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‘The oil companies have placed their bet on Senator McCain’

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Yesterday, the Obama campaign unveiled its first “contrast” ad of the general election, highlighting the very generous support John McCain has enjoyed from Big Oil, and the lavish tax breaks McCain would extend to the oil industry. “After one president in the pocket of big oil, we can’t afford another,” the ad explained.

Today, we see the second “contrast” ad from the Obama campaign.

The voice over tells the viewer, “John McCain. He’s been in Washington for 26 years. And as gas prices soared and dependence on oil exploded, McCain was voting against alternative energy, against higher mileage standards.”

The ad continues, “Barack Obama — he’ll make energy independence an urgent national priority, raise mileage standards, fast-track technology for alternative fuels. A thousand dollar tax cut to help families as we break the grip of foreign oil. A real plan, and new energy.” The ad ends of course, with the obligatory, “I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message.”

Not bad. The spot tries to do a few things at the same time — highlight McCain’s awful voting record on energy issues, remind the audience that McCain is just another cog in a broken-down DC machine, and argue that Obama offers a superior alternative. Use of the phrase “new energy” has subtle meanings — Obama’s policy will offer new energy alternatives, and Obama himself will offer new energy as compared to the guy who’s been part of a failed Washington system for a quarter of a century.

I preferred the first ad, because it explained why McCain is so awful on energy policy (he’s in Big Oil’s back pocket), but this one’s not bad.

That said, it’s apparently part of a broader offensive on the issue.

After not having any negative/contrast ads, the Obama campaign has unveiled two in two days, both on energy policy.

Just as importantly, Obama delivered an aggressive anti-McCain message in Michigan yesterday, and will hammer McCain again today in Ohio.

“Unfortunately, in this election, Senator McCain has proposed an energy plan that’s nothing but four years more of the same.

“He’s offering a plan with no significant investments in alternative energy. He’s offering a gas tax holiday that will pad oil company profits and save you – at best – half a tank of gas over the course of an entire summer. And he’s offering $4 billion more in tax breaks to the biggest oil companies in America – including $1.2 billion to Exxon-Mobil, a company that just recorded the largest profit in the history of the United States. A company that, last quarter, made the same amount of money in 30 seconds that a typical Ohio worker makes in a year. All while here in Ohio, you’re paying nearly $3.70 a gallon for gas – two and a half times what it cost when President Bush took office. Senator McCain not only wants oil companies to keep every dime of that money, he wants to give them more. Well, I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that’s the change we need…

“And while Senator McCain’s plan won’t save you at the pump anytime soon, it sure has done a lot to raise campaign dollars. Senator McCain raised more than one million dollars from the oil industry just last month, most of which came after he announced his plan for offshore drilling to a room full of cheering oil executives.

“So to sum up, under Senator McCain’s plan, the oil companies get billions more, we don’t pay any less at the pump, and we stay in the same cycle of dependence on oil that got us into this crisis. The oil companies have placed their bet on Senator McCain, and if he wins, they will continue to cash in while our families and our economy suffer and our future is put in jeopardy.

“That’s the choice we face in this election. We can choose four years more of the same failed policies that have gotten us where we are. Four years more of oil companies calling the shots while hard working families are struggling. That’s what Senator McCain is offering.

“Or we can choose a new, clean energy future that gets us where we need to be. We can make a different bet – a bet on the ingenuity, industry and determination of the American people. That’s what I’m offering.

“Because after one president in the pocket of the oil companies – we can’t afford another. For the sake of our economy, our security, and the future of our planet, we must end the age of oil in our time…”

“We all know that this is the great challenge of our time. If we fail to act, there the implications will be grave for our economy, for our security, for our planet.

“But if we seize this moment, and meet the challenge, we can open to door to a new economy for the 21st century that will bring new energy, new jobs and new hope to Youngstown and communities across Ohio and this nation…”

Sounds good to me.


  • pwnage! Good, on the issue, no fluff, makes negative appear negative and not as petty reprise like McCain’s ads…

  • Yet nothing of the oil depletion allowance subsidy the encourages they use of oil while giving the oil companies even greater profits? Unless that is included in the more of the same rhetoric.

    I really meant just oil company subsidies, the depletion allowance is no longer operative (I was just talking about it recently and it was on my mind). We just subsidize them in new and better ways.

  • How about a cartoon ad where McCain illustrates his policies in action. Number one is McCain’s automobile with nearly flat tires, dripping oil. McCain is standing beside the car demanding that we drill for oil, “right here, right now.”

