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Polygamists don’t like Rick Santorum’s comparisons either

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The firestorm surrounding Sen. Rick Santorum’s (R-Pa.) comments equating homosexuality with polygamy, bigamy, and incest is continuing today, with all the predictable players making all the expected announcements.

Santorum still thinks he’s right, the religious right wants the GOP to do more to rally to his defense, and the left is still angry.

But thanks to an unintentionally funny AP article, brought to Carpetbagger’s attention by long-time friend Chief Osceola, there’s yet another group who wants to weigh in on the controversy: the polygamists.

You know that gay groups were irate when Santorum equated gay relations in the same context as polygamy. But apparently, the polygamists themselves aren’t crazy about being on the same moral plane as gays.

As the AP reported today, a leader of a polygamist sect in Utah is objecting to Santorum’s notorious comments because the Senator was making an unfair attack on men with multiple wives.

Owen Allred, 89, head of the United Apostolic Brethen, based in the Salt Lake City suburb of Bluffdale, said that he agreed with Santorum about the sanctity of marriage, but thinks the Senator is wrong to exclude polygamists from the definition of traditional families.

“He is absolutely right,” Allred said. “The people of the United States are doing whatever they can to do away with the sacred rights of marriage.” Allred just thinks his polygamist practices, which he said can trace its roots to biblical times, make his marriages to his wives just as traditional as Santorum’s marriage to his wife.

As of now, Santorum has not responded to the polygamists complaints.