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Republican keynote address to feature a noun, a verb, and 9/11

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When it comes to Democratic conventions , the party tends to look for keynote speakers who have a vision for the nation’s future — Barack Obama, Barbara Jordan, Ann Richards, and Mario Cuomo come to mind.

Republicans seem to prefer a different tack. Four years ago, the party picked Zell Miller for the gig. Eight years ago, the party didn’t have a keynote address at all. And this year, the Republican convention is going with Rudy Giuliani.

Giuliani was close to McCain before they faced off in the GOP primary and, after his disappointing third-place finish in Florida, the former New York mayor quickly threw his support to McCain.

Since then he’s been a frequent surrogate for McCain but has received no mention as a veep prospect. The keynote slot offers Giuliani, who is said to be considering a New York gubernatorial run in 2010, a high-profile opportunity to reestablish himself and tout McCain’s national security credentials.

It’s been a while, but it’s worth keeping in mind that Giuliani ran one of the more embarrassing presidential campaigns in recent memory and lost every contest in which he competed, usually by enormous margins. He invested millions and ended up without a single delegate.

The rationale behind giving Giuliani this high-profile slot is … well

, I’m not quite sure what the rationale is. Maybe the McCain gang decided they haven’t heard “9/11” and “stay on offense” quite enough.

Just to provide some additional context

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, though, Jonathan Stein raises an interesting point: “John Edwards cheated on his wife. The media found out about it. John Edwards will not be attending the Democratic convention. Rudy Giuliani used public funds to cheat on his wife and used city agencies to cover his tracks. The media found out about it. Rudy Giuliani will be delivering the keynote at the Republican convention.”

It is odd. Spitzer and Edwards get caught having affairs

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, and their careers are finished in Democratic politics. Giuliani and Gingrich get caught having affairs, and they remain high-profile Republicans in good standing. Hmm.


  • The reason why Rudy and Newt are still rubbing elbows with the GOP’s finest is because they represent “true” American nature in their eyes: scumbags that can get away with anything! The Dems know that’s not the way, and therefore leave their careers in embarassment for committing such a travesty.

    Of course, this is all just my opinion. 🙂

  • Because he is used to embarrasment and all the other repugs are too embarrased to show up at the convention. The man has no shame

  • Think of the conventions as the All Star break in the campaign season. Looks like the Republicans, beyond their wildest dreams, might have taken the lead by a game or game and a half, to continue this silly metaphor.

    Changes things, doesn’t it?

    Now our habit of calling “foul” from our high-minded perch becomes a keening of whines from a bunch of sore losers.

    I’m trying to absorb what it means if McCain has miraculously turned this thing around and become the front runner. It really would be one of the most stunning reversals in political history, and could have grave consequences in the Congressional races. Truman over Dewey in reverse, only ten weeks sooner, and in reverse.

    We have to be prepared for this. If confirmed by other polls, this result is going to be trumpeted by the media to an extent we haven’t seen yet. After all, it would be real news, wouldn’t it?

  • Republicans like bluster in their idols and leaders no matter how fallible their personal lives. Introspection and personal restraint are not admired qualities. Type A, selfish, narcissistic, domineering, extroverts need only apply. Sure, many of them are true assholes, but that is the mold they fit and rise in.

  • The Republican National Convention condensed version:
    “Prisoner of War”
    “Prisoner of war”
    “Secret Muslim former terrorist neighbor Obama not patriotic enough”
    “Prisoner of war
    “God Bless Ronald Reagan”
    “Prisoner of War. Bomb Iran”

  • Could someone please start running that wonderful condensed 2004 convention video? If we could get that into the MSM, it would put the 2008 coverage into a different light…

  • says:

    Apparently, the publics complete rejection of Guliani by huge numbers does not factor in with the narrow vision of the repukes party. He will undoubtedly mention family values with a straight face and it will go by unnoticed by the Publicans…the party of hypocrisy…the party that allowed 9/11 and whose supporters have profiteered immensely from the debacle…Gulianni to the tune of 100 of millions. Perhaps he will show up in a dress and announce he will be queen of America…it would be an improvement over his usual rhetoric.

    Isn’t he the person who profited most from 9/11…no wonder he references it so much…it made him a star and extremely wealthy…even got away with using government offices as a love nest. Was directly responsible for the communication disaster which killed so many firemen while calling himself a hero…What better hypocrite to address the Publican national convention than the best fear mongering bigot in the country…Rudy Guiliani.

    What a line up of disaster and the funny part is that they are too embarrassed by their leader for the past 8yrs to allow Bush to play a prominent public part. McCain wants to continue what they are too afraid to hold out to the public. Normally the president as leader of the party is a main focus but not this year…We want you to vote for a continuation of the policies of the most unpopular corrupt expensive president in History but just try not to focus on him. A criminal convention by cheats and thieves…welcome to the Publican marketplace.

  • Let’s not forget that Jerome Corsi did some choice “swift-boating” on John McCain for WorldNetDaily back in the primary season.

    So what would prevent our spreading these same “swift-boat” charges against McCain for once, and see how he reacts to same?

    Or is it that Mr. Corsi is of such questionable repute in the first place (especially the suggestion that he was caught trying to peddle kinderporn online in ’05, only to get off with a light sentence as avoided jail time)?

  • Hetero affairs are neccesssary for national security.
    Homo affairs don’t count after the religious re education program.

  • Two philanderers at the same convention, they can talk about the mistresses, about 911, and about being a POW.