    Obama, who is running a super clean gas station/tune-up shop, is trying to pump more air into the tires as McCain yells at him to back off, that he doesn’t know what he is doing…

  • Nobody will pay attention to the 4 billion dollar oil company giveaway when Grandpa Simpson shows them his tire gauge.

    Another good cartoon would be showing McCain with oil execs filling his pockets with money as he winks at them and tells them the 4 billion is on the way.

  • How about yet another cartoon showing the oil company master cracking a whip and the republicans in congress, in the form of greedy fat pigs all scrambling to oink into the microphone for congress to be in special session to drill for their masters

  • When Ithink of McCain, I think of the elderly people who lost their life savings thanks to Keating and the Keating 5, of which McCain was one. I think of the McCain who became a pilot despite his graduating fifth from the bottom of his class, thanks to his Admiral daddy. I think of the McCain who divorced his wife who faithfully waited for him because he found a rich Barbie doll. Yes, he was a POW, and he deserves consideration for that. But, that situation does not excuse him from criticism, unless he is The One. And, if he believes he is, then, he should just say so.

  • My ad idea: Just show McCain hugging all over Bush, and show a caption with the combined total money they have both been given by the oil majors.

    George and john, the Big Oil Buddies.

  • OBAMA: “…after he announced his plan for offshore drilling to a room full of cheering oil executives…”

    Nice. Now if only Obama supporters lucky enough to go on TV repeat ad nauseam the same imagery, just like the GOP is doing the tire gauge.

    Kerry: “McCain – room full of cheering oil executives”
    Biden: “McCain – room full of cheering oil executives”
    Dodd: “McCain – room full of cheering oil executives”
    Clark: “McCain – room full of cheering oil executives”
    Webb: “McCain – room full of cheering oil executives”
    Edwards: “McCain – room full of cheering oil executives”
    Hillary: “McCain – room full of cheering oil executives”

    and so on.

  • Let’s hope these new ads start getting some serious rotation.

    Here in Colorado, I can’t go a day without seeing the “Celebrity” add at least a couple of times each night. But the Obama ads have seemed few and VERY far between.

    Obama is definitely loosing the narrative battle here in CO. Regardless of whether people agree with the McCain nonsense or not, it’s gone unchallenged on the airwaves basically since its inception.

    That’s not good.

  • I agree with everything Obama said, but how can it be pared down to a ten second sound bite? For someone who wants us to be innovative and future oriented, he seems curiously stuck in biblical length responses. His speeches are designed to be read – great if you read newspapers and don’t get your news from tv. Maybe his vp choice will be able to deliver zingers.

  • Enemies of America would like nothing better than for us to have a bunch of inept politicians, like Obama, Pelosi and Reid, pushing us to squander our strategic oil reserves … so that if they close the straights of Hormuz, we wouldn’t have any emergency oil to use. Are these the kind of leaders you want to protect us, and keep America strong? The liberal’s idea of globalization only works when the countries they are pandering to either meet us half way, or abandon their goals to destroy us. In additionl, we don’t even know if the ‘other things’ that are supposed to bring us alternative energy will be cost effective, or even work. However, I agree that we must move forward with development of alternative energy ASAP … but, in the meantime, this entire country runs on oil. And, I’m not just talking about us consumers at the pump, I’m talking about how everything we use, eat, wear, etc. … how it all gets to market, and eventually to us. We have to drill more, if even as a transition until alternate fuels are developed, But, aside from the cost at the pump for consumers, the bigger issue still is our national security. Drilling oil on our own land insures us energy independence, which will stop us from total dependence on countries who don’t like us … and from countries we’ve been sending tens of billions of dollars to every year. We must drill ASAP. The politicians who tell you different are simply placing petty party politics above the prosperity and security of America. Obama’s policies are just one example of what can happen when a bunch of inexperienced, but exuberant followers blindly follow an inexperienced, incompetent charismatic leader, who thinks he’s the second coming, off the cliff. Hunger is not enough of a justification to eat the goose that lays the golden eggs … or, eventually everyone will starve. If Obama, with his socialistic redistribution of wealth scams wins, America will turn into a third world country, with massive company closures and unemployment, within a few years.
    Elect a man who truly loves America, and will protect her … elect Senator John McCain in November.

  • “John McCain sucks. Barack Obama, on the other hand, will give you a thousand bucks.”
    I approve this message.

  • says:

    Ordinarily when something like ‘Howard’ pops up, I’d say ‘Better trolls, please’.

    In this case, I thingk “Better perl scripts, please.” would be more to the point.

