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Virginia’s Tim Kaine a leading contender for Obama’s ticket

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Barack Obama stopped by the office of his top VP vetter, Eric Holder, late yesterday, and reportedly stayed for about three hours. MSNBC noted that the top members of Obama’s team — Axelrod, Plouffe, Gibbs, and the vetters — were all in the same place at the same time: “The convergence of all the senior […]


No, we wouldn’t have new oil supplies ‘within a matter of months’

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For crying out loud — when John McCain isn’t lying about foreign policy, he’s lying about domestic policy. John McCain again pushed for offshore drilling Monday, and suggested it could provide relief to American consumers “within a matter of months.” “There are some instances within a matter of months, they could be getting additional oil. […]


Monday’s Mini-Report

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Today’s edition of quick hits. * I don’t think the war’s over: “Female suicide bombers attacked crowds in Baghdad and the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk on Monday morning as part of a series of four bombings that left at least 46 people dead and more than 200 wounded, security officials said. The first attacks […]


McCain campaign smears have a limited target audience: the media

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The McCain campaign has been pretty aggressive over the last few days, trying to manufacture a controversy about the Pentagon blocking Barack Obama’s access to wounded U.S. troops in Germany last week. First there was a disgusting TV ad, which was followed by a deceptive piece today in which the McCain campaign exploited a Black […]


McCain flips on affirmative action — or does he?

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In John McCain’s interview with George Stephanopoulos yesterday, McCain was asked about an issue that he rarely talks about. STEPHANOPOULOS: Opponents of affirmative action are trying to get a referendum on the ballot here that would do away with affirmative action. Do you support that? MCCAIN: Yes, I do. I do not believe in quotas. […]


Quite a fiscal legacy

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By one count, the president has publicly vowed to “solve problems, not pass them on to future presidents and future generations” upwards of 400 times. As the clock starts to run out on Bush’s presidency, we know, of course, that the opposite is true. Global warming, the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, a […]


Cheney forces ‘huge imposition’ on wounded combat veterans

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I shudder to think what the reaction might be if Barack Obama tried to pull a stunt like this one. Vice President Cheney’s invitation to address wounded combat veterans next month has been yanked because the group felt his security demands were Draconian and unreasonable. The veep had planned to speak to the Disabled American […]


McCain campaign exploits Black Hawk Down hero, continues dishonest smear

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In May 2007, John McCain took to the floor of the Senate to deliver remarks about the politicization of the military that, at the time, sounded eminently sensible. “How can we possibly find honor in using the fate of our servicemen to score political advantage in Washington?” McCain asked. “There is no pride to be […]


Justice Department: Bushies’ hiring practices broke the law

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Remember Monica Goodling, Kyle Sampson, and the team of Bushies who blatantly politicized the employment practices at the Justice Department? Including the selection of judges? In case there were any lingering doubts, the Bush gang’s conduct was apparently literally criminal. Former Justice Department counselor Monica M. Goodling and former chief of staff D. Kyle Sampson […]