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Your tax dollars at work

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Pulling together much of what we’ve already heard, the AP reported over the weekend on Bush’s Social Security “war room.”

A new Social Security war room inside the Treasury Department is pumping out information to sell President Bush’s plan, much like any political campaign might do. It’s part of a coordinated effort by the Bush administration.

As near as I can tell, there are at least four irritating problems with the White House’s newest toy.

One, they’re spending our money on this little adventure. As the AP put it, the Social Security “war room” is an “internal, taxpayer-funded” initiative, churning out propaganda, and staffed by veterans of the Bush-Cheney campaign or the Republican National Committee.

Two, as Atrios noted, this sure sounds illegal. Indeed, the Bush gang has used public funds to generate propaganda more than a few times now, and in each instance, non-partisan investigations have indicated that they’re playing fast and loose with legal restrictions.

Three, when Harry Reid created a “war room” for Senate Dems and the Republicans were beside themselves with indignation. Apparently, they’re the only ones who get to create these projects.

And, finally, as Billmon reminds us, there’s Dick Cheney’s promise that Bush’s presidency would bring about the end of war rooms.

“The days of the so-called war room and the permanent campaign are over. This president and this administration are going to change the tone in the city of Washington.”

I guess that’s one of those Bush promises that’s no longer “operative.”