the DNC last week was key to this new found momentum — he clearly came away from the cattle-call event as the candidate Democratic […]


Mankiw to follow in Hubbard’s footsteps, in more ways than one

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It’s hard not to feel sorry for respected economists who accept jobs with the Bush White House. They’re forced to defend policies they know are erroneous, and more importantly in the academic community, abandon their long-held principles. One of the more recent examples came with Glenn Hubbard, who served as the chairman of the White […]


George Will’s selectively applied principles

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While George Will’s “analysis” of current events is generally useless, Carpetbagger’s brilliant friend Michael pointed to Will’s latest essay as intriguing. Will follows the talking points sent to him from the White House to use his column to condemn Senate Democrats for holding up Miguel Estrada’s nomination to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the […]


The return of “Triangulation”

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There was something oddly troubling about today’s New York Times report about Bush acknowledging the paltry federal budget for domestic security. For a while, Carpetbagger couldn’t put his finger on it, but then ABC News’ The Note spelled it out for me. The article is alarming in and of itself. Federal funding to protect Americans […]


Howard Dean flip-flops on North Korea

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Speaking of North Korea (see post below), several Democratic presidential candidates have been criticizing the increasingly negligent approach the Bush administration has taken to the peninsula. Not all of the candidates have, however, been entirely consistent. Gov. Howard Dean, on the Jan. 5 episode of CBS’ “Face the Nation,” was asked a series of foreign […]


It’s a good thing Kim Jung Il hasn’t started that nuclear reactor. Oh wait…

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Following up on yesterday’s post about North Korea’s newly updated propensity for missile testing, Carpetbagger can’t help but shake his head at the news that the “axis of evil” country has restarted a nuclear reactor that had been shut down in 1994. Just one day after Secretary of State Colin Powell said that North Korea […]


Someone get this man a dictionary

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Making fun of the president for his malapropisms has been done by better researchers than me, but I noticed a fun one in this morning’s Washington Post that I can’t resist bringing to your attention. Speaking to a group called the Latino Coalition, Bush was chastising Senate Democrats for filibustering Miguel Estrada’s nomination to the […]


54 percent and falling

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The Pew Research Center, well respected for its non-partisan research, has released new survey data reflecting Bush’s approval rating at an unimpressive 54 percent. As for the public’s support for the president’s economic policies, more Americans disapprove of Bush’s handling of the economy that approve (43 percent to 48 percent). As the Center explained, “This […]