  • Oh yes, 9/11. Yes, maybe we should forget that two planes flown by radical muslim extremist flew into the twin towers. Oh No, we don’t want to remember that. Let’s forget the attack on the U.S.S. Cole, let’s forget about the bombing of our embassies, let’s forget about the 93′ bombing of the WTC, let’s forget about passenger planes being shot down. Let’s just all pretend none of that ever happened and live in our own little utopia where puppy dogs and kitty cats coexist peacefully. Where we’re all shielded under the warm embrace of our savior Barack Obama. Let’s ignore that terroristic countries hate our guts and want to see America crumble. Ah yes, it’s true what they say, ignorance truly is bliss.

    You know, Republicans don’t have a copyright on 9/11. Dems can use that too, but the problem is that they don’t want to think that it can happen again and to me, that means they’ll let our guard down and crap like that will happen again. Who do you want as President if it were to happen again? A community organizer or a veteran with loads of political experience. Oh no, I just played the POW card.

  • Terroristic! LMAO!

    A veteran with loads of political experience! Like Kerry…but older? HAHAAHA!

  • OK people, just remember to go with something low in alcohol contest for the drinking games. If you down a shot of gagermeister every time you hear:
    My friends.
    Prisoner of War.

    You’ll be in ATO before the first bathroom related scandal.

    And you don’t want to miss that.

  • On the ‘affair’ question, the situations aren’t comparable — and while Gingrich may have ‘made a comeback’ he DID have to resign as Speaker of the House.

    Spitzer — who I originally regretted would not have the seniority to run for President this year and would have supported as of 2006 — came into office and showed himself to be an incredibly self-righteous, ‘nobler and more honest than thou’ prig and made tons of enemies at once. Then the ‘troopergate’ scandal came up. Then he was revealed as Client #9. His whole career crashed because his attitude was shown to be a sham. (Compare that to Giuliani, who never hid his affairs, never pretended to be a ‘spokesman for family values’ and never received criticism on them even from his numerous enemies in New york — except for some very conservative Republicans. Without equating being gay with adultery, it is the difference between Barney Frank, Tammy Baldwin, or even Jim Kolbe, and someone like David Drier, that Pennsylvania Congressman, or Larry Craig.)

    And Edwards career is over because of his stupidity in having an affair while running for President in this most crucial election in 75 years — and because the courage of Elizabeth Edwards had made her a hero and thus it seemed even worse. (His later lies simply shoveled more dirt on the coffin.

    McCain’s adultery will hurt him — as did Gingrich’s — because of the circumstances of ‘dumping a sick wife’ and the rest, and that, not the adultery is the problem. (Asking forgiveness for a mistake does — and should — work, or we’d be liable to attacks on Obama’s drug experimentation.)

  • Any transgression is okay if you’re a Republican.

    They have the key– never apologize or be ashamed of anything. Ever. Democrats have the grace and humility and conscience to realize when they’ve fucked up and act accordingly. Republicans have no grace, no shame, no humility, and no conscience. This reads as “strength” to Americans.

    When Democrats mess up and look ashamed, the media and the public pounce on them like tigers on a wounded gazelle. We really need to stop doing this. We let Republicans frame us, assassinate our character, drum us out of public life, when they blithely go about their hypocritical way.

    John Edwards never should have gone on a mea culpa binge. He should have treated the affair like it was nothing, admitted to it in passing, and moved on. Trying to cover up and being ashamed was the usual, weak-kneed Democratic way of doing things.

  • says:

    “It’s been a while, but it’s worth keeping in mind that Giuliani ran one of the more embarrassing presidential campaigns in recent memory and lost every contest in which he competed, usually by enormous margins. He invested millions and ended up without a single delegate.”

    This is flat-out wrong. Giuliani won a delegate in Nevada. Don’t make the mistake of underestimating him.

  • taritac:
    Are you a Republican ‘concern troll’ or just the biggest goddamned idiot that has posted here in a while. What John Edwards did could have been a knife in the hearts of our chances in one of the three most important elections in the history of the country. If Obama hadn’t emerged, he could have been our candidates, and we’d be thinking of President McCain right now — or President Hillary, much better but still not good.

    But more important, Democrats stand for things like honor and integrity, and when we find a Neil Gallagher, a Wm. Jefferson, or that Mayor of Detroit, we don’t let them hide behind their party membership — I can think of others we could go after, but they weren’t as blatant.

    Edwards wasn’t criticized by Republicans, but by US and rightly so. For what he did, when he did it, and the later lies that came out.

    We tried to be ‘like the Republicans’ (well, Republican-lite) in politics, and we got Dukakis, Kerry, the Clintons and the DLC. But we damn well never try to be like the Republicans ‘ethically,’ or we might as well post the famous Pogo line, or tattoo it on our chests:

    “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

  • I’m sure 9iu11ani will show up in drag and nobody will know it’s him, so he won’t embarrass anyone.

  • says:

    Well I think you all made are making a big mistake worrying about the key note adress…..the one you have to worry about is the speech where obamma concedes to McCain and thanks all his cool aide drinkers for trying….
    Bubba said that.♥

  • Prup (aka Jim Benton), I am neither an idiot nor a Republican troll. I am a Democrat who is expressing an opinion on an open forum. And even if these forums are open and anonymous, there is no reason for you to be nasty. Please get used to the idea that intelligent, sincere people may have ideas different than your own.