  • Howard is scared by the Cold War era monsters in the closet and under the bed. Can’t decide if we need the scary much or the uber patriotic Wagner-esq music to go with the campaign commercial.

    Sure energy independence is good for the US and means we would be less dependent on other countries but not for a single freakin’ second do I believe that the US has enough untapped oil to make us and keep us energy independent. I also don’t believe if we start drilling now that it would help us in the short term (which is what many people need and want). This is a typical false scare tactic drummed up for Republicans to bash people of the head with in the hopes no one will notice that they have no new ideas.

    I grew up in Louisiana and the oil bust hit the state and New Orleans hard. Gov. Edwards idea to help the state economy was for a lottery and legalized gambling. Full stop. I don’t remember that he any other ideas. Typical – looking for the “easy,” quick fixes that keep people from dealing with the systemic issues. The Republican take on this issue reminds of Eddy Edwards.

  • I grew up in Louisiana and the oil bust hit the state and New Orleans hard. Gov. Edwards idea to help the state economy was for a lottery and legalized gambling. Full stop. I don’t remember that he any other ideas. Typical – looking for the “easy,” quick fixes that keep people from dealing with the systemic issues. The Republican take on this issue reminds of Eddy Edwards.

    No the Louisiana Lottery and Gambling industry originated during the Buddy Roemer governorship when he took office after Edwards. At the time Roemer was still a Dem.

  • I have mixed feelings about this ad campaign. It is exploiting the emotional tension that we all feel about petroleum consumption and pricing. It also seems like an attempt to shift blame on a particular party or constituency when all of us have enjoyed the benefits of petroleum products (which is not limited to transportation).

    Obama and McCain both have good and bad ideas in their energy policies. Drilling is generally cleaner and greener than before, and in some places (like the Gulf of Mexico) we see more environmental damage from farming than drilling. Since we are in the intersection of supply v. demand, we must consider drilling where it makes sense. Perhaps Obama should find a compromise where we open drilling in new places (where appropriate) and revoke exploration leases that are currently not appropriate for drilling.

    Right now we all contribute to Big Oil’s banks, but we have also benefited from the economic engine provided by Big Oil. It doesn’t seem like a big deal that they would contribute to McCain’s campaign. I suspect Obama is doing quite well from medical/insurance groups that really, really like the idea of mandating health insurance for (nearly) everybody. Attacking McCain for his source of contributions opens the door for the same type of attacks. They end up nullifying each other since Americans are currently paying a good portion of their paychecks to Big Oil and Big Medicine.

  • #15 Howard: “We must drill ASAP”

    Sure, fine with me. In fact I order McCain’s oil buddies to drill immediately instead of sitting on 75% of the American land already leased to them without doing a thing.

    So Howard, the Democrats say in unison, “Go ahead and drill, but do it immediately.”

  • I have enjoyed Obama’s tactics so far in regards to the Energy and how he ties the current cabal in with Big Oil.

    I’ve mentioned it here before and think it deserves mentioning again.

    I would like to see Obama commend Exxon Mobil for allocating 1% of their Record Breaking profits from last quarter to research and development. This amounts to about $130 million which isn’t chump change, and potentially adds up to almost a half billion dollars for the year.

    Obama can ask that given the crisis, they could probably donate more towards research in alternative energies.

    OBAMA needs to make a proposal where:

    Big Oil needs to pool their Research and Development money allocated to finding better alternatives to oil AND have an independent agency be responsible for the oversight Because how do you expect Big Oil to look for alternatives that could potentially put them out of business? That money needs to be awarded as grants to researchers and companies who are on the forefront of innovation when it comes to energy conservation and new energy sources.

    Obviously Big Oil should not be a recipient either. They’d probably scuttle any promising technologies that may threaten their existence.

    It is something to think about. What are your thoughts?

  • dfx @20 said:…

    You’re trying to be very even handed in placing blame with both campaigns. I have to give that one to you. However. Obama is exactly been doing, what you’re suggesting.

    Do you have any compromises from the McCain campaign? Flip-flops for expediency do not count, nor do after-the-fact corrections when he’s proven wrong.

  • By the way,
    Does Mccain require the big oil companies to sell this new oil drilled for to be sold only to the US market? Or can they sell it to China also?

    If the big oil drillers can sell to China at $5.00 per gallon, how can we force them to sell it in the US at $1.75.

    Does anybody know?

  • dfx – Edwards touted it – no one was crazy enough to go for it at least while he was gov. And Romer was a Democratic but changed parties in 1991.